Doubting I'm a INFJ :(

I been trying to follow others advice, that this is only just a teen stage I'm going through, but the fact that I simply don't get INFJ anymore on every single test, makes me doubt that I'm an INFJ, My Fe seems to be to low, and my Ti remarkably high, and my Ne is very high as well, this has all lead to multiple INTP results, I just don't know what to think anymore, after analyzing myself I do often apply feeling into what I say and how it affects others, but often I will forget to do this, go on cold mode, and stick to my believe, not afraid of really hurting anyone as long as it's correct, and I am quick to critique when something is not right, then maybe I thought maybe I'm just an INTP with a good F function(Fi) which has helped me be more caring,understanding etc etc. On the INFJ side I can still be quite emotional, sensitive, prone to crying etc..but I'm starting to think this is all do to the fact that I been going through some emotional problems such as depression. Any advice?

I been getting INTP results on several tests:

extraverted Sensing (Se) ********** (10.6)

introverted Sensing (Si) ********* (9.7)

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************************* (49.3)
excellent use

introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************************* (43.2)
excellent use

extraverted Thinking (Te) *************************** (27)
average use

introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************** (38)
excellent use

extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************** (26.9)
average use

introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************** (35.9)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INTP
Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Thinking (Ti): Gaining leverage (influence) using a framework. Detaching to study a situation from different angles and fit it to a theory, framework or principle. Checking for accuracy. Using leverage to solve the problem.

Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Intuiting (Ne): Exploring the emerging patterns. Wondering about patterns of interaction across various situations. Checking what hypotheses and meanings fit best. Trusting what emerges as you shift a situation’s dynamic


Jung Test Results

Introverted (I) 75% Extroverted (E) 25%
Intuitive (N) 83.33% Sensing (S) 16.67%
Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50%
Perceiving (P) 54.17% Judging (J) 45.83%

Your type is: [SIZE=+3]INTP[/SIZE]
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Why be sad if you're not an INFJ? It's just a title. You're always going to be you regardless of what four letters say you are.
They say your MBTI test never changes, but it does. I used to score high as an ENFP, even though I never felt recharged by people, just totally drained. The questions were skewed, "Can you speak easily to a group?" Yes, I can, I've had to do it enough for work. The question should have been, "Would you rather speak to a group, or go hide in a corner away from all the people." I would pick the second choice. I also got ISTP after studying the LSAT for hours and hours every day. Don't worry, I never ended up going to law school. :p I guess I'm saying that we all change, and that's ok. Plus, I think when we take the tests too much, as deep thinkers, we can skew the responses by reading the questions differently. What do you think?
Why be sad if you're not an INFJ? It's just a title. You're always going to be you regardless of what four letters say you are.

I'm not really sad about it, I guess I just threw it out there. I have just been changing between these 2 types it's gotten me very confused.
I'm not really sad about it, I guess I just threw it out there. I have just been changing between these 2 types it's gotten me very confused.
I hope it will straighten out for you soon, but try and not let it mess with your mind too much. They're just letters.
They say your MBTI test never changes, but it does. I used to score high as an ENFP, even though I never felt recharged by people, just totally drained. The questions were skewed, "Can you speak easily to a group?" Yes, I can, I've had to do it enough for work. The question should have been, "Would you rather speak to a group, or go hide in a corner away from all the people." I would pick the second choice. I also got ISTP after studying the LSAT for hours and hours every day. Don't worry, I never ended up going to law school. :p I guess I'm saying that we all change, and that's ok. Plus, I think when we take the tests too much, as deep thinkers, we can skew the responses by reading the questions differently. What do you think?

probably, I tend to overanalyze things, then again this is common of Ti which both INTP and INFJ have, just INTP has it as it's primary, I might just have a strong Ti and a very underdeveloped Fe which will still make me sort of like an INFJ but my Ne is to storng, and well according to the results, the pattern clearly follows an INTP unlike before where it was more crazy and could go either way.
You might be INFP.

But I think usually the very first testing is the most accurate, because there's no bias within you. My guess is that you are INFJ. The way you worry about things is more INFJ than INFP, and also the way you share it very openly (~ responsibly). There's something decisive about not hiding one's weaknesses. So some INFJs always seem weak (Woody Allen style), which becomes their strength. Typical INFPs are more aloof, they can't express their passions as openly as INFJs.
do you prefer to discuss ideas in a logical and impersonal manner? do you get irritated when people focus on (irrelevant) emotions rather than on your thoughts or ideas - like the "why be sad" comment above? if so you're probably an intp. we intp's get emotional too, but we strongly dislike it when people change their behavior towards us because of it. for example if i'm explaining something to someone and they call me "moody" and ignore whatever point i was making, that would offend me. if they try to hug me or try to get me to talk about why i'm feeling that way, it's even worse. on the flip side if someone offers me practical advice on how to improve whatever we're talking about, and does not shy away from criticizing me in relation to that, i will respect them and will listen to them. as long as the criticism is based in logic and not in emotion, im fine with it. if you can relate to any of that, you might be an intp.
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Von Hase has some good posts analyzing how we all change within the MBTI spectrum. But I agree: They're just letters, and you are who you are, but you're always in flux.

*Shrug.* I always say enjoy who you are. So what if you discover you're a different type? Try it on for size. See how it feels. Does it feel "more" like you? Then keep it. If not, try on another cloak. :m159:
do you prefer to discuss ideas in a logical and impersonal manner? do you get irritated when people focus on emotions rather than on your thoughts or ideas - like the "why are you so sad" comment above? if so you're probably an intp. we intp's get emotional too, but we strongly dislike it when people change their behavior towards us because of it. for example if I'm explaining something to someone and they call me "moody" and ignore whatever point i was making, that would offend me. if they try to hug me or try to get me to talk about why I'm feeling that way, it's even worse. on the flip side if some offers me practical advice on how to improve whatever we're talking about, and does not shy away from criticizing me in relation to that, i will respect them and will listen to them. as long as the critiscm is based in logic and not in emotion, im fine with it. if you can relate with any of that, you might be an intp.

I am certainly critical, I'm always critiquing, analyzing everything, sometimes in a very detached way, forgetting all sorts of emotions, later I reflect upon my actions and feel bad about it. I sometimes get mad when people really ask how I'm feeling specially if I don't know the person well, well not really mad just annoyed, I am quite moody, and well I do sometimes wish I could share my emotions, with people I can actually trust like here, where everyone is understanding. I often come of as very nice or helpful, I enjoy helping, but when I see something that I find wrong, I get detached easily and well can come of as being cold.
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You might be INFP.

But I think usually the very first testing is the most accurate, because there's no bias within you. My guess is that you are INFJ. The way you worry about things is more INFJ than INFP, and also the way you share it very openly (~ responsibly). There's something decisive about not hiding one's weaknesses. So some INFJs always seem weak (Woody Allen style), which becomes their strength. Typical INFPs are more aloof, they can't express their passions as openly as INFJs.

Well, I share things often here because I think that people here are good, understanding people. I often keep things to myself and can appear very cold or aloof around others, even more to my family members. I try to be nice, but I'm just so misunderstood that well, I isolate myself a lot.
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Von Hase has some good posts analyzing how we all change within the MBTI spectrum. But I agree: They're just letters, and you are who you are, but you're always in flux.

*Shrug.* I always say enjoy who you are. So what if you discover you're a different type? Try it on for size. See how it feels. Does it feel "more" like you? Then keep it. If not, try on another cloak. :m159:
I guess that could work, I'm just a little moved by this, since I saw some INTP interaction an I did not like the way they express themselves, but this could only be online chats. I guess it would be fun to try a different type.
Allow me,I question you a few questions maybe this helps:

What is common characteristics between your personality and the personality intp?

Do you suspect in any other personality or never not?

If you suspect because the test only it does not mean anything forget about it better. But if for some other reason, what is it?

What is the opinion of your family How they is guessing your personality? (not you guess what they could say)

what's you guess your personality and you are a kid?

Waiting your answer...
If it helps, RL, I do get a slightly more "INFP" feeling from you more than INTP or even INFJ. Plus, you're fairly young - you're still growing in your MBTI type. And remember, there are many, many folks who have strong Ti functions and yet still remain essentially INFP or INFJ. You can develop separate processes and yet still be essentially one type or another.

It's just that some are *blatantly* their type.

I can spot some INTPs from a mile away on the board. It's obvious (both positive and negative traits). But you don't stand out like they do, as far as I can see. But that's my opinion.
The first test I took the test was well a long time ago. I was a few years older than you. I scored as an ENFJ. I was only an EFJ by a few points. Now I consistantly score as an INFJ, INFP, INFJ, INFP. I am a stronger I and a much stronger F. I think I was a P as a child, I know I was. My father was an Alcoholic and abusive. So in order to survive I had to develop the J. The longer he has been out of my life the less J I become. When I first took the test I did not know myself very well at all. I did not really know what my preferences were with the exception of the N. I was at the mercy of being an E though. My identity and self concept was completely dependent on others view of me and not my own self concept. I think this again was due to my relationship with my father. The extremes of this, I believe are people that have so much difficulty functioning in the word. An extreme I can't relate to other people at all. An extreme E can't be alone. An extreme P can not function in American society because they can not keep deadlines. I remember hearing that and it does make sense. The more you get to know yourself the clearer it will become for you.
They say your MBTI test never changes, but it does. I used to score high as an ENFP, even though I never felt recharged by people, just totally drained. The questions were skewed, "Can you speak easily to a group?" Yes, I can, I've had to do it enough for work. The question should have been, "Would you rather speak to a group, or go hide in a corner away from all the people." I would pick the second choice. I also got ISTP after studying the LSAT for hours and hours every day. Don't worry, I never ended up going to law school. :p I guess I'm saying that we all change, and that's ok. Plus, I think when we take the tests too much, as deep thinkers, we can skew the responses by reading the questions differently. What do you think?
I think it does also. There is nothing solid on which to base the belief that type is constant. It might be part of some aspects of the theory, but it is in no way proven. I think MBTI is a very fluid system, and people often struggle with those sorts of systems always trying to force them back into boxes with clear boundaries that never change.
Allow me,I question you a few questions maybe this helps:

What is common characteristics between your personality and the personality intp?

Well, INTP's are said to enjoy intellectual pursuits, I will often find myself doing this, I'm always analyzing everything, investigating, my mind is never at peace. INTP's are said to overanalyze, which I do often to. INTP's are said to appear very cold and distant and so do I, INTP's don't have a very good Fe being their last function so do I.

Do you suspect in any other personality or never not?

I have always suspected any INXX type really, All INXX profiles seem to fit me in some way or another and well every single result would vary, not to mention my cognitive processes did not really fit any type

If you suspect because the test only it does not mean anything forget about it better. But if for some other reason, what is it?

I think it does mean something, because I think I might be an actual different person then I thought I was, I always find myself constantly changing but I have mainly scored INFJ, now that I'm scoring INTP..Im questioning my personality, and after looking at the INTP profiles it is quite matchy.

What is the opinion of your family How they is guessing your personality? (not you guess what they could say)

My family would say that I'm a very quiet, introverted person, They have always seen it as a bad thing and labeled me as ''anti-social''. They think that I'm a weak person, and well that I come to tears often, that I break often etc etc. They always tell me that I'm out of place, an outcast and pretty much always trap in some kind of world that makes me oblivious to what's happening around me. They say I really don't care about my personal appearance. They have also call me a cold person several times, and accused me of being manipulative and selfish. On the positive side they have stated that they think I'm highly intelligent and well that's basically the only positive thing they ever say about me. Sometimes this hurts me and I take it personaly, other times I just don't care anymore and try to ignore them but there's always conflict when i attempt to do so.

what's you guess your personality and you are a kid?

I think that I am helpful, I try to be nice to others, but I'm often misunderstood and I'm perceived as being cold. People think I'm weird and have always isolated me/made fun of me, I have become pretty much avoidant of all social interactions, I tend to break quite easily. I love learning and exploring, I'm always questioning everything. I am hardworking though very disorganized and forgetful, I have a good imagination and I am quite creative. I am very shy, though I don't consider myself anti-social, ather just someone who has been hurt and needs to learn to trust again. I enjoy reading and music.

Waiting your answer...

answers inside quote.
If it helps, RL, I do get a slightly more "INFP" feeling from you more than INTP or even INFJ. Plus, you're fairly young - you're still growing in your MBTI type. And remember, there are many, many folks who have strong Ti functions and yet still remain essentially INFP or INFJ. You can develop separate processes and yet still be essentially one type or another.

It's just that some are *blatantly* their type.

I can spot some INTPs from a mile away on the board. It's obvious (both positive and negative traits). But you don't stand out like they do, as far as I can see. But that's my opinion.

I was actually questioning if I was an INFP for a while, the descriptions do seem accurate though i don't get it as often. I heard INFJ's have an easier time expressing themselves, i don't which is why my Fe is not very good. I consider myself a highly introverted person.