Careers and the key to success for each type

Thanks, this is a useful guide.
I love how my career is not considered an INFJ thing. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I wonder what type you'd have to be for working for a police folice.
Read that as 'what type would be the best type for doing such work'.
Probably ESTP OR ESTJ.
I wonder what type you'd have to be for working for a police folice.
Read that as 'what type would be the best type for doing such work'.
Probably ESTP OR ESTJ.

Dealing with conflict both physical and verbal, handling stress, having thick skin, being emotionally detached... are things all types can possess. Just cus a person is an ESTJ doesn't mean they're immediately suited for jobs like that.
Dealing with conflict both physical and verbal, handling stress, having thick skin, being emotionally detached... are things all types can possess. Just cus a person is an ESTJ doesn't mean they're immediately suited for jobs like that.

Yea I know, but if we'd assume that we're all 100% like our stereotype MBTI-type.

All those things you summed up.. damn. They made me realise I might have to look at other options too.
Or take up self protection...

Yea, but I'd think I'd be scared to start something new where social interaction goes on and I'd make all kind of excuses for myself..

What would be a good sport to start?
I've tried kickboxing a few times, I liked it, but I'm not sure if it's 'self protection'..

What would a good sport be for someone who wants to be a cop?
I would recommend the following:

Thai boxing/Muay thai

They're tough but the fitness and conditioning is incredible. Don't worry about getting your teeth knocked out, a good school/club will build you from the ground up, progressively and with absolute safety in mind.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

These next three grappling arts are really amazing. Grappling/wrestling in general builds an incredible level of proprioceptive awareness. It really develops your bodies kinaesthetic intelligence. They're bloody fun as well.

Or, you could do MMA which is a mixture of all of the above. But the general competitive atmosphere may be a turn off. I know it was for me.
I love how my career is not considered an INFJ thing. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Nor is mine, but who cares? It is simply a guide.

I mean, really, what INFJ in their right mind would want to be a chemist/research-scientist. :D
haha yeah, interesting enough Most of the careers I had in mind for myself are not there( though I love psychology, I am also very inclined to the sciences(Chemist, Oceanographer, Astrologer, name it!!xD) it can all be so confusing...

Nursing isn't either. Suspect it is more an ISFJ thing. Where other nurses do the "comfort" and pillow plumping thing automatically I actually think about whether it is a good thing in the long run for the patient.
Originally I wanted to study chemical engineering technology. What is it with some INFJ's liking chemistry? In the end I decided I like people technology rather than chemicals and corporations.