Good old fashioned positive self affirmation?

It's a full time job being this awesome, ol' chum. I can't imagine what else you mean by "amongst other things." is a full time job! I dont think robin knows what he has gotten himself into!

I imagine, but I am not sure I like what i see...
Ambitious, Intelligent, Accepting. (epic is implied)
-The best at everything
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Anyone else having a hard time with this question? I want to say something but then I think "that's not really true" or that's not enough, or if you say something you like about yourself you might unconsciously be limiting yourself to those parameters, which I wholeheartedly do NOT want to do, and then I think it's better to say something general like "well at least I'm alive" but that's a bit of a cop out, so maybe it's better to say nothing at all! lol, or some rambling nonsense like this :m100:
Anyone else having a hard time with this question? I want to say something but then I think "that's not really true" or that's not enough, or if you say something you like about yourself you might unconsciously be limiting yourself to those parameters, which I wholeheartedly do NOT want to do, and then I think it's better to say something general like "well at least I'm alive" but that's a bit of a cop out, so maybe it's better to say nothing at all! lol, or some rambling nonsense like this :m100:
I find with Restraint, its best just to answer her questions.

But yes its difficult...I derived mine from things others have said...or I would have never answered

May you are reflective, intelligent, and wise.
I'm no good at threads like these, I'm a terrible self promoter. I think I will have to agree with May.
Anyone else having a hard time with this question? I want to say something but then I think "that's not really true" or that's not enough, or if you say something you like about yourself you might unconsciously be limiting yourself to those parameters, which I wholeheartedly do NOT want to do, and then I think it's better to say something general like "well at least I'm alive" but that's a bit of a cop out, so maybe it's better to say nothing at all! lol, or some rambling nonsense like this :m100:


May you are reflective, intelligent, and wise.

yes. :)
I care deeply about people

I feel that life is beautiful

I sing sweetly sometimes
I'm no good at threads like these, I'm a terrible self promoter. I think I will have to agree with May.

From this, I deduce that you are

1.) Good at other kinds of threads, and discerning
2.) Modest/and or a great promoter of others
3.) Agreeable and affirming of others

1. I do awesome karate moves (that I'm not limber enough to do) and make my own sound effects for them when nobody's around.

2. I can go to the bathroom all by myself.

3. I can do an excellent 80's freeze-frame thumbs-up pose.
Hands always warm. Fav substance: water. Never dizzy in rollercoasters.
From this, I deduce that you are

1.) Good at other kinds of threads, and discerning
2.) Modest/and or a great promoter of others
3.) Agreeable and affirming of others


um.... uh.... Thanks.
Good old fashioned self affirmation

You forgot to mention that you're a storyteller that specializes in making understatements, I see. You look fantastic!

Awww, t'anks, TDHT *blushes*
Keep em coming . . . :m182:
Restraint, you and Enty are pretty epic with how you use those monkeys. I hunt around and still can never find the right one.

Anyway I really want to use this one. :m200:
Restraint, you and Enty are pretty epic with how you use those monkeys. I hunt around and still can never find the right one.

Anyway I really want to use this one. :m200:
