How are you perceived because of age?


How are you perceived or treated based on your age OR the age you seem to be?

What are positive or negative assumptions people make about you because of your age?

Do you ever wish you could be younger or older? Why?
How are you perceived or treated based on your age OR the age you seem to be?

What are positive or negative assumptions people make about you because of your age?

Do you ever wish you could be younger or older? Why?

i was just having a talk with someone about how it'd be fun to relive my teenage years (but thinking more about it i probably wouldn't- they were quite challenging to say the least :/) he was saying how he wouldn't live them over (and his experiences were better than mine)

anyway i guess i'm treated as more mature than i was just a few years ago, though i feel i've changed that much.

(i'll write more on this later, kinda tired now)
Certain people tend to discredit my ideas and/or thoughts because of my age. I am supposedly not old enough or had enough "life experience" to have solid conclusions about this or that. I'm pretty sure I've packed a lot in the relatively few years I've had, and while I may not be old and wise, I generally know what I'm talking about.

I'm pretty happy with the age I am right now. I wouldn't want to be any older or younger.
It depends the social circle, at work I'm wiser than my years, as well as at school. At home? I'm a fool. I wish I could be younger and re-do my life... But I need my freedom.
A lot of people are surprised when I tell them my age, especially my peers in school. They treat me with a reverence of how you would treat a 35 year old. However, in my science classes the enthusiasm I show, makes people think that I skipped a few grades. Because of my intelligence and politeness, most older sdults never hesitate to listen to what I have to say, even though I may not necessarily be as wise as they are.

My parents, on the other hand, treat me like I'm 14. It can get really annoying sometimes, but I think it's more that they don't want to accept the fact that I've grown up and can think for myself
These kind of questions kinda confuse me because my INFJness makes me unapproachable and so I've generally no idea how OTHERS perceive me (other than as unapproachable.) That said, people do guess my age wrong... I routely get 25-26, which I suppose I should feel good about at my 33 aeons of age.
At 48, I routinely get the nod from others for my supposed wisdom gained through age ... particularly from my management. I don't consider myself any wiser than the next person though, although I can say that I have experienced a lot. I usually hang with a group that is about 10 years younger than me, as I am in a somewhat youngish profession (software). I'm usually considered the most mature of my group, but I think that is more due to my reserved demeanor rather than my age.

I'd like to be in my early 30s again. My teens and 20's were full of physical and mental hardships that I would not care to repeat. The 30's were a nice balance of maturity and youth. I seem to connect well with people in their 30's so that might be my true age. I don't have a lot of friends my age ... most are younger. I spend a lot of time online and the demographic there is younger. My profession tends to be age discriminatory as well, and I am wondering when I will run up against that. There is the industry assumption that older people are out of touch with technology. I don't buy that in my case ... or perhaps in the case of NTs who often quest for technical knowledge.
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They treat me with a reverence of how you would treat a 35 year old...

Hey, where’s my reverence? I want my reverence!

Seriously, I know I don’t look my age so I adjust my expectations in this regard.

I’m in upper management and I know for some respect isn’t immediate because I appear to be so young. But in truth it doesn’t take long for most to accept my position. And those that have trouble usually just have their own issues. It really isn’t about me.

If I’m honest I’ll admit that I secretly enjoy being invisible to some of the newbies. And that moment when they realize who I am can really be fun. Then they always seem to need to have a conversation, hoping to leave me with a better impression because they hadn’t been on their best behavior before. At this point, depending on the person, I’ll let them off the hook. Some need to squirm for a little while though; it’s healthy for our relationship. :wink:

And no, I don’t wish to be a different age. But sometimes I do wish for time to slow down.
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A lot of people are surprised when I tell them my age, especially my peers in school. They treat me with a reverence of how you would treat a 35 year old. However, in my science classes the enthusiasm I show, makes people think that I skipped a few grades. Because of my intelligence and politeness, most older sdults never hesitate to listen to what I have to say, even though I may not necessarily be as wise as they are.

My parents, on the other hand, treat me like I'm 14. It can get really annoying sometimes, but I think it's more that they don't want to accept the fact that I've grown up and can think for myself

I'll totally go ape shit on them if you wish.
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How are you perceived or treated based on your age OR the age you seem to be?
What are positive or negative assumptions people make about you because of your age?
Do you ever wish you could be younger or older? Why?

I believe that I am treated correctly by most people when It comes to my age, however it bothers me to a large extent how I have peer pressure on me from society to act like any other 20 year old. Which I presume that means move out, date, go to university, get a job and get smashed at parties. All I have to say to society is, "Young and Dumb? Yeah right." That's pretty much all I get as far as the negative aspect goes.
Otherwise besides that I am somewhat content with the age I am, although I wish I was older so I could get this pathetic life of mine over and done with and not have to deal with the human race anymore.
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How are you perceived or treated based on your age OR the age you seem to be?

I'm not sure but I think I may be treated differently at work because of my age. I'm the youngest person in my office, most of my coworkers are 10-20 years older than me. I have a lot of ideas that I don't think are seriously considered, and I'm the only department head not included in manager meetings. I think this may have to do with age because I used to have a few coworkers closer to my age who were treated in a similar way.

What are positive or negative assumptions people make about you because of your age?

People usually assume I'm younger than I am when I'm at my 2nd job in retail, and make comments about "when you grow up" or "when you get a real job" that I find a little insulting. I try to just take it as a compliment that I look younger than I am.

Do you ever wish you could be younger or older? Why?

I do think I'm young for my age, and I guess I wish I could be physically younger to match.
1. People tend to treat me with respect now, whereas when I was young people treated me like an idiot.

2. People tend to assume I'm mature. I'm more mature than I was when I was young, but I act less mature because I'm more outgoing.

3. I'm happy being 30 although I have noticed that there are certain things I can no longer do with my body. Getting drunk is one thing, when I was younger I could be a really happy, sentimental drunk. Now I get mean and irritable, which is why I don't do it anymore. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life, so that's a plus.
Many, many people think I'm at least 5 years younger than I actually am. It's not my behavior that belies my age but my physical appearance.

I look like guy in my early twenties so people assume I'm still in school or they're suprised when I say something they wouldn't expect someone 'so young' to say. I think it will have its advantages later when I'm in my mid to late thirties and I look like I'm still in my twenties but on the whole, unless you know me, I don't think you're going to regard me with a high degree of seriousness.

Right now I'm growing my hair out and keeping my facial hair shaved. That plus a backwards cap makes me look like a high schooler. Or so one of my close friends told me on Sunday.
I sometimes feel like I was built to be an old man; like Jerry Seinfeld, I think senility will be a really easy transition for me, hehe.