Do you know an ISFP?


Retired Staff
Just curious, how many of you have known an ISFP?

What can you tell me about them from personal experience?
I've known quite a few actually.

They're generally quite friendly, but those that I've gotten close to can be very prying sometimes. Their conversations can definitely go from a friendly curiosity to emotional interrogation. Fortunately, they really weren't offended when I started getting guarded/perturbed by that and we got along great because of it. Unfortunately I've never had any conflict with the ISFPs I know, but I can definitely tell you that a relationship of any sort eventually leads to conflict if you let it go on long enough. never known one...I think my moms an ESFP turned introverted by illness...but...shes kinda tough to pin down...In one breath she can crush you, and in the next be balling her eyes out because you dared stand up for yourself. Im still trying to pin her down...
I am starting to lean more towards ISFP, ISTP fits quite well, but I am MUCH more personal than impersonal, as many of you have seen. I am quite aware of others' emotions.

Afrelen, can you explain what you mean by emotional interrogation? Is it like they are overanalyzing your actions because of their insecurities?
I am starting to lean more towards ISFP, ISTP fits quite well, but I am MUCH more personal than impersonal, as many of you have seen.

Afrelen, can you explain what you mean by emotional interrogation? Is it like they are overanalyzing your actions because of their insecurities?

honestly I really cant see you as an Isfp...your intuition is way too strong...but you would know better. My mother if she really is ESFP turned isfp cares for no one but herself, and that is is not you either. I dunno...I usually suck at typing people but...i dunno...It just doesnt fit for me...:m080:
honestly I really cant see you as an Isfp...your intuition is way too strong...but you would know better. My mother if she really is ESFP turned isfp cares for no one but herself, and that is is not you either. I dunno...I usually suck at typing people but...i dunno...It just doesnt fit for me...:m080:

But what if my "intution" is actually strong analytical observation??? I can explain every conclusion I come up with.
But what if my "intution" is actually strong analytical observation??? I can explain every conclusion I come up with.

When you came here you were INFJ...and as an INFJ we question everything even our type...Just because you can explain your intuition better than most of us can...I just dont think your ISFP...I like you too much for you to be that...seriously!
I am starting to lean more towards ISFP, ISTP fits quite well, but I am MUCH more personal than impersonal, as many of you have seen. I am quite aware of others' emotions.
Oh don't worry about that. My father's an ENTJ and he tested the highest in wanted and expressed affection. He was so aware that people may not like him that he froze half way through writing this on the chalk board at the request of the class tutor.

In contrast to that some Fs I know are oblivious to people's feelings and almost treat them as unnecessary complications.

There's no hard lines... just you and a bunch of letters.
Hmm... thinking about this more theoretically.

You had up for certain just I and P right. Well the USA being ESTJ might make you emphasise those parts of you but perhaps leaving your I and P preferences intact. Perhaps those two are your clearer preferences and the other two are more subdued by your environment. Ergo though your shadow of ESTP might be closer to the ESTJ expectations you may end up feeling a bit like an ISTP because you're strongly introverted.

Just throwing a few ideas about.... like a cat in a small space but you get the picture.
Just curious, how many of you have known an ISFP?

What can you tell me about them from personal experience?
I know one female ISFP irl.
She let me ask her questions to determine her type.
She fits the stereotype in that she historically is always making things with her hands.
She had a job making crafts. She ran a flea-market table and then a store in a flea-market. She just opened a new boutique selling handmade fabric items and consigning knits and jeans.

One thing that surprises me about her is that she's a lot more "intuitive" than one might expect an "S" to be. I think the FP helps with that.

Why did you ask?

PS: I wrote this without reading any other posts first.
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I am starting to lean more towards ISFP, ISTP fits quite well, but I am MUCH more personal than impersonal, as many of you have seen. I am quite aware of others' emotions.

Afrelen, can you explain what you mean by emotional interrogation? Is it like they are overanalyzing your actions because of their insecurities?

I'm not exactly sure of their motives for doing it, but they just tend to quickly move from asking innocent things about what you're feeling to wanting to get inside your head very fast. I get the sense it's that they really want know every detail they can about your feelings and don't realize they're being invasive when they do it, and they often pressure and even push you into sharing if they can. Of the ISFPs I know, wanting to know this because of insecurities would make a lot of sense. The thing is most of them don't seem to be insecure around me at all... which makes me insecure.

I guess it should go to say also that the only ISFPs I've known are all female as well. I've never encountered a male ISFP.
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My mother's an ISFP, some of her traits are:

  • She's one of the kindest people I know, and she likes to express that kindness through physical acts, like gift-giving or making sure that people's physical needs are being met (for example, at parties she'll usually be running around playing the hostess role).
  • She likes to have a personal space of her own.
  • She's really into arts and crafts, in the past she's been really into knitting, cross-stitching and is currently obsessed with making greetings cards. She likes to sketch sometimes too and she also plays music professionally (she's a church organist, even though she's not particularly religious).
  • She loves nature and is a bit of a closet bohemian.
  • She hates conflict and will pretty much go out of her way to avoid it (which is probably as much a type 9 thing as an ISFP thing).
  • When she's telling a story she tends to give a lot of details that gradually build up to a bigger picture, whereas I'll start off with the big picture and then add more details if people ask for them (assuming I bothered to make note of the details originally).
  • She doesn't have an active interest in the kind of abstract concepts that I do, but if it's being discussed or if I grab her and force her into a conversation about it she often gets quite interested, but just as often she won't follow it up afterwards.
pst! NeverAmI, I'm pretty sure I got your type nailed down

Professional Badass
Entyqua said:
.I just dont think your ISFP...I like you too much for you to be that...seriously!

Hey! What do you mean by that? :P Every ISFP I've ever come across have been one of the sweetest, gentlest people I've ever met. Just because someone is an 'S' type doesn't mean that they don't utilize their intuition or aren't in tune with the feelings of others. I would say ISFP's are better than INFJ's because, while they hold their ideals, they're at least a dozen times more practical than we are.

My roommate from university was an ISFP, hands down. She was a Fine Arts student, but also an accomplished writer. She had creativity absolutely coming out the wazoo. We could sit and brainstorm for hours and to this day, I've never, ever met a person as creative or as artistically inclined as she was. That girl could turn anything into something completely out of this world; her obsession was duct tape. She once made a wallet and a purse completely out of the stuff and it actually looked pretty stylish for a while (before the tape started to curl back a bit). She could make anything of any thing; she even carved an apple-bong for our stoner friend and put together a pulley-esque crutch for our window (which we couldn't keep open in the summer time).

She never turned away a friend in need and she was just so gosh darn loveable to be around; she really liked to do nice things for other people and help them out. Once, one of our floormates got locked out of her room and when she got her key back, my roommate took the liberty of getting an extra key copied and gave it to the floormate to hide somewhere in case it happened again. Or she would pick up my favourite cereal at the grocery store without me even having to ask (and she never ate cereal). She just liked doing little things here and there and it just made me really appreciate all her small efforts to help her friends out. She always said "You would've done the same for me."

But she wasn't overly social. She had her moods and sometimes she would need some alone time. Even though she was a great listener where I or anyone else was concerned, she never really shared her feelings with anyone. Sometimes it frustrated me because I never really knew what was wrong--even though I knew something was bugging her because, well, she wasn't really good at hiding her upset. When it came to her personal problems, she was really, really private. I didn't know she was planning on break up with her boyfriend of nearly a year until the night it happened. It pained her, but she didn't say much about to any of the girls on the floor, even though we were all very close. It wasn't long until she got into another relationship, though. I've never known her without having a long-term boyfriend.

Other things that I remember? She loved outside sports (she was a skiing instructor) and she was a hard-core vegetarian and very animal rights conscious (but she didn't try to 'convert' anyone. She'd talk about it to anyone who asked). In fact, she hated to argue about anything and if there was something bugging her about me or any of the other girls, she would never bring it up until one of us dragged it out of her. Other thing?

She was extremely messy. And I'm not saying this as an exaggeration of my J-conscious perfectionism. Literally, her side of the room always looked like a tornado had blow through. But it wasn't like she was dirty; she never threw her clothes on the floor or left food lying around or neglected to dust or vacuum if she spilled something. She just had SO much stuff that she had no where to put it. She must've had some sort of system, though. She knew where EVERYTHING was. And even though she looked like she was doing a million things at once (notorious multi-tasker), she still managed to get everything done on time; was never really late anywhere, and she always looked very well put together. Comparing her room to her otherwise pretty organized person, this absolutely boggled everyone. She just flew by the seat of her pants, but she knew what worked for her. She was just a very spontaneously life-organized person... if that makes any sort of sense.

Um, and that's about all I can think of for now. Let me know if this helps :)
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Hey! What do you mean by that? Every ISFP I've ever come across have been one of the sweetest, gentlest people I've ever met. Just because someone is an 'S' type doesn't mean that they don't utilize their intuition or aren't in tune with the feelings of others.

I do not mean to only experience is with my mother...shes...not so nice or sweet or gentle...I dunno...I suck at typing people who knows! Why does anyone listen to me?? seriously!?:m080:
I do not mean to only experience is with my mother...shes...not so nice or sweet or gentle...I dunno...I suck at typing people who knows! Why does anyone listen to me?? seriously!?:m080:

Whaddya mean why does anyone listen to you? lol. You're a smart cookie, Enty. Your opinion counts twice. *pokes*

Maybe your mumsy might be an ESFP? They tend to be either really, really good, or really, really bad.
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Whaddya mean why does anyone listen to you? lol. You're a smart cookie, Enty. Your opinion counts twice. *pokes*

Maybe your mumsy might be an ESFP? They tend to be either really, really good, or really, really bad.

I know...she is ESFP...but she has been forced into Introversion due to her me a forced introversion on an ESFP is NO BUENO!!! and she is awful...
My best friend is an ISFP.

I actually remember way back when, when we first met each other she tested as an INFJ. It is possible for these two types to be confused, Quinlan did this when he first arrived here. There are some similarites between the two types. The biggest one is both types being drawn to the mysterious and the unknown, and offbeat. Fi>Se in an ISFP makes sense for this, ISFP's are reserved but deep inisde they want to stand out, and be represented by something external and present. They want recognition for what they do and who they are. The off the wall and unique appears as one of the best things for them. INFJ's with their Ni>Fe are very similar in this, they want something that will show who they are to the world, they feel commonly misunderstood and feel a strong inner drive to be able to share who they are accurately to the world, to be seen who they truly are.