Connection With Animals...


Community Member
Does anyone else seem to have a deep connection with them?
It doesnt even have to be deep, just what do you all feel when you relate yourself to animals?

For example(if anyones still reading)

I had a dog about 5 years ago, We had a relationship like no other.
Like im not joking here poeple, this dog, this form or branch off of a wolf, was my best friend ever. We understood each other so well. And i mean, i know people on here already think im crazy but, in some way i CAN NOT explain, we talked to each other. Not like straight conversations-Hey wassup man?-YO HOWS THE KIDS BRO!? but more so, i know what you want, you know what i want, we protect each other, we live with(somewhat for) each other, and...through this "unseen" connection we became brothers. Im not joking. i dont know how many times i can repeat it to help you believe the connection between me and this dog. One day something was wrong with him, I SENSED IT! ...i dont know why but-thats leading to another story.

but i just want to know who else out there has ever felt a connection with another animal?

Or lets talk about how you compare yourself or humans to animals?

Hmmm:m083:....i think that may have been to long of a start off post....oops!
Yea, I had a dog like that. I also have a strange connection with coyotes. I spot them when no one else does and I've been really close to them and they don't scare away from me nor do they become aggressive. One time I watched one and it watched me for about a half an hour. I live in a city and one walked by my back window just last week. I see pictures of them when big positive change occurs or is about to occur.
I see pictures of them when big positive change occurs or is about to occur.

Ive heard thats called your "spririt animal" or somtehing like that before.

Something about everytime u see it, it means something. i really forgot what but...idk even know if i believe that.not even sure as to whther or not i believe that theory.:md:

:m083:hmmmmm.....A sprit animal....what does that mean?....I want someone to answer or clearly identify that for me.

...although i fear i may ONCE AGAIN have to do work and reasearch it up on the net.......:m058:UNNNNNfortunately
I've had dogs all my life and in my family, we tend to treat them like people. For example, whenever my dog barks my mother tells her to "stop yelling." When I moved out, my mom literally gave the dog my bedroom. She sleeps on a futon in there. The dog literally went on a hunger strike because she hates dry dog food. So we bought her the fancy canned stuff and she's getting fat again. I don't live at home, but I still consider her my dog, too.
Well see, i kinda think we see it differently....The question im asking wait-....i think were on the same page.

your connection is treating them like a human huh?...

ok i get that. for a second there i thought you were on something else...

i wasnt ever really like that i think. i mean id sleep with my dog, even sometimes eat dinner when he ate, just to like be with him i guess but, never like gave em a room or, something like that.

alt crt del...

O-My-GOSH!....i JUST now got....that you Alt, Control, Delete....o my gosh. Somebody smack me:m181::brick:

and I KNow some would say thats taking it too far but, i mean im not posting to judge but rather understand others connections with them and how DEEP it really goes.

ok..ok i see. I Thankyou for posting
I think humans and animals are able to have some forms of connections with each other, after all we all evolved from the same organism and we have DNA that is 80% similar to a banana or something stupid like that. I've noticed I feel a sense of calm around animals and they do the same around me. I knew a girl who rescued a dog from an abusive home. This dog was terrified, and I mean terrified, of men. If a guy entered my friends house this dog would either become instantly protective of my friend, or it would back away and hunker down in it's bed making a crying sound. My friend says I'm the only guy that it enjoys the company of. When ever I'm over the dog sits down right beside me and falls asleep.

I've had dying animals come and rest on my porch (I live on a dead end street across from the woods and a river). Raccoons, squirrels, birds, you name it. They let me feed them on the porch (I never touch them, but they allow me to get close enough to spoon feed them). Just yesterday I found an injured baby bunny in my front lawn. It looked like it had a broken foot and I didn't want a hawk to eat it so it let me scoop it up onto the lid of a shoebox and take it to my porch. I gave it some shelter food and water (it was storming) and the next morning I noticed a full grown rabbit in the yard (maybe the mother) and the bunny was gone.

I believe animals have a way of sensing the good in people and I think some people really do have deep connections with animals. I'm not saying read minds or things like that, or even communicate, but there is definitely a network for connections.
I feel the same way about my two cats. I guess that without a language per se, animals are more used to "spiritual" communication.

One time when I was young I came home from school and my mom wasn't there, and I thought she was kidnapped or something, so I started crying. Somehow the first cat seemed to know that I was crying for a special reason, not just a scrape on my leg or something like that.

<3 my cats
I suppose I have a deep connection with animals... but not in the way any of the above posters have described it. I always get the feeling animals are afraid of me. Only my dog doesn't really run from me, but she usually hangs out with my parents instead.

I hope I don't give off some sort of dark aura... I try to be a good guy :m169:
I suppose I have a deep connection with animals... but not in the way any of the above posters have described it. I always get the feeling animals are afraid of me. Only my dog doesn't really run from me, but she usually hangs out with my parents instead.

I hope I don't give off some sort of dark aura... I try to be a good guy :m169:

Maybe its not you...Dogs think in terms of a pack. maybe there think there leader feels that way.

NOT at all saying your parents dislike you but i think maybe the dog is trying to be higher in the dog pack than you? many theorys...
I don't have much of a connection with animals.

I like you Dragon.

you sure know how to keep a post going.

Even if you dont Relate to the thread you still comment on it.

RANDOMLY...i dont know why...but you do.

:m076:I think thats cool yo!

your cool Dragon...Your cool...

you and your Avatar
I have a very deep connection with my cat back home. I love her to pieces.

So long as the animal is nice, and calm I can usually form a connection with them. Cats naturally like me. I am just not a fan of monkeys, farm animals (cows, horses, ect), very large dogs, or dogs that act like thet just swallowed 10 pounds of caffiene.
Was I supposed to relate to the OP in order to post in a thread? That never really occurred to me. I thought that as long as what I said was on topic, it was fine.
Maybe its not you...Dogs think in terms of a pack. maybe there think there leader feels that way.

NOT at all saying your parents dislike you but i think maybe the dog is trying to be higher in the dog pack than you? many theorys...

I had considered the same thing. However, it's all animals (except for fish) that react in an avoidance pattern. Even in the pet store... freaking bad omen, I think...
I've always seemed to get along with animals better than people. I can "communicate" with animals better, and I feel more comfortable around them. I have a similar experience with my dog; it's also very strange and hard to describe.
I don't have much of a connection with animals - I supose that's because I've only had a dog, which turned insane eventually and had to be put down, and a hamster. And hamster's love for their human is pretty paralel to the amount of food you give it.

One funny thing that does happen to me, though, is that everywhere I go there's a blackbird. Not even kidding - when I walk out of my house, there's always one in the park next to it. When I go over a friend's, there's one around. There's also one in university and in any city I've ever visited. I even went to England and there it was, every morning, waiting for me in the garden! It's kind of uncanny. I've taken a liking to the little things and I often joke about them being my "guardian" animals~
I used to have a connection with my cat. Now it's with my sisters beagle/staffy.
I've usually been able to get a long with animals better than people. My boyfriend's cats are very afraid of strangers, but the first time I went over to his house, they didn't hide. And last month the shiest one of all came up close to me to see if she wanted some chicken I was eating. He said that was unheard of.

My dog and I are very close, but not as close as she is to my mother. Probably because she knows my mother is the leader. Also probably because I keep leaving to go back to college on a regular basis.

But this kind of stuff has been happening to me since I was a child. I guess I give them the impression that I wouldn't hurt them.
I have a very deep connection with my cat back home. I love her to pieces.

very large dogs, or dogs that act like thet just swallowed 10 pounds of caffiene.

I love those type of dogs:m015:!!Probably cuz their just like me.

Was I supposed to relate to the OP in order to post in a thread? That never really occurred to me. I thought that as long as what I said was on topic, it was fine.

hehe no i think ur right.

I dont usually post on a thread if i cant relate to it.

....kinda felt like i fit in the Thread i guess.