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  • I wish my father would stop trying to rule my life and tell me what professions I should and shouldn't do. I'm almost 25, just stop.
    I don't know what has changed but, I've never felt so out of place with family and friends as I have this Christmas period.
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    Reactions: RyuTech
    Family Bonds are something that cant be severed :) No matter which way you go its still there. You're not out of place no matter how unique you might end up.
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    Reactions: Breeze
    Hello sir, how are things across the pond? I didn't realize I was following a few people neither since the forum update.
    Also, who is your avatar?
    And she's called Alma and she's from a game called Va-11 Hall-A (pronounced Valhalla). its a game where you're a bartender in a cyberpunk dystopian future.
    The main character (not Alma) sometimes hits a little close to home so I rather enjoy it.
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    Reactions: Rcs6r
    His cabinet choices are even worse though. The owner of Breitbart? Fucking really?

    Valhalla sounds like an interesting game, but is it simply a bartending SIM in a cyberpunk world?
    It's a visual novel so emphasis is on the story. In truth they're not usually my type of game but this one just kinda grabbed me. I donated to it being made because the composer is a personal favorite. 2 years later and its here :)
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    Reactions: Rcs6r
    are you looking for a job in IT? or trying to move career fields with your current job? (RE: blog post)
    Thanks, I'm excited to start soon! :D
    First time leaving a visitor message on INFJ before, never knew about these features :)
    A thousand apologies. I shall forevermore endeavor to ignore you, so as not to cause you unnecessary grief in the future.
    Violin is so hard. And I feel you about IT being boring. I'm not big on it either, I just need to know it for my website. How old are you?
    I'm always into something. Right now I'm building a website for a product I plan on selling. I'm not the greatest at web design though so it's coming along slower than expected. Also I need to make sure I use the right software so I don't get sued or forced to pay royalty-fees. Other than that I've been trading stocks, its my favorite hobby. And living in the jungle kicking it with cane spiders and Mosquitos. I have about 20 mosquito bites on my body right now but it ain't no thang. What about you?? Aren't you good at Japanese? For some reason I associate you with languages and web design.
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