Are You Into Sports?

  • Thread starter Thread starter VH
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Are you into spectator sports like football, baseball, etc.?

  • INFJ Male: Yes

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • INFJ Male: No

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • INFJ Female: Yes

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • INFJ Female: No

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • INTJ Male: Yes

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • INTJ Male: No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTJ Female: Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTJ Female: No

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • All Others: Yes

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • All others: No

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters


Variable Hybrid
I realized that while I'm happy the Saints won - because it's their first superbowl and a lot of my friends are happy about it since we live near New Orleans - I don't care at all about sports. I never really have. This is the first superbowl I've even remotely had any interest in, and I didn't even watch it. I can't name more than 10 NFL teams off the top of my head, and maybe 5 NBA teams.

The closest I come to interest in sports are the ones I actually engage in, which are martial arts, archery, fencing, and the like. I've never been a fan of watching other people play sports unless I'm competing with them, at which point I'm studying them, or cheering on friends who I know personally. I've never had any interest in sitting through a game on TV.

What I'm wondering is whether or not this is a common thing for INFJs, seeing as we are Se inferior. I'm most interested in INFJ male responses to this question, but want to hear from everyone.

Are you much at all into sports, especially spectator sports like Football, Baseball, etc.?
I am into watching a lot of sports. Football, basketball, baseball, mainly. I started a thread about this some months ago and my general conclusion here is that INFJ's (men and women) are almost universally not into sports. i got limited responses and the ones I got were almost all negative. I do find it strange that I like sports for some reason. Can't really explain why I do.
:( no, I'm not heehee

I don't know why I can't hit the ball when playing volleyball or ping pong and I can't see the shuttlecock when playing badminton

I got a 79 in P.E. because of volleyball :( :( :( :(
not really, but if i'm around a group of people who are really into it I can garner some interest for it ;) i much prefer playing sports to watching though.
With the exception of skiing (and this is a big exception as I love nearly everything about skiing), I am not into sports at all. Watching them does not excite me, or interest me in nearly all cases.

Of course, a big exception is coming up: The Winter Olympics. I really enjoy winter sports and there is something about the olympics that energizes and excites me. I think is the combination of all the cold/winter/snow and that it feels very genuine.
With the exception of skiing (and this is a big exception as I love nearly everything about skiing), I am not into sports at all. Watching them does not excite me, or interest me in nearly all cases.

Of course, a big exception is coming up: The Winter Olympics. I really enjoy winter sports and there is something about the olympics that energizes and excites me. I think is the combination of all the cold/winter/snow and that it feels very genuine.

Yeah, from what I've seen in most of us... If we are interested in sports at all, it's usually a very narrow focus and almost always tied to the sports we personally participate in.
Volleyball, because I played most of my life. I have to play to enjoy. Not interested in watching.

Martial arts is new for me, but I like it because of how much it involves the spirit, and it really seems to be more competition with myself.

Everyone I know is into football. I understand it, not interested in watching it though. I can find better stuff to do with my short attention span.

May have something to do with ADHD overall.
Yup! I will look for my thread tonight, unless you want to try VH. It has enough info on it to canfirm this I think. The real question then is Why? Any thoughts here guys?
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I don't like sports. I've never been sporty, I missed out on a lot of typical "kid" stuff, like learning how to swim and being on soccer teams, and the ones I didn't miss out on I learned to do very late (I learned how to ride a bike 5 or 6 years after everyone else my age learned, for example).

I find watching other people play them pointless, especially. It does nothing to benefit, nothing to inspire me, so what's the use?

The only time I ever do watch sports is during the Olympics, but I tune in more for the cultural aspect and the idea of so many nations congregating rather than the actual sports themselves.
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Not at all.
I Love watching Snooker, which is an extremely complicated type of pool. I also watch a bit of martial arts. Otherwise nothing. I used to watch a lot of hockey, but that was many years ago now.
Yeah, from what I've seen in most of us... If we are interested in sports at all, it's usually a very narrow focus and almost always tied to the sports we personally participate in.

Yup, and the sports tend to be rather non-traditional as well. As you already pointed out it is our inferior Se. Ti also plays a factor in this, and it is mostly in the geeky detailed sense. Most sports that need Ti, don't employ it in this way. Since as our teritary function, it can play as a confort zone for people. When we do get into sports, they tend to have a technical side to them. Some examples would be pool (which someone already pointed out in liking), figure skating, martial arts (although Ti is not directly apparent in this), bowling, and golf in some cases.

Proof of this. One of my favorite things to watch during the winter olympics is curling. I know most people call me a total geek for liking this, and most think it is boring, but I find it endlessly fascenating to watch. It has a huge Ti component to it (and some Ni even). If I had access to it, I would love to get into playing curling, I think I would really enjoy it.
This forum, I've noticed, is almost entirely devoid of sports conversations. I think I've seen a total of three threads (including this one).
Also, I accidentally voted as INFJ, if possible, mods, change it please?
I've noticed I'm not into team sports. I am either on the court on my own against another person, or in a duo.

I like watching Gymnastics and Swimming (usually men's). And tennis. Just once in a while if it comes on TV somehow.
And even those winter sports once like the one where you are on skates on ice, in a race.. They go extremely fast and another where you are in some kind of tunnel. Don't even know what they're called lol. I just think, they are so un-human like. I don't know how they can even function at that speed.

But I usually watch sports when it is the Olympics
or if there is a hot guy in the game. XD
Skiing, skiing, skiing, swimming, skiing... I've been skiing all my life and hope to do it up to the day I kick the bucket.

In the absence of steep, I'll do X-country skiing, but only if I have to.

Did a lot of martial arts when I was younger. Liked sparring a lot. Wasn't much into the "spiritual" end of it. I just liked fighting. Still do.

Work out a lot. I'm an obligate exerciser.

Never had an interest in team sports, a decidedly "S" kind of thing, IMO.

I hate having my success in anything depend on others' efforts. I'm a loner who doesn't work well with others. But, I try to be nice, now and then.
Yes! Although it kind of comes and goes... I played volleyball for almost 10 years competetively and loved it, we had great fun with the team, a close knit group. Sometimes I get these urges, but then might be a long time without any activity...

It might be because my mom encouraged me in trying out a lot of different hobbies and because we had such great outdoors possibilities that I just got to love Se early on.

I feel it's very healthy for me, it helps me become connected to my body and the moment like nothing else and get me out of my head. I feel my blood pumping, my swet coming down my back, I can taste the salt, feel everything in the present. I should, however, do it more often (keep it like a regular thing)...

Also something I noticed while playing volleyball was that although my technique probably sucked (say, more than average) I could pitch a whole 25-points round knowing excatly where to put it and the point was ours. Now I can't help but think it's Ni. Maybe it wasn't, Idk. But I did have, regardless of my skills and short height and other deficiencies, a pretty good read and hunch about the game. I used my gut a lot and it often paid off. (Unconscious as the speed of the game is so fast, can't really "think" about it, just have to go with it).
Now if it was indeed Ni it's a shame if there aren't many of us out there playing sports, it's quite remarkable and intriguing, not to even mention practise, of the functions. (Ni+Se)
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That's great, sdraguer. For me I'm often considered a weak player but when it comes to using a racket, I can aim right at the opponent's face.. and I've had to battle some tall guys before who would hit the ball and make it go so fast (seems I am the only one I know who didn't have that kind of arm--when I throw a dodgeball, it's like in sloooow motion) and somehow I am able to know where the ball is going even though I can't see it and I always hit it. I have this sort of technique I came up with where I am not looking at anything at alll.. I just look straight ahead and it gives me a span of the whole court. People also tell me my hits and serves are always consistent. So I give a surprise every now and then.

So yes perhaps it's the N !