I have alot of friends actually. However, there are olny a few who I will never let go of. One of them I concider my best friend (she is an ISTP), we understand each other on so many levels, have pretty much the same set of morals, outlook on life, and belifs about this world of ours. We can share anything with each other without hesitation. The OLNY issue with out friendship is we tend not to speak when we are upset with one another, although this is rare (because she has a low Fi, and mine is high. I feel like I will hurt her feelings and over think it, and she assumes I will just see it and respond, when I usually ignore it).
I have about 3 others who I will never let go of either, but they are not as close as the first, mostly because there are some areas where we never see eye to eye with. Although we do have ALOT of fun with each other. (types: ENFP, ESFP, ENFJ)
The rest are just many many people I know and mostly get along with, but I could never form a true close connection with. But we still have fun when we are with each other. I have this nasty habit of being well known by like... everyone, so I invaraibally get along of friends. In highschool, my graduating class had 800+ people in it. And somehow, everyone knew who I was. I came to realise this in talking to my group of friends, who, to make a long story short, kept saying "so and so knows you", and my teacher jumped in and started namimg people who knew who I was. It just happens like that. Alot of it has to do with I seem very extroverted in certain situations. All of this combined explains to me now why nearly
all of the ENFP's in my school did flying leaps at me
