Feelings about dying

How do you feel about the moment of death?

  • Curious, I'm looking forward to the experience

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Meh, shrugs, it'll happen, I tend not to think about it

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • I feel secure about it

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • A little uneasy but I think it'll be okay

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Uneasy, uncomfortable, or anxious

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Frightened

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters


life is good
How do you feel about death, does it scare you? Not the possibility of pain right before you die or a frightful way of dying, but the actual moment of transition or the moment of being extinguished from existence. That very moment when the plug that keeps you alive gets pulled. What do you think?
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Indeed, if such fear would not have crossed my mind I do not think I would be human, I think in the end we all fear or have feared death, just that some people have learned to live with it and accepted as a process of life and others are still horribly afraid of such moment, in my personal case, i still fear death since I don't know what really happens afterwords, that feeling of uncertainty really bothers me at times and it leaves me reflecting quite often, I been trying to extinguish such feeling but it is still present there.
Interesting way of putting it haha.

I think what I'm most afraid of is leaving my family and friends. I think whatever is 'on the other side' is beyond human imagination, but I usually just pretend it's something simple and cool, like I get to choose my own reality and live a life on Earth again.

Usually it involves the supernatural and me being some sort of god...something not too egocentric like that.
The way how I see life and death is almost like a writer, writing a book.

I just hope the ending is good.
Me, being a follower in the Christian faith, I trust my life to god and that god will see to it. I don't worry about death.

I have talked to people that have experienced NDE (near death experience)

What they told me was that it felt like they were being seperated from their body (OBE) and that they were being pulled into a tunnel of light.

Hopefully this will help people get a clear understanding on what death might be like;

Near-death Experience Traits

Most NDEs share certain common traits, but not all NDEs have every trait and some NDEs don't follow a pattern at all. Here are the traits that "typical" NDEs share:

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The way how I see life and death is almost like a writer, writing a book.

I just hope the ending is good.
Me, being a follower in the Christian faith, I trust my life to god and that god will see to it. I don't worry about death.

I have talked to people that have experienced NDE (near death experience)

What they told me was that it felt like they were being seperated from their body (OBE) and that they were being pulled into a tunnel of light.

Hopefully this will help people get a clear understanding on what death might be like;

Near-death Experience Traits

Most NDEs share certain common traits, but not all NDEs have every trait and some NDEs don't follow a pattern at all. Here are the traits that "typical" NDEs share:

JMO, but I've read that with NDE's, the tunnel of light effect is merely blood leaving your optical nerves etc, and the feeling of peace and what-not is just endorphins or shock. For me, science overpowers the Jesus stuff. To each their own though.

Thats what I'm thinking too. Trust me, I may be a Christian but I do have a foot firmly placed in science.
1) I am curious, I find that there is something alluring to death. It is mystical and so many questions to be answered..
2) But I can easily have myself anxious and afraid if I let myself slip over to negative hysterical thinking on the other side of the coin.
How do you feel about death, does it scare you? Not the possibility of pain right before you die or a frightful way of dying, but the actual moment of transition or the moment of being extinguished from existence. That very moment when the plug that keeps you alive gets pulled. What do you think?

It does frighten me a little bit because you totally cannot prepare for it. It's in the realm of absolute uncertainty. But I guess I'm more afraid of dying before I have a chance to do everything I want to do, and of the physical pain I might go through in the process. I'm also afraid of how the few people I love will cope without my presence. I firmly believe they'll be fine over time, but I don't want to cause them any undue grief.

I want to see if reincarnation is real though. If there is a God, if there is a heaven. Hell is something I hope I'll never have a chance to confirm, though! :P
How do you feel about death, does it scare you? Not the possibility of pain right before you die or a frightful way of dying, but the actual moment of transition or the moment of being extinguished from existence. That very moment when the plug that keeps you alive gets pulled. What do you think?

I am thinking that I most likely will be so drugged up and out of it that I won't realize that I am dieing. If not I will be paying attention and observing the experience for what it is. I really do not know what to expect when it is my time to go. That is why I am working on myself today so tomorrow will not worry me.
I'm not afraid of death, so to say. Kinda along the lines of Socrates, I don't know what comes after death (if anything) so why fear it?

I am however partial to being alive. I like life, and would like to hold on to it for a while. When I'm dead, I'm dead, but I'd like to do some things before than.

I've had a NDE. It was eerily calm, but not something I'd like to repeat until I'm ready for it.
I'm not afraid of death, so to say. Kinda along the lines of Socrates, I don't know what comes after death (if anything) so why fear it?

I am however partial to being alive. I like life, and would like to hold on to it for a while. When I'm dead, I'm dead, but I'd like to do some things before than.

I've had a NDE. It was eerily calm, but not something I'd like to repeat until I'm ready for it.

how can you be partial to life when you don't know what happens in death? could be death is even better than life :P
how can you be partial to life when you don't know what happens in death? could be death is even better than life :P
It could be, but it also may not be. I like being alive. It's all I know, and I actually do enjoy it. I don't like the aspect of losing the ability to live, but I don't fear dying...I just don't want to stop living yet.

Yeah...that's pretty circular. It sounds a lot better in my head :)
^ Attachment to the familiar, not an uncommon argument :) I think we're holding onto life not because we fear death, but because we're uncomfortable- as a species- with the unknown. The more familiar you become with death (or at least the more familiar you perceive yourself to be), the easier it will be to embrace it. This might be why religious fanatics are so willing to kill themselves for a cause - in their minds, death is no longer a mystery, and therefore poses no threat.
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I don't fear death at all. Maybe in 50 years I'll feel different, but for now death is just a fact of life. Post-death shouldn't feel much different than pre-conception.