- INTJ - A
- Enneagram
- 10000
I don't know about where everyone else lives, but where I live life is getting shittier and shittier every day.
There's more crime, domestic disputes, vandalism, racism, hedonism, puritanism, don't give a shit-ism. It's getting so that neighbours don't even greet each other any more when they see each other.
On top of that, whenever I vist old aquaintences I am worried because everyone I know is giving up their hobbies, giving up going out (in both the social and recreational/sport&exercise senses), etc.
Basically, it seems as though apathy is rife.
Worse than that, everyone is becoming hyper-critical about international affairs that don't really have anything but a very, very indirect bearing on their lives. Everyone complains about a politician who did this, or a Church leader who said that, or a disaster here, or a famine there... but no one is willing to lift a finger to do anything about it. - Hence the hypocrisy.
What do people here do to get loved ones / people you care about out of total apathy about their lives?.. and maybe start doing something about things instead of just bitching about them?
(I am a hypocrite, by the way... but I want ideas to get out of the rut).
There's more crime, domestic disputes, vandalism, racism, hedonism, puritanism, don't give a shit-ism. It's getting so that neighbours don't even greet each other any more when they see each other.
On top of that, whenever I vist old aquaintences I am worried because everyone I know is giving up their hobbies, giving up going out (in both the social and recreational/sport&exercise senses), etc.
Basically, it seems as though apathy is rife.
Worse than that, everyone is becoming hyper-critical about international affairs that don't really have anything but a very, very indirect bearing on their lives. Everyone complains about a politician who did this, or a Church leader who said that, or a disaster here, or a famine there... but no one is willing to lift a finger to do anything about it. - Hence the hypocrisy.
What do people here do to get loved ones / people you care about out of total apathy about their lives?.. and maybe start doing something about things instead of just bitching about them?
(I am a hypocrite, by the way... but I want ideas to get out of the rut).
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