I were thinking about this subject a few days ago and were going to ask you lot about it aswell. so.. good timing
Since I were like 5-6 years old i've had migraines (first thing i got bullied about, yay).
I'm now 22 and I still have it quite often. Just checked wiki and if that definition is correct it's more then quite often.
It was a long time ago I acctually had such a headache I had to puke ... I've learned how to avoid that. But once every two week I have to go to bed due to headache, remove all batteries from clocks. Puting shirts over stuff that's glowing etc.
But I got a headache almost every two days or so. Atm I have one and if I don't do something about it soon it will be bad I guess.
Some is just annoying, you have a harder time to think and do stuff.
Other headaches make you wanna kill yourself.
When i were younger I checked this with a doctor. They never found any problems. (I have perfect sight etc).
So yeah the question is:
Do you think some types get's headaches easier than others?
For example: IN types pretty much lives in theire heads. It's always something going on. Could that be a factor of why you get a headache.