Good old fashioned positive self affirmation?

Good old fashioned self affirmation

Well, I hate to post more, but Restraint said to keep 'em comin' and no one else seems to be stepping up to the plate, so...

I'm tough as nails,

I'm willing to try almost anything (adventurous).

I'm good at helping people deal with the curve balls life throws at them (at least I think I'm helpful).
I'm good at helping people deal with the curve balls life throws at them (at least I think I'm helpful).

You "think"? :m052:
Good old fashioned self affirmation

You "think"? :m052:

I guess this is one of those areas where I'm not sure how competent I really am. Sometimes I can tell what I did or said really helped; other times not so much. So this doesn't count as an affirmation, or what?
I'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me.

Ha, just kidding. I'm only good at three things and two of those are debatable. But I'm a snazzy dresser and can make excellent drinks. Pretty much the extent of my usefulness.
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I'm enthusiastic about facing the challenges of life

I have the flexibility to adapt to the changes those challenges bring

I know that even if I fail from time to time, I have the wisdom know that failing from time to time is part of the journey of succeeding.
So, list three things you like about you.

For example ;)
I'm hot, superfine, and wildly mysterious. :mhula:


I like that I'm curious, perceptive, and creative

Hey, have fun with it!!!

hmmm. haven't done this before. will have to think about this one.
Restraint, you and Enty are pretty epic with how you use those monkeys. I hunt around and still can never find the right one.

Anyway I really want to use this one. :m200:

:mf: hehe! we loves the monkeys!

I did at least one thing that no one else managed to do.
I'm optimistic about things even in my darkest hours.
And I'm lady in control. :P

This was all but modest from my part. :P