Enneagram variant

Your variant stacking

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I'm interested how enneagram variants split among infj's
link to the test http://similarminds.com/variant.html

Variant stacking is part of Enneagram I think, but is practically distinct
theory. It contains three basic surviving instincts. first is our basic state,
second works in the background and is also influential and the last one is
our weak point.

I found this from some forum discussing how variants relates to MBTI type.
sx - exacerbates E, makes J milder
sp - exacerbates I, makes J stronger
so - exacerbates J, makes N milder

My result's
Sexual |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Social |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Self Preservation ||||||||||||||| 46%

Self Preservation: The focus here is easy to understand from the name. People of this Instinctual type are preoccupied with basic survival needs as they translate in our contemporary society. Thus, Self-Preservation types are concerned with money, food, housing, health, physical safety and comfort. Being safe and physically comfortable are priorities. These people are quick to notice any problems in a room such as poor lighting or uncomfortable chairs, or to be dissatisfied with the room temperature. They often have issues connected with food and drink, either overdoing it or having strict dietary requirements. In the healthy to average Levels, of the three Instinctual types, they are the most practical in the sense of taking care of basic life necessities—paying bills, maintaining the home and workplace, acquiring useful skills, and so forth. When these types deteriorate, they tend to distort the instinct to the degree that they are poor at taking care of themselves. Unhealthy Self-Preservation types eat and sleep poorly or become obsessed with health issues. They often have difficulty handling money and may act out in deliberately self-destructive ways. In a nutshell, Self-Preservation types are focused on enhancing their personal security and physical comfort.

Social: This subtype is focused on their interactions with other people and with the sense of value or esteem they derive from their participation in collective activities. These include work, family, hobbies, clubs—basically any arena in which Social types can interact with others for some shared purpose. The instinct underlying this behavior was an important one in human survival. Human beings on their own are rather weak, vulnerable creatures, and easily fall prey to a frequently hostile environment. By learning to live and work together, our ancestors created the safety necessary for human beings not only to survive, but to thrive. Within that social instinct, however, are many other implicit imperatives, and primary among them is the understanding of "place" within a hierarchical social structure. This is as true for dogs and gorillas as it is for human beings. Thus, the desire for attention, recognition, honor, success, fame, leadership, appreciation, and the safety of belonging can all be seen as manifestations of the Social instinct. Social types like to know what is going on around them, and want to make some kind of contribution to the human enterprise. There is often an interest in the events and activities of one's own culture, or sometimes, of another culture. In general, Social types enjoy interacting with people, but they avoid intimacy. In their imbalanced, unhealthy forms, these types can become profoundly antisocial, detesting people and resenting their society, or having poorly developed social skills. In a nutshell, Social types are focused on interacting with people in ways that will build their personal value, their sense of accomplishment, and their security of "place" with others.

Sexual: Many people originally identify themselves as this type, perhaps confusing the idea of a Sexual Instinctual type with being a "sexy" person. Of course, "sexiness" is in the eye of the beholder, and there are plenty of "sexy" people in all three of the Instinctual types. Furthermore, lest one think this type more "glamorous" than the other two, one would do well to remember that the instinct can become distorted in the type, leading to the area of life causing the greatest problems. In healthy to average Sexual types, there is a desire for intensity of experience—not just sexual experience, but having a similar "charge." This intensity could be found in a great conversation or an exciting movie. Much has been said about this type preferring "one-on-one" relationships versus the Social type's preference for "larger groups," but a quick poll of one's acquaintances will reveal that almost all people prefer communicating one on one than in a group. The question is more one of the intensity of contact, and the strength of the desire for intimacy. Sexual types are the "intimacy junkies" of the Instinctual types, often neglecting pressing obligations or even basic "maintenance" if they are swept up in someone or something that has captivated them. This gives a wide-ranging, exploratory approach to life, but also a lack of focus on one's own priorities. In their neurotic forms, this type can manifest with a wandering lack of focus, sexual promiscuity and acting out, or just the opposite, in a fearful, dysfunctional attitude toward sex and intimacy. Sexual types, however, will be intense, even about their avoidances. In a nutshell, Sexual types are focused on having intense, intimate interactions and experiences with others and with the environment to give them a powerful sense of "aliveness."

More descriptions:
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Sexual |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Social ||||||||| 30%
Self Preservation |||||||||||| 38%

I'm a Romantic, but don't actually care about sex. So from their description of it, pretty much.

As for Self Preservation, yea, that would be about it. While I'm not cautious about many things, I don't tend to take too many risks either. And I do watch my health, but again it's not something too major.

As for Social, pretty much. I'm not very outgoing, but the few friends I do have I'm very close with. As for social classes, I couldn't care less where I am or what people think of me, I am who I am and that's it.
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Sexual ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Social ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self Preservation ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Sexual ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Social |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%

Sexual |||||||||||| 34%
Social ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Self Preservation ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%

Or, sp/so
Didn't vote in the poll because I'm not an INFJ, and didn't take the test because I already know my variant stacking (which is so/sx/sp), but posting anyway just for the hell of it :D
Self Preservation||||||||||||||||||||||||||||82%
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I'm not an INFJ, so I didn't vote, but my score was:

Sexual |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Social ||||||||||||||| 46%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||| 58%

So I'm sx/sp/so.

sx - exacerbates E, makes J milder

sp - exacerbates I, makes J stronger

Have my exacerbations been canceled out? :m024:
Sexual ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Social |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Self Preservation ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%



Consider the stackings as well - they are just as important (if not more so):

Basic Instinctual Subtype Stackings

The Sexual Stackings

This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self-medicating.

Motivation: to know the heart, reconcile inner conflict, form a secure union.

Familiar roles: the devotee, the seeker, the wanderer

Examples of sx/sp: Prince, Carl Jung, Johnny Depp, Ozzy Osbourne, Johnny Cash, Joan Crawford, Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Frollo from "Hunchback of Notre Dame"

This is the type that exudes the most raw charisma and sexual energy. They may identify so strongly with whatever they're involved with that they often become the symbol of its core essence, and sometimes its lead agent for change. Hardly content with the status quo, this subvariant seeks to alter the fundamental structure of something while at once embodying it's purest or most extreme form. Possibly attracted to radical views on politics, philosophy, spirituality or creativity that reflect their penchant for testing boundaries. They enjoy pushing other's buttons, especially those resistant to their modes of expression. It's not uncommon for them to have a pet social, political or spiritual cause which they're able to support with heartfelt conviction. May exploit and seek to redefine sexuality to reflect their own colorful and uncertain understanding of it. While prone to exhibitionism, they are strongly attracted to grounding influences which can anchor them and provide stability. Failure to satisfy an especially intense desire for connection may cause this subvariant to spite others at the risk of jeopardizing the need for an equal, stabilizing force. Can feel pulled between wanting a life of maximum intensity and reassuring episodes of peaceful convention.
Motivation: to impact others, question assumptions, challenge convention.

Familiar roles: provocateur, activist, exhibitionish

Examples of sx/so: Madonna, John Lennon, Yukio Mishima, Robin Williams, Drew Barrymore, Richard Simmons, Elvis, Bono, George Michael, Sinead O'Connor, Joan of Arc.

The Self-pres Stackings

This type is generally private and reserved, and especially serious and practical minded in their focus to gain material security and in making useful connections that support their goals. When they do form a connection, loyalty is very important to them and they will not hesitate to end a relationship on grounds of disloyalty. This type may lack a certain degree of interpersonal warmth which can give the impression of coldness or disinterest in others, even a sense of selfishness. May be drawn to groups that attract like minded individuals, as in business clubs or volunteer organizations where a shared professional culture can facilitate social bonds. They tend to live conservatively and dress in an inconspicuously appropriate fashion befitting their status in life. May have a characteristically blunt and direct style of communication that can take others some getting used to. They are particularly strong in matters of commitment and sacrifice, and enjoy being the benefactors in assisting society's practical needs.

Motivation: to attain a position of material and societal security.

Familiar Roles: the businessperson, the responsible citizen, the pillar of society.

Examples: Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, Harrison Ford

These people often have an earthy, mysterious quality to them. They are quietly intense, but to others may seem oblivious to the greater social world around them, instead favoring personal interests. They are slow to commit, but once they do it is with an attitude of life commitment, to the establishment of an impermeable bond. Others can be taken aback by how suddenly and completely this type can lock into them, and by the depth of understanding of the other's condition. They attach to others at an organic, root level, in contrast to the other subvariant's surface formality. Somewhat hesitant to enter new relationships, they instead preserve the select few enduring bonds they carefully form along the way. The sanctuary of home is of paramount concern, and this type takes particular delight in decorating their spaces to reflect their cherished sense of taste and depth. Depth and discrimination characterize this stacking.

Motivation: to live in a secure, comfortable environment where they can pursue their private interests in depth.

Familiar Roles: the mate, the mystic, the quiet supporter.

Examples: George Harrison, Jackie Onassis, Eric Clapton, Emily Dickinson

The Social Stackings

This type is often the most comfortable in group settings, but tends to be a bit formal and awkward in one to one relations. This is the natural political type, affiliating themselves with groups or theories which best defend their social and material interests. They may lack warmth and individual identity and this could lead to problems in forming meaningful relationships outside of a shared social interest. The motivation for this type is to attain status within their chosen sphere - the "social climber."

Examples of soc/sp: Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ted Nugent

This type has very strong one to one social skills, but is usually uncomfortable in group settings. They enjoy cultivating multiple relationships, and can be intensely involved when in the presence of someone they are interested in, but have difficulty sustaining these bonds when apart. This may give the impression of being flighty and rootless, willing to adapt and mirror others in order to connect, but lacking a defined approach that would give their relationships a more solid standing. They may have political interests, but are generally more pragmatic and less partisan than the other social variant. They are often attuned to pop culture and the latest trends. This type's motivation is to create lasting connections with those they are interested in - the "best friend."

Examples of soc/sx: Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton, Howard Stern, Margaret Cho, Jack McFarland from "Will & Grace"

Link to stacking.
Self Preservation||||||||||||||||||||||||||||86%
Social |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Sexual ||||||||||||||| 46%
So I'm sx/sp/so.

sx - exacerbates E, makes J milder
sp - exacerbates I, makes J stronger
Have my exacerbations been canceled out? :m024:
Actually I guess you could say that :tongue1:
sx/sp is maybe the most contradictory subtype.
There is two opposite forces which rip each others to different directions.
It's kind of push/pull between being assertive and withdrawing.
After all sx is still your main type so it's more influential of the two.

This is perhaps the most internally conflicted of the stackings, and potentially the most inconsistent in behavior. This may occur as a blockage of the sexual instinct which can be redirected as a more generally brooding and troubled personality. They may isolate themselves for long periods of time before reemerging. They live according to a strictly personal outlook and are not particularly concerned with the approval of others outside of their immediate concern. They seem to be searching for something, the missing piece. If they find a soulmate they will unite without fanfare, forming a secret bond, dealing with formalities as an afterthought. Powerful sexual impulses facing inner resistance may manifest symbolically in the psyche, giving way to soulful interpretations of the unconscious. Under periods of stress severe sexual tensions may manifest as erratic, impulsively destructive behavior. Can seem restless, torn between the comforts of a stable home life and the urge to wander. May be prone to self-medicating.
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Sexual ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Social ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||| 58%

sx/so/sp :m027:
I've noticed that Enneagram variants have great deal of influence in our relationships
and friendships. The relationships with people whose variant stacking is similar or almost
similar are somewhat easier and more satisfying than with the other two. I'm not saying
that I don't get along with different subtypes. There are parts I admire in every type,
but the most satisfying connections I have experienced have been with similar types.
I found very interesting article about it.

There aren
someone should vote so/sx/sp
Then it will be completely even :P

And If anyone was wondering,
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Sexual |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Social ||||||||||||||| 50%
Self Preservation |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%