Distinguishing INFJs from INFPs | Page 11 | INFJ Forum

Distinguishing INFJs from INFPs

I have many infp friends, and I don't see all that many similarities. We have the idealism thing going on, but theirs tends to be more amplified and a little less ...hrm...focused? Like my infp friends seem to be idealistic but not for a particular cause. Just idealistic in general. But I can be that way, too. I like to live my life in my head.
I don't know if I would completely agree, although I am no expert. There seems to be many people on this page who are confused about their type, and it's not likely that they are all INFPS. Someone posted that INFJs are often doubtful and over-analyze things, which is why they may confuse themselves.
When I first tested as an INFJ, I read the description and felt chills because it sounded so much like myself. I've taken other random tests and I always get INFJ. However, I always second guess myself, so when I read INFP I felt that this also had some similarity to myself. However I feel the INFJ clicks better. It's my intuition I suppose, and also the fact that I always get this result when I take a test. I always have self-doubt, it clouds over me, so its likely that I will always have this nagging doubt somewhere that is really only created by my over-analyzing.
Does that make sense?
I mean, I also don't believe that it is black and white, and I'm sure that not every INFJ and INFP is the exact same, because there are other factors that play into one's personality.
Well, I guess I am the only one posting now. :D I just wanted to say that I've read through most of the posts now, and what Tx said really enforced my belief of being INFJ. Like I said above, I don't think it is always black and white. Especially depending on how high your ranked in the J section. If you have a closer balance of J and P, yet still scored highest on J, the INFJ may have a few traits that are like INFPS. At least I think that would make sense. I'm sure that not every single INFJ or INFP is exactly the same.
It was commented on here that INFJS don't show emotions as intensely as INFPS do, which contradicts what Tx said. I disagree, since INFJS are portrayed as being very warm and empathetic people, and are perceived by others as being kind and gentle.
Would it be accurate to say that INFJS may be more intense in certain ways, and an INFP more easygoing? Or is this too vague of a description.
I have many infp friends, and I don't see all that many similarities. We have the idealism thing going on, but theirs tends to be more amplified and a little less ...hrm...focused? Like my infp friends seem to be idealistic but not for a particular cause. Just idealistic in general. But I can be that way, too. I like to live my life in my head.

Yes. In real life it is very easy for me to distinguish between INFP and INFJ, there behaviors are very different.
Well, I guess I am the only one posting now. :D I just wanted to say that I've read through most of the posts now, and what Tx said really enforced my belief of being INFJ. Like I said above, I don't think it is always black and white. Especially depending on how high your ranked in the J section. If you have a closer balance of J and P, yet still scored highest on J, the INFJ may have a few traits that are like INFPS. At least I think that would make sense. I'm sure that not every single INFJ or INFP is exactly the same.
It was commented on here that INFJS don't show emotions as intensely as INFPS do, which contradicts what Tx said. I disagree, since INFJS are portrayed as being very warm and empathetic people, and are perceived by others as being kind and gentle.
Would it be accurate to say that INFJS may be more intense in certain ways, and an INFP more easygoing? Or is this too vague of a description.
It really depends on circumstances. I nearly always empathize with people, see things through their eyes, and really care about them, and about helping them. But I don't always come off this way. I often come off sounding like I'm cold and uncaring. But it's more because I've analyzed the situation and moved on to the solution. I've worked in the customer service industry for 2 years now, so I've had ample opportunity to examine this. ;)

And while I haven't analyzed your posts in great detail, what I've seen sounds more like a type-seeking INFJ than anything else. I even thought I was INFP for a while! hehe :)
Amaranth44, I've read some of your other posts.

First, a quick tidbit. At the bottom of this (or any) post you'll see 3 buttons: Quote, Multi, and Quick. Quick (for a quick response) just jumps you down to the text editor field. No actual quoting is done. The Quote button is used to quote that one post in your response. Multi, when you click it, will change appearance. This lets you select a couple of posts at once. So if you wanted to quick IndigoSensor, you, and me in your posts, you'd click the Multi button on two of them, and click Quote on the third. It'll make sense once you've practiced a bit. ;)

Okay, onward and upward. I've seen you mention J vs P a couple times. J and P aren't cognitive functions at all. All it's used for is to designate which function is extraverted (and therefore, which is introverted). And since J and P don't state what those functions are, it's rarely useful to discuss J and P on their own.

Instead, look at the functions themselves:
INFJ = Ni Fe Ti Se
INFP = Ne Fi Te Si

They use completely opposite functions. To type yourself, you just need to examine your cognitive processes and determine which functions you give most preference to.

(I kid!)
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Thanks Milon. =) I'm not always very good with computers, so I will need to spend more time practicing that.
Thanks for your explanation as well. I think I likely need to study the topic more in depth. I do have a basic understanding though. Whenever I was talking about J vs. P, I had always meant more so INFJ and INFP, I just was not clear enough I suppose.
I know that I am INFJ, just when I had read the INFP descriptions I realized that I had some things in common with them too. However an INFJ clicks much more.
I understand what you're saying about your demeanor as well. In public particularly I'm pretty shy and reserved, but I try to be friendly still, albeit in a quieter way. Among people I know or feel comfortable with I open up much more and become more expressive and outgoing. It's funny because as a Child and Youth Worker student I've done lots of work with various people, so I've made myself be more outgoing and assertive in these situations. I find I move from two different roles when I'm work, and in my own life.
Anyway sorry for that long ramble. :D
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I read thru this thread yesterday... I took some time to think about the differences in me when it comes to why I end up testing the same two... infj and infp. Well, I know that in my friendships and with my children, I am def. INFJ. Within my own mind when I'm alone, I am def. INFJ. When it comes to my intimate relationships (boyfriend and from when I was married,) I am (was) def. INFP. I tend to be aware of both types at different times when I'm out in public, depending on the situation etc. Can anyone else relate to this at all?
INFPs seem more concerned about how they appear to people (personas and such). The friend I mentioned tries her best to appear an intellectual enigma.
INFJs seem more concerned about their inner world. I often find myself being asked how I feel or why I look spaced out because I get so lost in thought ^^"

Just one of the little things that I noticed ^^"
INFPs seem more concerned about how they appear to people (personas and such). The friend I mentioned tries her best to appear an intellectual enigma.
INFJs seem more concerned about their inner world. I often find myself being asked how I feel or why I look spaced out because I get so lost in thought ^^"

Just one of the little things that I noticed ^^"
I think that is a generalization based on one person, and not true.

Talk like that makes mbti hocus-pocusy. There's nothing reasonable about making an assumption about an entire group of people based on you knowing one of them.

People are more dynamic than that.
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So I'm trying to figure this out. I'm pretty sure I'm INFJ. The type fits me best. Best INFP kinda fits me too. I know J is not very high for me. So I think that may be why I feel unsure. I don't for instance need things to be clean but I do need to control things and do things when and how I feel they need down. So I'm guessing thats J at work. I also had issues with being told much of what I was not the best way to be. My mom was also a clean freak.

Anyway just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. And if there a is a way to tell the types apart. I don't feel INFP. I feel like even though I'm some what laid back I'm still too tightly wound.

So any insite is much appricaited.

Sounds like me.
INFPs use their intuition to validate their feelings.
INFJs use their feelings to validate their intuitions.

INFPs react with strong emotions.
INFJs have strong reactions to emotions.

INFPs strive to nurture those around them.
INFJs nurture those around them to strive.

INFPs are highly aware of their feelings.
INFJs feel they are highly aware.

INFPs figure it out by thinking about it too much.
INFJs figure it out by not thinking about it at all.

INFPs have trouble expressing their feelings, but not showing their emotions.
INFJs have trouble showing their emotions, but not expressing their feelings.

INFPs tell about something someone they know did.
INFJs tell someone about something they know they did.

INFPs come to feel your emotions with you.
INFJs feel the emotions coming from you.

INFPs open up to harmony.
INFJs need harmony to open up.
I definately relate to these. :)
Here's a checklist I whipped up showing how we are opposites, yet twins.

INFPs focus on values.
INFJs value their focus.

INFPs invoke their feelings.
INFJs feel their invocations.

INFPs use their intuition to validate their feelings.
INFJs use their feelings to validate their intuitions.
(This question is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg - for many, they wouldn't be able to say because the feeling is the intuition)

INFPs react with strong emotions.
INFJs have strong reactions to emotions.

INFPs know what it could be.
INFJs know what it couldn
I read thru this thread yesterday... I took some time to think about the differences in me when it comes to why I end up testing the same two... infj and infp. Well, I know that in my friendships and with my children, I am def. INFJ. Within my own mind when I'm alone, I am def. INFJ. When it comes to my intimate relationships (boyfriend and from when I was married,) I am (was) def. INFP. I tend to be aware of both types at different times when I'm out in public, depending on the situation etc. Can anyone else relate to this at all?
I think I can. My boyfriend has thought I'm an INFP because he describes my personality as having "soft edges". My family would definitely consider me INFJ, and people in general tend to type me as INFJ. As a teacher I think I would fit that as well. I usually test as INFJ, but the first time I took the test I came out INFX. I am overly analytical and second guess things.
INFJs live to study, survey, or carefully consider ideas and feelings.
The implication supersedes the reality.

Example of Ni Fe: "I will try to tolerate those who do not tolerate me so that they see I am worthy of tolerance."
Example of Ni: "Things are not as they could or should be."
Example of Fe: "How will my thinking affect others?"

INFPs live to distinguish, discriminate, or perceive the difference of ideas and feelings.
The reality supersedes the implication.

Example of Fi Ne: "I will only tolerate those who tolerate me because only those who can tolerate me are worthy of my tolerance."
Example of Ne: "Things are as they are."
Example of Fi: "How will the thinking of others affect me?"

I am an INFJ, have known it since the age of 8, when my Mom first had me take the test. My boyfriend is an INFP. Anyway, Hi everyone! Lovely comparison. I had to giggle when I read it!