do you talk to yourself.out loud? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

do you talk to yourself.out loud?

Too.many.times. lol
i also refer to myself in the third person sometimes and that freaks people out. instead of saying 'me' i'll use my name as though i'm talking about someone else.
i also refer to myself as 'jackie' to my cat, not mommy. yes it's ok to talk to the vacuum and argue with tv commercials but i will not pretend that i am that thing's mother.
I've talked to myself since I was four or five years old - I've ALWAYS talked out loud and thought out loud; never a time when I didn't. I've been embarrassed a few time when I've argued with myself a bit too loudly and folks caught me. :/

When I was a kid, I used to pretend I was being interviewed for some TV show or movie gig, or I was giving a talk to a group of people. Seriously, I'd never heard of TED talks until maybe two years ago, but I used to pretend I was doing that sort of crap at eight years old. Had some really interesting and deep, philosophical ideas on the merits of cartoon cats, and why they were misaligned in society (seriously. I made up a whole lecture series on this. At ten years old. I was a WEIRD kid).

I attribute all of this to me being an only child in a single parent household, though. I had a fairly active imagination and I entertained myself a lot.
I used to speak to bacteria when I was a child. I was particularly fond of one such single-celled organism whom I named Jimmy. If my memory serves well he was a really chill bro, probably an ISFP. Yeah...

Best answer ^^^ :D
Only when I watch a movie or TV show that's ridiculous and full of plot holes. I do a whole MST3K routine.

It also happens when I'm playing a video game that's exceptionally difficult or unfair. I accuse it of cheating or criticise the gameplay. I probably sound like a lunatic but it's the only way the inanimate piece of software will learn.
Yes, when I am practicing a conversation I think I am going to be having. lol
Practicing a conversation I think I am going to be having out loud is very common with me, too. Also, I stop talking to people who have burned me or who have made me angry. I usually stop talking with them permanently and can't stand to even look at them again. I hate being in a good mood and coming across someone I've banned because I might talk with them. I've never talked much with an inanimate object, though. I wonder if people who do that stop talking to certain inanimate objects on account of the object no longer pleasing them, or failure to be sufficiently communicative?
I am thinking of someone who for instance had a pet rock that kept them company for years and one day, for various reasons, flipping the rock into a river and stalking off.
I sometimes say words aloud as I type them. It seems annoying and unnecessary, so I try to stop myself as soon as I notice I'm doing it.
Yes, very often lately.
I also have pretend conversations. That is, I have conversations with people who are not actually present. Later, I sometimes don't remember if we'd talked about something or if I'd talked "to" them about it alone.
I wonder what causes it. I know I'm perfectly sane, and I'm not so isolated or lonely that I have no human contact and feel forced to maintain sanity by pretending to have human connections.
Maybe it's anxiety?
I had a conversation which I thought was with my boyfriend today. It went something like, a random thought came into my head, about something that had happened earlier. The thought played out, and then halfway through it turned into words... "Yeh well anyway, she did open up the gate for me to park my car, so she must have appreciated it". I thought that he knew the rest of the conversation. It was confusing for both of us haha. I do that a lot.
Yes quite often, but usually only when no one is around.
Usually when I'm in the shower.
I laugh to myself when I get bored. I think of funny dialogues in my head and then laugh out loud about it.
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Only when I watch a movie or TV show that's ridiculous and full of plot holes. I do a whole MST3K routine.

Hey! Me, too! I LOVED MST3K! I wish it were on again.

Sometimes, my boyfriend and I will be speaking together mentally and I might say a few words aloud.
I have funny thoughts that crack me up and I'll laugh out loud.
When I'm pondering heavy philosophical subjects, I may speak aloud.
If something bad happens, I will cuss out loud.

But generally, I dont talk aloud when alone, and if I find myself doing it, I'll stop.
Wouldnt want someone to think I wuz crazee...
No, I do not talk out loud to myself. I only speak when there are others around. ಠ_ಠ Crazy introverts.

I do, however, sometimes laugh/smile or sing to myself.
I talk to myself a lot.

When it comes to more strenuous subjects, I am what you call a "Verbal Processor".
I especially do this, when I am doing anything involving math.

I also talk to my things when I am organizing them around my room, like they are a class of children I am sorting into groups by height, for picture day.