Do you believe in Karma?


In the general sense of the word; do you think good deeds are rewarded, and bad deeds punished - either in this life or the next (if there is a next)?

There have been a few instances in my life where I've done a good thing, for eg. rescued animals, and the next week I've won the lottery. Just random coincidences, or is the universe actually shifting to reward what "it" (God?) considers good actions, or conversely manipulating the forces to go against you when you do a bad thing?

I've heard it said that Karma is not a spiritual concept at all, but a physical law. You subconsciously sabotage yourself if you think you're doing the wrong thing, and recognize opportunities that were always there but you were blind to, when you do a good thing. Like that dollar on the street was always there everytime you walked down it, but only when you believed yourself to deserve it, did you see it.
I do not believe in Karma.

I feel like I should expand but, what is there to say?...

I'd have to read up on that third thing you said. About it being a 'physical law.' But my first instinct was to be skeptical of it.
I absolutely believe in karma. This implies a belief in reincarnation, which also believe in. I feel we keep going around on this wheel until we get things right. How much of an "Old Soul" are you? We must all take a Stand on this one.
I absolutely believe in karma. This implies a belief in reincarnation, which also believe in. I feel we keep going around on this wheel until we get things right. How much of an "Old Soul" are you? We must all take a Stand on this one.

Thanks QP, I didn't know you believe in reincarnation. It makes a lot of intuitive sense though, doesn't it? Personally I'm skeptical about the idea, having studied biology in depth it seems like it's all a mechanical, random process that occurs to bring us to life, and likewise it will be a physical process that takes our consciousness away-permanently. But who knows. There are studies of little kids who have memories that they couldn't possibly have, like the detailed surroundings of some place they've never been to (and which has never been described to them). They say those kids must have been reincarnated, because how else would they know?
Maybe it just highlights how much we don't understand about the mind though; perhaps it's picking up on physical sensations that we have no ability to detect right now.
I believe in it. I have seen it work personally in my life. I had some guys that used to mess with me in high school. Guess what? They are dead. They died doing stupid shit. I have even had to eat some of my own bad karma too. It's not the best thing to go threw life thinking nothing is going to touch you. It has a way of catching up with you.
I believe in karma system. After all it decides our destiny.

See for good and bad deed. It is obvious, when you do something good for yourself or for other selves, you gain some reward from this karma system. Which means you are happy with your good actions. But when you do something bad, your soul will feel bad. Why? Because at some level, it hurts others or you, too. Bad deed means have intentions to do actions with going in against of rules of nature.

How we follow properly rules of any pc game during play. Same way, this world has several rules which should be respected and should be followed. Otherwise without rules you will never be able create any discipline on this earth.
i would not call it karma - i would call it Providence.
just my two cents.
Treat others how you want to be treated. I have seen "what goes around comes around", more so when people do others wrong.
I've heard it said that Karma is not a spiritual concept at all, but a physical law. You subconsciously sabotage yourself if you think you're doing the wrong thing, and recognize opportunities that were always there but you were blind to, when you do a good thing. Like that dollar on the street was always there everytime you walked down it, but only when you believed yourself to deserve it, did you see it.

I was going to say I believe in self-fulfilling prophesies, not karma.

But you've pretty much said it. Well I agree with that. You do something awful and feel guilty, and sort of punish yourself by seeing punishment or thinking/feeling negatively. Whereas, when you do what is deemed good, you're more positive and more apt to see rewarding situations..
Not karma's strict or religious definition, per se, but as acd said, we can become our own self-fulfilling prophecies. When we hurt enough people we end up becoming that hurt person, and then we find no one around us to help us through it. I do think there's power in what we say - and in what others say. I believe things can be spoken into existence.

I also believe in justice. Eventually justice happens. We may not get to see it, but I believe it happens.
Karma is bit more then do good get good do bad get bad. Even if it was I would still disagree.
Karma has little to do with good and evil, but instead moving in the right direction or the wrong direction.
I do, but not in the classical sense of the word.

Basiclly what I follow, is you get back what you put out. If you preform dark acts for long periods of time, you are going to draw events and things to you that mirror those kinds of things. Even if you just focus on internal thought processes, but don't actually do them, they will come to you. The same type of thing could be said for good positive acts.

Basicly, what I beleieve is the universe is the ultimate non-judging mirror.
I do in the Buddhist sense, not the bastardized Western New Age sense. The Buddhism notion of Karma is simply Causality, actions have consequences, there is nothing mystical or supernatural about it
I believe it exists, but I don't want to evoke it. Especially the spiritual, almost supernatural kind I've experienced many times.

Evoking or wishing for karma especially when someone's doing bad ("nah, he's going to harvest his karma") sounds like a loser's excuse / consolation prize. Of course, this is only for bad actions. How I wished I'm able to freely hope for good Karma to people who'd done good!

Generally it's more like a, "if you do bad things all the time, you're simply going to face natural retribution".

the same as Divine Providence, on a related note. Kind of strange, since I believed in Divine Interventions.
I absolutely believe in karma. This implies a belief in reincarnation, which also believe in. I feel we keep going around on this wheel until we get things right. How much of an "Old Soul" are you? We must all take a Stand on this one.

Based on my own experiences with deja vu that last for 3 to 4 minutes at a time, I suspect that I have done all this before. I'm not sure what that means however. I believe karma is probably a flawed concept, because every action we take affects everything else on Earth within a fraction of a second. There is no way for us to know or predict the ramifications of our actions in any true sense, only the illusion of predictability through locality. just my hunch
In the general sense of the word; do you think good deeds are rewarded, and bad deeds punished - either in this life or the next (if there is a next)?

As a mystical force? no. It's a slave morality.

As a social force? I believe that people who do bad deeds gain notoriety, which causes social exclusion of them. In the eyes of others, they are less worthy of having good deeds done to them.
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