Do you wish there were more infj's?


Community Member
Do you wish there were more infj's or over time have you learned to embrace the idea of being different? I sometimes wish it was easier for others to relate to me. But I'm often misunderstood; despite the fact that I'm pretty accurate in judging others. But there are days when I look around and see really shallower people with fewer brain cells and think; hmm maybe it's not so bad.
I can't say I like being misunderstood.


I like the fact that I'm a rare breed! Makes me feel good.
Well each to their own. I hate being a rare breed psychologically, as I'm physically different in various ways also from most of my peers. I wish I could be invisible sometimes. I dont have an average bodytype or mind, but still suffer all the ups and downs of life that my 'normal' fellow humans do. Being a tall serpentine ectomorph aint always the best. Its frustrating sometimes how easily intimidated some of the more small-minded citizens of my country are when, they see someone outside the normal bodily proportions simply going about their day to day business. I honestly wish I knew where to find more people like me shapewise, so I could be with my kind. But I guess such fantasies are probably unhealthy mentally anyway...

To answer the OPs original question: If there was a magical fantasy land where I could live or work with lots of statistically guaranteed INFJs/INTJs, (regardless of bodytype) I would be very tempted to try to uproot and transplant my life there...
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I just Googled ectomorph, learned a new word, and a new way to describe myself! :) I don't know if you call 5'10" tall or not, but if you move to the other side of the world there'll be at least two of us! :lol:

poetrygirl, do you wish for more INFJ's?
Five foot ten is approaching my optimal hugging-while-standing height, so if we ever meet we can hug purely as an experiment of course. :p

Canada is one of many places I would like to at least stopover in at some point in the future, so may fate let us cross paths sometime just for fun. :)
Ah, cruel, cruel fate. How thou playest with me...

Note to self: When I start posting things like this, it's a good sign that I need sleep. Byes!

EDIT: If it's really late (aka early) here, must be morningish where you are Mux?
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I swear this topic has already been done but buggered if I can find it.

Answer to OP: Yes! Moar!
Ah, cruel, cruel fate. How thou playest with me...

Note to self: When I start posting things like this, it's a good sign that I need sleep. Byes!

EDIT: If it's really late (aka early) here, must be morningish where you are Mux?

Sleep well mon ami. :) Its currently 9:08pm here in the North Island region of NZ.
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I wish there were more female INxJs. or INFJs with a relatively weak feeling preference... I'm an INTJ and I get along pretty dern well with IN_Js
i could live in a world that was just NT's and NF's.

it would be a nice world.

personally, i think sensors are the least fun of the options. extraverted sensors even more so... flighty and stuck in the moment. versus me who is future-oriented and long term.

id like the T to balance the F. and id like the P to balance the J intensity. as well as the E to balance the I.

NT's and NF's. that's what I could deal with.

would finally stop all those girly superficial conversations i have with sensors. hopefully.
i could live in a world that was just NT's and NF's.

it would be a nice world.

personally, i think sensors are the least fun of the options. extraverted sensors even more so... flighty and stuck in the moment. versus me who is future-oriented and long term.

id like the T to balance the F. and id like the P to balance the J intensity. as well as the E to balance the I.

NT's and NF's. that's what I could deal with.

would finally stop all those girly superficial conversations i have with sensors. hopefully.

Oh don't make sensors look so bad! They are actually really good balence for us. That is not to say I largely don't get along with sensors, but a few very close friends of mine are sensors, I wouldn't trade them for the world :)
they aren't bad i guess. i have some close friends who are sensors too. and as long as they mean well, then they don't bother me. we largely avoid politics and religion as conversation topics though... (especially if we differ... it's not like with Ns where you can throw out theory)

i dunno. i just feel sensors don't really add anything to my existence.

i know that's bad. and i feel bad. i apologize. :( haha.

I feel like i inherently 'get' Ns though. and S's I don't.... and probably never will.
It would be nice to know some INFJs in real life. I know too many ST / SF's :m169: