Has Anyone Else Been Told They Are Very Logical? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Has Anyone Else Been Told They Are Very Logical?

INFJ's are often logical. Problems just arise due to what our logic is based upon. We tend to base it upon Se experiences which are inputted into our cognitive processes as fact. The problem is they are just one instance of fact and yet we'll use the limited inputs to deduce great truths and insights into the workings of all things.

Illogical induction is one of my major pet peeves when dealing with (some) Ni users.
Well hey... it either results in a new worldwide religion or the holocaust. Illogical induction is one of the creative forces driving mankind forward. :)
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when I saw him a few days later I was like "hey! I have your sweater in my locker!" and after I gave it to him he was all "can we talk?" and made me go outside so we could private-talk and he could inform me that he didn't want to be in a relationship at this point in his life, and I was like "great! me neither!" and he just kept rejecting me. It was very surreal. Eventually I was just told him I had to catch my bus, and left.

maybe he was offended that he didn't break my heart?
Hahaha sounds like you hurt his ego. He expected you to be all torn up by the fact that he rejected you so he could feel all special and important and it didn't work.

Pretty much what I figured. :p People are so funny.
Sometimes I surprise myself and make really logical observations that everyone else seems to miss. But no, I'm not know for logic.
I value logic highly and get pissed off when others don't.
Emotions have nothing to do with your type. If you say you aren't emotional you are saying you aren't human. We all have emotions. T types can be quite emotional, F types can be quite rational.

What your type indicates is how you perceive (S vs. N) the world and how you make your decisions (T vs. F) based on those perceptions.

Your T vs.F axis is determined by how you make your decisions. Are they based on values (notice: NOT emotions) or are they based on logic (or conceptual validation)?

If we are to take the common definition of things, and you are told that you are being logical, that means that you make your decisions objectively with no consideration of your or people's values. Your decision is purely "objective".

Keep in mind, that just because you can reason something out using "logical" methods doesn't mean you are a T type. And just because you can justify something using values, doesn't mean you are an F type. F vs. T are decision making processes.

Ti is an internal function yes, but that doesn't mean it is not to be seen. To repeat, it makes "objective" decisions but based on an internal framework of logic, and not external (as opposed to Te). It means you disregard what the outer world thinks is valid, because you are refining the concept internally and purely from your own logical point of view.

If you make a decision based on that, then it will be seen.

Hope that clears up things, if you have any questions about what I just explained don't hesitate to ask.
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I guess i just kind of missed the bus with this whole Fe thing.
Surprisingly no, although I certainly am, I think I do a good job of masking my biting cold logic with enough emotional foreplay that people think I make emotional decisions, truth be told though I am always crunching the numbers and making sure I get mine.
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Just because Spock from Star Trek was logical, yet had no feelings, doesn't mean a logical person can't have both.
Logically speaking, what's the point of "winning arguments"? Just to be right? Yes, I argue just to be right, but that's only with people who I put myself on the same level as me. Arguing is a way to get myself and another person to grow. If the person is clearly not as smart, or set in their ways, it's usually best to let them think what they want to think if it's not bothering me none. This is usually one on one situations. In front of a group, I'll usually present the facts and once they start arguing and get pissed off the whole group will see they are out of control, and can't control their emotions. If you win the logical battle and the emotional battle, you dominate the argument.
Has anyone else had people say that you were super logical when you have an F function? Could it even be logic or just the aura of sounding smart and saying seemingly logic things? Or, are people just insanely stupid about other people's emotions.

I've always been called logical and have always considered myself to be so and have always taken it as a compliment. I was raised in a family of very practical people and was pretty repressed in my emotions until I went to college.

During college I tested as an INTP which, 10 years later, seems ridiculous but I can see why. My true INFJ intuition allows me to see things from all sides and, especially in emotional matters for others, I'm often able to come to a seemingly logical conclusion pretty fast. I have an easy time with theories and like the "what-if" aspect of science so I used to think this meant I was more of a Thinker than a Feeler. Ha - if I'd only known! ;) In regards to my erroneous "P", my mom is a very strong J but to the point where she's so organized she is able to drop everything and efficiently change plans as needed, giving the illusion of flexible spontaneity. I take after her in this way but back then I thought it meant I WAS spontaneous. When I compared myself to my family I thought I was sloppy but once I got out into the world I realized how warped that view was when I saw how strong my J is compared to most others.

The OP makes an interesting point about how perhaps we just SOUND smart and maybe most other people really aren't that emotionally acute. I'd never thought of this before but, not to put some other types down, I agree. I think its our iNtuition that gives us that edge, the ability to recognize higher concepts before S-types have a chance to discover those same concepts with their hard-logic. By the time they catch up to us, we're on to something else and if we also use our INFJ skills to read their personality well and (consciously or not) 'stroke their ego', I find I can often come off as "pretty smart" (YMMV, in various establishments of education I've been tested as statistically "smart", and you can't stroke a test's ego :wink:).

As for emotions I've only begun to learn about that aspect in comparison to others. I've spent 30 years thinking there was something WRONG with me, that I was overly emotional! Now I know I'm just uncommon, like most of y'all. :D While I often feel mired in my own emotions, finding them to be a nebulous tangle, I have a very easy time cutting through the emotions of others. Some people find that helpful and others are turned off/frightened by this.

Sometimes this ability is a bizarre duality - like I feel very LOGICAL about the emotions of others but can't apply any logic to my own emotions. Anyone else have this problem?:noidea:
Yeah, sometimes i feel very logical about emotions. I seem to get this way sometimes and this is why i am called logical or Mr. Practical.

The difference happens when i have conversations with my friends about random things. I get very passionate about certain subjects and i tend to get worked up over these things but my friends took some logic classes in high school so all they use is logic all the time. What happens is I get in the heat of the moment and make a generalization and then they take the academic high ground and say "That's fallacious" in a condescending manner. Man do these people have it in for them when they leave college for the real world. There are actually people out there that don't worship logic like these people do and they think they are god's hot shit for using logic in every damn situation. Can you tell they piss me off from time to time.

Just know that I am not directing my comments at anyone here but I also hate it when you are in a conversation that is very heated and people take the moral, logical high ground by ending a great debate with "everybody is entitled to their own opinion". This is true but at the beginning of the conversation. This is like starting a fight with your friend after he sleeps with your sister and in the middle of it saying "Um, well everyone is entitled to bang who they want so there". That's a wimp, not a logical person. I am not confrontational like most infj's but if the shit hits the fan, the rules go out the door.

I'm done. I would like to thank the academy and my fellow forum members for listening to my stupid and insignificant opinions on the matter.
Emotion provides the lubricant for logic. Without emotion, we'd often be unable to reach a conclusion. Emotion provides the energy, desire, and force behind a solid decision. Spock was such a freak.
Being called logical just means people think your actions are governed by reason more than emotion.

It's a compliment.
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I've never been called this, and I kinda like that. I like that I can listen to my feelings to find an answer (is that what Fi is?), because honestly, that's way easier. Although I often make bad decisions.
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My mom keeps telling me this and it kinda pisses me off because it sounds as if i have very little emotion in matters. I guess it could be that my Ti is coming through really strongly be that kinda doesn't make much sense since that is an internal function, obviously, and isn't seen too much on the outside.

The funny thing is that i have really considered myself to have a fairly strong Fe mainly because i get worked up a lot when arguing. Like at school, i will get into arguments with my friends about politics or some other matter that is extremely insignificant and usually lose to their logic but end up winning the argument based on my stubbornness or come away with a compromise by poking just enough holes in their arguments. Just as soon as i know i might lose to logic, i get super frustrated and everyone tells me to calm down yet tells me i am logical at the same time.

Has anyone else had people say that you were super logical when you have an F function? Could it even be logic or just the aura of sounding smart and saying seemingly logic things? Or, are people just insanely stupid about other people's emotions.

Go forth and debate.

I have been told this as well as being told I'm very practical. Logical and practical seem to be tied together often.

Two things I have noticed is: I'm really good at logic because I can see the big picture and make connections. Something that INFJ's are good at. The other thing is that I tend to overcompensate with logic when making decisions because I know my emotions can get out of hand easily and cause me to make the wrong decisions.
I've been told that I always think several steps in advance. It makes me really good at Madden.

This one time I was smoking some dank and playing Madden 10' with my cousin. And he picked his play hella quick. I was sitting there hella stoned and I was like "two plays ago I picked this, last play I picked this, he has been picking this defense lately, he thinks that I think he is going to pick the same defense, so he is gonna pick a different defense, so if I pick this play I will get a big play"

While I was thinking all of this he said out loud "you hella think in depth like hella in advance". That play I threw a 70 yard TD. BEAST MODE!!!

I think all INFJ's should give Madden a shot. Our IN side hella makes us good at that game.

I don't know if this has anything to do with "logical" thinking but I think its an awesome story.