Attention INFJ Females:

Attention INFJ Females:

I have been studying personality types for mating purposes and have found INFJ to be quite suitable. I have lurked your forum to study your behavior. I request advice for finding a mate. Please fill out the following form:

1) Where are you likely to be found outside of the Internet?

2) How does one recognize you in public?

3) How would one go about attracting you?

Please return for followup questions. Participation is appreciated.

That is all.
Looks like ya might need to study a little more. lol
That's funny. I almost posted exactly that when I saw this thread.. Then thought against it seein as how I'm not INFJ.
Attention INFJ Females:

I have been studying personality types for mating purposes and have found INFJ to be quite suitable. I have lurked your forum to study your behavior. I request advice for finding a mate. Please fill out the following form:
You seem like a nice kid. I'm not sure of your intent as a poster - whether or not you are serious. Typically it's better to make a case as to why you are personally "suitable" or desirable to someone else. Why should someone who knows nothing about you want your approval in any way? It wouldn't make any sense.

Telling an unknown person that they belong to a category of people you find "suitable" is not going to win much interest from them. It is unintentionally demeaning and objectifying. This wording implies that they are not unique, special, but belong to a faceless group that are acceptable, but it doesn't imply anything particularly wonderful. In praising another person for their appeal in your eyes, it is better to look for unique qualities that make them desirable in a way different from the other six billion people on the planet (or in the case of the INFJ category 1% of that number =I think 60 million?)

You might find that wording acceptable in approaching you, but few people would.
Well you could always haul ass to the Mature Topics section. I think there's some sort of auction going on. White slavery, I think. I have no idea what these weird kids get up to. You're going to need some topless pictures obviously for when someone gets drunk and rowdy on rum and screams "Show us yer tits!"

There might be a talent portion and a question and answer portion. Possibly something involving monkeys.

Are you sure you want an INFJ chica? Because you might be hoping for something cuddly, earnest and sincere and you could end up with a savage sarcastic hellcat like me. Maybe you should read around more....
I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm, because this is so stereotypical of INTPs that it's scary.
I think it's funny and that's what I like about INTP's.
Attention INFJ Females:

I have been studying personality types for mating purposes and have found INFJ to be quite suitable. I have lurked your forum to study your behavior. I request advice for finding a mate. Please fill out the following form:

1) Where are you likely to be found outside of the Internet?

2) How does one recognize you in public?

3) How would one go about attracting you?

Please return for followup questions. Participation is appreciated.

Okay, a few pointers:

INFJs are into ideal romances. Referring to said romance as "mating" is not necessarily the best course of action. We are not animals; nor are we science experiments to be observed. Being called a "mate" also seems a bit crude and somewhat disrespectful, if you're looking to impress; "partner" would be perhaps better, given that it implies a more equal relationship.

We are not interested in bonds for procreation or because it seems "necessary." You're going to have to earn your keep. If you want to catch a girl, you're going to have to have your cards on the table, so to speak; what are your credentials? Do you have a pedigree? It's nice that you're interested in us, but you'll have to give us a reason to be interested in you as well -- it's only logical, if you're considering laws of attraction.

And finally:

That is all.

UH-UH. If you're looking for a relationship, it's not a good idea to dismiss a woman under terms of your own agenda, especially not with NF types. You've got to allow for discussion, feeling, and real interaction, none of that robotic questionnaire bull. I want a relationship, not an interrogation.
*snickers* you absoultly SCREAM INTP, its funny (not a bad thing) :tongue1:
yeah ok, one hour is not enough study time, you're going to need to be on this forum for several days before you can start making conclusions.
I love INTPs, they're so funny.

Do up some graphs so as to describe why you're their INTP fantasy, and how utterly brilliant you are.

I know that only the unworthy don't see your worth as elevated above the sweating stinking masses of biological waste that overpopulates the planet and lies when they say "I think". However, being an introvert and a very new poster noone will know how you are separated from the rest of the INTP males.

Also, in order to save yourself some bother from romancing offline, why not try and figure out which INFJs on the forum are close enough to you to seduce? Online seductions are much simpler, and you don't get as emotionally invested (yes, there are always some emotions, though they're often hidden and hit us without us realising it) if the other person isn't a close fit.

I also recommend you getting into the bachelor auction.
Forum INFJ ladies, I think you should go along with the survey (as amusing and odd as it might seem).

Your INTP Fantasy is basically asking for type characteristics - in a very particular area. :) He obviously wants to adapt himself to the needs of our type, when courting a lady friend. That seems to be a noble and considerate thing to do.
Also, I would like to know your special erogenous zones, and what makes you giggle and sigh most out of everything.
I already gave a few pointers regarding how the post itself could use work, but sure, I'll give it a shot.

1) Where are you likely to be found outside of the Internet?

2) How does one recognize you in public?

3) How would one go about attracting you?

1) Wherever the hell my friends drag me. I also like the library, dance parties, and places I've never been before while there aren't very many people so we can explore.

2) They know me. If you don't know me, odds are you won't recognize me. Makes sense.

3) Charm, attention, respect -- don't get too familiar too quickly. Show you care. Be positive -- I am REALLY in tune with "energy," so if you're a negative person I will feed off of that. I don't like that. So don't bitch and moan or be too awkward. I mean, you don't have to shoot rays of sunshine out of your ass, but don't make negativity a defining aspect; I know people are retarded and the world is doomed, so let's talk about something nice instead. Don't be overly sensitive, but be willing to allow us some room for sensitivity. I have emotions, and usually I bottle them up; let me feel them, let me show I care, and strengthen that by showing you care in return.

I'm sure there's more to that last part, but that's the basics.
He did it! LOL. :rofl:

I have to admit I would have posted it before if I weren't so sure you'd all laugh at it. It's such a temptation!

So INTP... but he needs to study more...though I find it very practical, I know it's rude for NF's. And I don't think INFx would be just for 'mating'.

INFP ladies are for sex
INFJ ladies are for marriage
INTJ ladies are for sex and business partners
INTP ladies are for education partners, world seeing partners, sex and life partners
I read this earlier and thought it was a joke. I was confused and left quickly so as not to be detected. One tip, don't ever introduce yourself in this way because it's creepy.

Do you really want to be with an INFJ? What do you know about INFJs? Where did you come up with your conclusions? Why do you think this was a good way to post?

Since I asked my questions I will answer yours.

1. I personally am seen with family on some days and with friends on others. I go to coffee houses, bars, book stores, and curiosity shops. I also spend much time at home.

2. I'm short with glasses and long black hair. I am smuggling beach balls (I'm pregnant). I walk at an easy pace and I hardly ever look down which is why I trip over everything and nothing.

3.Don't hit on me because I will find you creepy and turn you down before you even thought you had a chance. I like to talk and enjoy myself. That tricky line between friend and not a friend that is where you want to be. Be slightly flirty, but hold back. Best thing to do is be you and talk about what you like to do for fun.

Now, I expect you to answer my questions since I was nice enough to answer yours. And stay away from my gramatical mistakes!
I'm full of Australian Chardonnay and I'm surly. I'll play along... I have a weakness for you INTP types ...

1) Where are you likely to be found outside of the Internet?

Wandering around near bodies of water searching for meaning and magic in mud puddles. Or at a library. Or a protest. Or volunteering. Or a gourmet foods store. Or at a strip club. Or a bus stop, Infj's don't drive.

2) How does one recognize you in public?

By my smirk and the my sideways glance. You'll try to catch my eye and I'll smile and run away until I can think of something clever to say but it'll be too late. i'll write in my diary about the cute stranger I was too nervous to flirt with and you'll fuel my fantasies for two weeks or two years depending on my mood.

3) How would one go about attracting you?

::looks around:: I think you're doing fine so far. My INTP was an alluring blend of honesty, brilliance, quiet and strange charm, humor and a bit of emotional unavailability just to keep me from boredom. So there's always that. But I think i'm weird for an INFJ so I wouldn't believe a word out of my mouth.
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