Aquiziam Test | INFJ Forum

Aquiziam Test


Aug 17, 2010
It's a good test. Includes MBTI and some other stuff.

I got

Personality Quiz

Your Results






Dishonest LOL











[ blah blah blah ]

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Entrepeneur (The Pioneer) You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals Keirsey Personality Type: The Inventor Myers-Briggs Classification: ENTP Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals Myers-Briggs Type: The Originator You are generally intellectually fast, astute, creative, alert, insightful, adaptable and very well informed. If you have had a privileged education these attributes are dramatically enhanced. As a consequence you may be perceived as “gifted” or extraordinary when you display your abilities. Above all else you believe in invention and have a phenomenal ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions. You tend to know that you are smarter and more able and this stimulates you to debate and you may try to be “one-up” on other people. Be aware that this can make your family, friends and colleagues insecure and irritated. You love new ideas and concepts and commit yourself to new projects with enthusiasm and energy. However, your questing and undisciplined mind may well lose interest if the endeavour becomes too “detail” focused. This makes you a great starter-initiator but a poor completer-finisher. In addition, you may also ignore mundane and routine aspects of your life such as remembering to pay your bills on time. You are often so bored and irritated by routine that you will do something differently even if you know that another way is more effective. This trait can lead to enormous inventiveness and sometimes spectacular failures. In fact, boredom is your enemy! This doesn’t mean that you are often bored – quite the contrary. You know a thousand ways to keep your agile mind active but if you are forced by circumstances into a routine you can become despondent and even depressed as the fire inside you goes out. You are a rare, valuable and often unappreciated personality and need to remember to nurture your strengths.
You’re Classical Element is: Fire
One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Fire” personality is usually positive, extroverted, active, creative ingenious and dynamic. Fire types provide the energy and drive within a society. They are said to be attracted to Air / Wind types because the two share interdependency in nature. Air moves and fuels the fire and the fire heats and moves the air – and so the cycle continues.
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Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Scientist
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals

Keirsey Personality Type: The Mastermind

Myers-Briggs Classification: INTJ

Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals

Myers-Briggs Type: The Strategist
Your Results



Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Advisor

You already know that leadership comes naturally to you. In your heart you know that leadership is an ability that few have but you do. Being a follower is for other people and you can’t understand why they seem happy with their roles! The characteristics that best describe you are proactive, powerful, brave, certain and decisive. However, you need to be careful of being overbearing and tyrannical. The most successful leaders in history were those that also learnt to listen to others.

Being with other people is important to you and you understand that being a part of a society is an import role. You usually share the same values of other people and enjoy knowing that you are part of a greater team. You genuinely enjoy being with people although there are times when you wish you had a little more time to yourself. You appreciate the world is complex but feel that you understand the part that you live in. On the whole people enjoy being around you. You don’t “try” to understand people because most of the time you just do. There are very few times in your life that you have felt alone.

As an individual you are sometimes demanding - of yourself and of others. You like to achieve success in much that you do and expect others to feel the same way. Still, please be aware that you can sometimes be seen as intolerant, difficult and easily annoyed. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and soften these characteristics – most human beings don’t understand your drive and can react badly to you because they simply cannot understand your needs.

There is a broad range of goals and objectives that you would like to achieve - if they are not too hard. However, people will often be surprised by your energy and enthusiasm for those one or two important goals that are at the centre of your existence. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as enthusiastic, determined, upbeat, vigorous, lively and interested. On the downside you can also be unpredictable and occasionally even unreliable. Beware of letting your one or two personal passions become obsessions.

Charisma is an almost magical personality characteristic and it appears that you have plenty of it. It’s not something you work at and tend to take for granted but beware as a subtle change in your complex make-up and it can suddenly disappear. Being charismatic can be a powerful tool but can also cause envy in others. Some characteristics associated with charisma include being alluring, enigmatic, enchanting, vivacious and even adorable. People with your kind of charisma tend to become successful actors, politicians, maverick chief executives and stand-up comedians.

You definitely believe in being honest. This doesn’t mean you won’t be dishonest if you absolutely had to be but it would have to a desperate situation for you to choose this option. Your conscience is a significant part of your psychology and because it so powerful you like and need to keep it clear. You despise corruption and people that use the state of the world to justify or forgive their actions. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be sincerity, faithfulness, reliability, truthfulness and trustworthiness. For you it is really black and white. You are honest or you are not!

Humour is quite important to you in your life. You like to laugh and to see other people laughing. You sometimes use humour as a tool to put people at their ease and occasionally use it as a weapon to ridicule others. People sometimes see you as funny, amusing, entertaining and witty and you genuinely take pleasure from their reactions. You like laughing with people not at them. For you humour can be a way of asserting your superiority both over the people in the jokes. As people get to know you they will increasingly appreciate your take on the world. Develop this skill.

You are definitely more secretive than most people and you generally find it difficult to trust others. There are certainly secrets that you will go to great lengths to hide. These may be that you furtively enjoy pornography or that you have embezzled money from where you work. You probably won’t get caught because you take keeping your secrets very seriously. Either deliberately or accidentally you create an aura of mystery about you and are quietly pleased that people find this intriguing. You quite like watching dark dramas and mystery thrillers. The TV series “24” probably had you on the edge of your seat. Not only are you good at keeping your own secrets you tend to keep other peoples unless you have something to gain through revelation.

Your relationships with other people tend to be more focused on their needs rather than yours. You appreciate that not everyone is able to deal with the issues or problems that they may experience. The sense of satisfaction that you get from occasionally helping others is a rewarding experience. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion but don’t always practice them. Your caring side is well developed and you worry about many things from your family to climate change. The risk that you face is that some people may see you as anxious and over protective. Also, you can be inclined to make people aware of care related issues without actually doing much about them yourself. You need to learn that actions often speak louder than words.

You are generally quite precise and self-disciplined but not to the point where it’s an obsession. Work that you do is clear and done dutifully. You value communication that gets-to-the point with the minimum amount of fuss. Characteristics that are sometimes associated with you include punctuality, efficiency, persistency and determination. For you it is more important to reach the destination than enjoying the journey. At times you can seem over focused to other people. Still, your attention to detail is professionally a positive attribute because you still have insights that you are prepared to explore. Some of the greatest scientists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.

You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type: The Counsellor
Myers-Briggs Classification: INFJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type: The Confidant

You are generally intelligent, insightful and intuitive - particularly about people. These three characteristic usually make you a caring and empathetic individual. Above all else you try to see meaning, connections and patterns in your life and those of other people. To others your considerable ability to perceive things that they cannot may appear almost magical at times. You continue to strive to understand what motivates others whether as individuals or as a society. Most people with your personality type have strong and well developed values that focus on the wellbeing of humanity as a whole. You are appreciated for doing the right thing. This is just as well because without these values you would find it easy to be manipulative and hurtful as you understand how peoples’ minds work. (When your personality type goes bad it goes really bad!) On the whole you don’t like to lead or to follow although you can be decisive and even forceful when you need to be. Since a young age you have been more interested in observing life than necessarily participating. You rarely follow fashion but understand why others do. Equally, you do not feel any great need to be different or set your own trend. In reality you are the true individualist. You also have a determination to see matters to a conclusion even if the conclusion itself is not always as successful as it could be. Your life is about seeking understanding about everything but particularly people. To you the most fascinating thing in the universe is the human mind. (You are the most likely personality type to take a quiz like this but you will also be the most skeptical and doubting with regard to the results. You will want to know how it works and is it based on solid research and science. We could go on ... )

You’re Classical Element is: Water

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Water” personality is usually associated powerful intuition, imagination, emotional behavior and passion. Water types are the fluid, changing and nurturing life-force of a society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.

Hmm. I really liked this quiz. There was a lot of thing in the profile that were bang on.

Personality Quiz

Your Results:

Leader -- Follower
Loner -- Team-Player
Demanding -- Accepting
Motivated --- Unmotivated
Charismatic --- Bland
Dishonest --- Honest
Humorous --- Serious
Secretive --- Open
Self-Focused --- Caring
Precise --- Imprecise
Extrovert --- Introvert
Sensing --- Intuition
Thinking --- Feeling
Judging --- Perceiving


You quite often find yourself in a leadership role are sometimes surprised by this as you believe there may be others more qualified. Still, you will follow a stronger lead if there is one but they should watch out if they’re not very competent because you’re right behind them. The characteristics that best describe you are strong, proud, sometimes disobedient, plucky, steadfast, sure and decisive. However, you need to be careful of following other less qualified leaders who simply believe in their goal more than you do in yours.

Being with other people is important to you and you understand that being a part of a society is an import role. You usually share the same values of other people and enjoy knowing that you are part of a greater team. You genuinely enjoy being with people although there are times when you wish you had a little more time to yourself. You appreciate the world is complex but feel that you understand the part that you live in. On the whole people enjoy being around you. You don’t “try” to understand people because most of the time you just do. There are very few times in your life that you have felt alone.

As an individual you are sometimes demanding - of yourself and of others. You like to achieve success in much that you do and expect others to feel the same way. Still, please be aware that you can sometimes be seen as intolerant, difficult and easily annoyed. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and soften these characteristics – most human beings don’t understand your drive and can react badly to you because they simply cannot understand your needs.

Clearly there are goals and objectives in your life that you strongly desire to achieve. You probably believe in the expression – “no pain – no gain”. These are not just things that you want they are passions for which you will spare no effort. It’s not just a matter of if you succeed but when. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as fervent, determined, energetic and totally committed. On the downside you can also be hard work for other people who have to live and or work with you. You may even be seen as stubborn, compulsive and prepared to use others to get what you want. Take a moment to appreciate that not everyone shares your desires.

Charisma is an almost magical personality characteristic and it appears that you have plenty of it. It’s not something you work at and tend to take for granted but beware as a subtle change in your complex make-up and it can suddenly disappear. Being charismatic can be a powerful tool but can also cause envy in others. Some characteristics associated with charisma include being alluring, enigmatic, enchanting, vivacious and even adorable. People with your kind of charisma tend to become successful actors, politicians, maverick chief executives and stand-up comedians.

You are probably more dishonest than honest. It is likely that your work and lifestyle are forcing you into being this type of person. Most people who receive this score are often naturally honest but find that they are forced by circumstances to be more dishonest than they would like to be. When you are dishonest you are usually concerned that you will be found out or caught. You realise that it is nearly impossible in this modern world to be completely honest and forgive your actions by believing that most people are just like you. Characteristics associated with your level of dishonesty tend to be hypocrisy, vice, deception, being unfaithful and duplicity. In short, your behavior troubles your conscience when you think about it. For you it is all about not being found out.

Humour is very important to you in your life. You like to laugh and to make other people laugh too. You often use humour as a tool to put people at their ease but you can just as easily use it as a weapon to ridicule others. People often see you as funny, amusing, entertaining and witty but what they don’t realise is that you’re often secretly laughing at them not with them. For you humour can be a way of asserting your superiority both over the people in the jokes and those that laugh at them. As people get to know you they will eventually tire of this gift of yours. Learn to use it sparingly.

You have the odd secret but are generally an open person and you’d tend to trust others unless there is something about them. Sure you have the odd secret that you’d prefer that other people didn’t know but is unlikely that you’d go to any great lengths to keep it that way. Your secrets are embarrassing rather than dangerous. However, on occasions people like you have a dark secret that would shock the neighbours. You quite like gossip and rumour as long as you’re not involved. You’re so open that you can make others nervous.

Your relationships with other people tend to be more focused on your needs rather than theirs. From time-to-time you do put the needs of others ahead of your own but generally believe that people should take care of their own problems and issues. This does not mean that you are uncaring but most of the time you see yourself and your life as your own responsibility and believe that others should do the same. You often have to remind yourself to have empathy and compassion for others. Your caring side tends to be limited to family, friends and your immediate community. The risk that you face is that some people may see you as reserved and disinterested in wider issues such as global poverty. You need to appreciate that even far-off problems can also become yours.

You recognise the relevancy of precision and self-discipline but struggle to achieve it. Work done by you can often be creative and insightful but you can have difficulty finishing it. You value communication that explores the diversity of the subject matter. Characteristics that are sometimes associated with you include carelessness, long-windedness and lateness. For you the journey is more important than reaching the destination. At times you can be frustrating to people that must work with you. Still, your flexibility in thinking and behavior means that you occasionally develop concepts that are either incredibly positive or negative if you have the opportunity to implement them. Many great philosophers have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your source of information and experience is external, where you take-in and process data rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where assimilate things primarily via your intuition. You are usually outgoing, gregarious, dynamic, energetic, communicative and thick-skinned. You seek the unexpected and are stimulated by physical proof of the unusual and extraordinary.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Leader

You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type: The Field Marshall
Myers-Briggs Classification: ENTJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type: The Chief

You are generally forthright, decisive, forceful, dominant and are driven to lead other people as you find this both natural and often effortless. Whereas many people will give way to a stronger leader you find this almost impossible and you are more likely to challenge than to accept because your remarkable ability to comprehend situations and provide solutions has given you a level of self confidence that is rare in other personality types. You place great importance on information systems and being well-informed but are less willing to share information although you will often present your views and demands with charisma and forcefulness. This can sometimes make you appear dictatorial. You understand that knowing things that others do not is a powerful tool and you often use your time to study subjects that are useful to you and constantly improve your general knowledge. Yes ... for you “Knowledge is Power”. Good organisation, logical processes, competence, personal strength and energy are things that you value highly and develop in yourself. You have little time or patience for people who don’t share these attributes. You always know what you want as a goal but still retain the mental flexibility to change your mind and pursue a “better’ or more rewarding objective. Being praised means little to you although you do enjoy respect and admiration even if you rarely show it. You are a natural leader.

Your Classical Element is: Fire
One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Fire” personality is usually positive, extroverted, active, creative ingenious and dynamic. Fire types provide the energy and drive within a society. They are said to be attracted to Air / Wind types because the two share interdependency in nature. Air moves and fuels the fire and the fire heats and moves the air – and so the cycle continues.

** The spelling errors in this test were irritating.
*** It appears to be ENTJ week for me.
Not posting the whole results, but I got:

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Scientist You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals Keirsey Personality Type: The Mastermind Myers-Briggs Classification: INTJ Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals Myers-Briggs Type: The Strategist
Your Results


You rarely find yourself in a leadership role but will do it if you have to although you don
I found the breaking of the traits to be contradictory

First it tells me that I am different from others and complex and then it tells me that I am an "average guy" o_O
I found the breaking of the traits to be contradictory

First it tells me that I am different from others and complex and then it tells me that I am an "average guy" o_O


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Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Pragmatist You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Artisans Keirsey Personality Type: The Crafter Myers-Briggs Classification: ISTP Myers-Briggs Group: The Creators Myers-Briggs Type: The Craftsman

So I'm an ISTP now

btw this was quite a good test, I recommend other people take it. It's different to most. And I would describe myself as a pragmatist, so it's accurate to an extent.
Last edited:
Interesting test and holycrap the description is a wall of text! Too much for me to post here, but for the most part it's accurate. Some stuff is spot on, most is more or less right, but some of it is flat out wrong.

- Follower
Loner - Team-Player
Demanding - Accepting
Motivated - Unmotivated
Charismatic - Bland
Dishonest- Honest
Humerous - Serious
Secretive - Open
Self-Focused - Caring
Precise -Imprecise
Extrovert - Introvert
Sensing - Intuition
Thinking - Feeling
Judging - Perceiving


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Advisor
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type: The Counsellor
Myers-Briggs Classification: INFJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type: The Confidant
You’re Classical Element is: Water

You are generally intelligent, insightful and intuitive - particularly about people. These three characteristic usually make you a caring and empathetic individual. Above all else you try to see meaning, connections and patterns in your life and those of other people. To others your considerable ability to perceive things that they cannot may appear almost magical at times. You continue to strive to understand what motivates others whether as individuals or as a society. Most people with your personality type have strong and well developed values that focus on the wellbeing of humanity as a whole. You are appreciated for doing the right thing. This is just as well because without these values you would find it easy to be manipulative and hurtful as you understand how peoples’ minds work. (When your personality type goes bad it goes really bad!) On the whole you don’t like to lead or to follow although you can be decisive and even forceful when you need to be. Since a young age you have been more interested in observing life than necessarily participating. You rarely follow fashion but understand why others do. Equally, you do not feel any great need to be different or set your own trend. In reality you are the true individualist. You also have a determination to see matters to a conclusion even if the conclusion itself is not always as successful as it could be. Your life is about seeking understanding about everything but particularly people. To you the most fascinating thing in the universe is the human mind. (You are the most likely personality type to take a quiz like this but you will also be the most skeptical and doubting with regard to the results. You will want to know how it works and is it based on solid research and science. We could go on ... )
Follower (3/4)
Loner (Full)
Accepting (Full)
Motivated (3/4)
Charismatic (Full)
Honest (3/4)
Serious (Full)
Open (3/4)
Caring (Full)
Imprecise (Full)
Introvert (4/5, 80%)
Intuition (3/10, 60%)
Thinking(3/5, 60%)
Percieving (4/5, 80%)


You rarely find yourself in a leadership role but will do it if you have to although you don’t really enjoy the responsibility or the challenge. The truth is you would prefer to follow other peoples lead and help them get it right. The characteristics that best describe you are generally conflict avoiding, humble, obedient and sometimes doubting of your own abilities and beliefs. You need to be careful of following other less qualified leaders who simply believe in their goal more than you do in yours.
You believe that the most relevant individual on this planet is you. This is because your skills and talents as well as your strongly developed personal beliefs separate you from other people. There are times when you wish that you were more like everyone else or that they could see the world the way that you do. You truly understand that the world is a complex place and sometimes feel scorn for the trivial interests of the masses. There are times you feel terribly lonely.
As an individual you are genuinely accepting – of yourself and of others. You believe that life should be taken as it comes and that asking too much of yourself or others can be unhealthy and lead to frustration and unhappiness. Still, please be aware that others may seek to take advantage of your tolerant, compliant, patient and peaceful nature. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics. You may need to show more enthusiasm and be somewhat more prepared to promote your own abilities and beliefs.
There is a broad range of goals and objectives that you would like to achieve - if they are not too hard. However, people will often be surprised by your energy and enthusiasm for those one or two important goals that are at the centre of your existence. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as enthusiastic, determined, upbeat, vigorous, lively and interested. On the downside you can also be unpredictable and occasionally even unreliable. Beware of letting your one or two personal passions become obsessions.
Charisma is an almost magical personality characteristic and it appears that you have plenty of it. It’s not something you work at and tend to take for granted but beware as a subtle change in your complex make-up and it can suddenly disappear. Being charismatic can be a powerful tool but can also cause envy in others. Some characteristics associated with charisma include being alluring, enigmatic, enchanting, vivacious and even adorable. People with your kind of charisma tend to become successful actors, politicians, maverick chief executives and stand-up comedians.
You are probably more honest than dishonest. For you there is a distinction between small dishonesties and large ones. A white lie to avoid hurting a person’s feelings is acceptable but cheating on an exam would be out of the question. When you are dishonest it is your conscience that worries you more than your fear of the consequences. You regret that it is difficult in this modern world to be completely honest wish that more people were more honest so you could be too. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be reasonableness, mostly faithful, reliable, truthful and broadly dependable. For you it is all about doing the right thing when you can – and if it’s not too hard.
Humour is not very important to you in your life. You believe that fun and laughter is for the immature and that life should be taken seriously. There is little place in this world for frivolity. People quite often perceive you as solemn, somber, grave and severe and they are usually right. This isn’t to say that you have no sense of humour – everyone does but yours tends to focus on the ironic. You tend to use humour when you are sad rather than happy. (Hmm perhaps, haven't thought about it in that way) You often feel uncomfortable that jokes and humour are usually focused on mocking foolish people. As people get to know you they will eventually tire of your constant earnestness. Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone.
You have the odd secret but are generally an open person and you’d tend to trust others unless there is something about them. Sure you have the odd secret that you’d prefer that other people didn’t know but is unlikely that you’d go to any great lengths to keep it that way. Your secrets are embarrassing rather than dangerous. However, on occasions people like you have a dark secret that would shock the neighbours. You quite like gossip and rumour as long as you’re not involved. You’re so open that you can make others nervous.
Your relationships with other people are more focused on their needs rather than yours. You are often deeply concerned about the state of this world and are driven to set right what you see as wrong. You really enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get from helping or caring for others but also sometimes feel guilty that you experience this emotion. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion which are an instinctive part of your nature. The risk you face is that you feel compelled to act on your beliefs and will sometimes involve yourself where you are not needed or wanted. You may also put others ahead of yourself so often that you find yourself being used by unscrupulous individuals. You need to learn to focus your efforts and also remember to care for yourself.
Flexibility is important to you and you simply do not appreciate the need for self-discipline. Work done by you can occasionally have moments of pure magnificent brilliance but you rarely complete it. You value communication that may stimulate thoughts and insights new to you even if the main point is overlooked. Characteristics that are often associated with you include laziness, unpredictability, lateness and messiness. For you the journey is far more important than reaching the destination. To be truthful, you probably had no idea where you were going in the first place. On the whole most people hate working with you. Still, on those extremely rare occasions when you complete something it can change the world. Many great poets and artists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.
Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.
You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Theorist
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type: The Architect
Myers-Briggs Classification: INTP
Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type: The Engineer

You are generally analytical, quiet, thoughtful, self-contained, well spoken and quick-witted. Above all else you value knowledge, competency and logic. Neither a follower not a Leader, you desire only to be allowed sufficient personal space to investigate and focus on that which interests you. In particular, you can become deeply stimulated by theories and abstract ideas which you may actively try to prove or disprove in order that you can truly understand them. Once this has been achieved you first describe your solutions to yourself and are then compelled to explain them to others. This is not actually driven by a need for recognition but by a need to share. You feel as if everyone deserves to benefit from what you have clarified. Although you can be quite brilliant at describing a complex concept or a difficult idea you can also be reserved and intimidated by social situations where the rules of logic are often ignored. As such, you can be quite difficult to get to know. On the whole you are not too worried about this as you enjoy your own company and can spend long periods of time on your own working on your projects. In is not uncommon for you to finish what you are doing only to find it is 3.00am and everyone else has gone home long ago. With regard to day-to-day life you dislike corporate politics, the overly emotional, strict hierarchy and any bureaucracy that prevents you from fulfilling you objective. You believe in rules and stability as long as they don’t hinder you. In the right circumstances you can be outspoken, witty and use language with skill and charm. Under pressure you can use the same gift to be caustic, sarcastic, derisive and damaging. As you have little need to impress or to dominate you can be stimulating and pleasant company when you feel relaxed enough. As a result you are surprised to find that other people often both admire and like you. Nevertheless, you remain at risk of suppressing your own emotions and failing to empathise with other people.
You’re Classical Element is:Fire
One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Fire” personality is usually positive, extroverted, active, creative ingenious and dynamic. Fire types provide the energy and drive within a society. They are said to be attracted to Air / Wind types because the two share interdependency in nature. Air moves and fuels the fire and the fire heats and moves the air – and so the cycle continues.
I liked this test. :thumb:
I relate very much with the descriptions the most, but there are parts that I do not agree with.
(They even got the careers part right. :p )

Your Results



You already know that leadership comes naturally to you. In your heart you know that leadership is an ability that few have but you do. Being a follower is for other people and you can’t understand why they seem happy with their roles! The characteristics that best describe you are proactive, powerful, brave, certain and decisive. However, you need to be careful of being overbearing and tyrannical. The most successful leaders in history were those that also learnt to listen to others.

Being with other people is important to you and you understand that being a part of a society is an import role. You usually share the same values of other people and enjoy knowing that you are part of a greater team. You genuinely enjoy being with people although there are times when you wish you had a little more time to yourself. You appreciate the world is complex but feel that you understand the part that you live in. On the whole people enjoy being around you. You don’t “try” to understand people because most of the time you just do. There are very few times in your life that you have felt alone.

As an individual you are accepting – of yourself and of others. You are aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and believe that others should be as understanding too. Still, please be aware that you can sometimes be seen as too tolerant, compliant, laidback and easy-going. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics a little – many human beings can’t understand your placid nature and may be unsettled by your calm and accepting approach to the world.

Clearly there are goals and objectives in your life that you strongly desire to achieve. You probably believe in the expression – “no pain – no gain”. These are not just things that you want they are passions for which you will spare no effort. It’s not just a matter of if you succeed but when. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as fervent, determined, energetic and totally committed. On the downside you can also be hard work for other people who have to live and or work with you. You may even be seen as stubborn, compulsive and prepared to use others to get what you want. Take a moment to appreciate that not everyone shares your desires.

Charisma is an almost magical personality characteristic and you are not without it. When it’s happening you can feel the power. Because you don’t take it for granted you deliberately practice it when you can. You understand what charisma can do for you but also appreciate that it is just one of your tools. Some characteristics associated with charisma include being charming, believable and likeable. People with your kind of charisma tend to become successful court room lawyers, marketing directors, sports captains and TV presenters.

You are probably more honest than dishonest. For you there is a distinction between small dishonesties and large ones. A white lie to avoid hurting a person’s feelings is acceptable but cheating on an exam would be out of the question. When you are dishonest it is your conscience that worries you more than your fear of the consequences. You regret that it is difficult in this modern world to be completely honest wish that more people were more honest so you could be too. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be reasonableness, mostly faithful, reliable, truthful and broadly dependable. For you it is all about doing the right thing when you can – and if it’s not too hard.

Humour is sometimes important to you in your life. You believe that life is serious but that laughter can make it a better place. Humour is about having fun and should be separate from work. People sometimes see you as solemn, somber, grave and severe and are surprised when you reveal your wry and often deep sense of humour which can sometimes be caustic and cutting if you’re not relaxed or if you feel threatened. You sometimes wonder whether jokes belittle minorities and foolish people. As people get to know you they will eventually wish you would lighten-up just a little.

You’re so open you could be the sky and your levels of trust can be dangerous to you. You often disclose things about yourself that others would try and hide. Sometimes you wish that you had secrets because they sound exciting but you know that you couldn’t really keep them hidden even if you tried. Perhaps, because you are so open, you get pleasure from listening to gossip and enjoy it when other peoples’ secrets are revealed because you are safe and secure in the knowledge it can’t happen to you. In fact, you quite enjoy revealing other people’s secrets as it makes you more interesting. You are likely to enjoy soap operas and TV dramas. You’re so open that you can’t be trusted!

Your relationships with other people tend to be more focused on your needs rather than theirs. From time-to-time you do put the needs of others ahead of your own but generally believe that people should take care of their own problems and issues. This does not mean that you are uncaring but most of the time you see yourself and your life as your own responsibility and believe that others should do the same. You often have to remind yourself to have empathy and compassion for others. Your caring side tends to be limited to family, friends and your immediate community. The risk that you face is that some people may see you as reserved and disinterested in wider issues such as global poverty. You need to appreciate that even far-off problems can also become yours.

You are generally quite precise and self-disciplined but not to the point where it’s an obsession. Work that you do is clear and done dutifully. You value communication that gets-to-the point with the minimum amount of fuss. Characteristics that are sometimes associated with you include punctuality, efficiency, persistency and determination. For you it is more important to reach the destination than enjoying the journey. At times you can seem over focused to other people. Still, your attention to detail is professionally a positive attribute because you still have insights that you are prepared to explore. Some of the greatest scientists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your source of information and experience is external, where you take-in and process data rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where assimilate things primarily via your intuition. You are usually outgoing, gregarious, dynamic, energetic, communicative and thick-skinned. You seek the unexpected and are stimulated by physical proof of the unusual and extraordinary.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Leader
You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type: The Field Marshall
Myers-Briggs Classification: ENTJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type: The Chief

You are generally forthright, decisive, forceful, dominant and are driven to lead other people as you find this both natural and often effortless. Whereas many people will give way to a stronger leader you find this almost impossible and you are more likely to challenge than to accept because your remarkable ability to comprehend situations and provide solutions has given you a level of self confidence that is rare in other personality types. You place great importance on information systems and being well-informed but are less willing to share information although you will often present your views and demands with charisma and forcefulness. This can sometimes make you appear dictatorial. You understand that knowing things that others do not is a powerful tool and you often use your time to study subjects that are useful to you and constantly improve your general knowledge. Yes ... for you “Knowledge is Power”. Good organisation, logical processes, competence, personal strength and energy are things that you value highly and develop in yourself. You have little time or patience for people who don’t share these attributes. You always know what you want as a goal but still retain the mental flexibility to change your mind and pursue a “better’ or more rewarding objective. Being praised means little to you although you do enjoy respect and admiration even if you rarely show it. You are a natural leader.

You’re Classical Element is: Fire

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Fire” personality is usually positive, extroverted, active, creative ingenious and dynamic. Fire types provide the energy and drive within a society. They are said to be attracted to Air / Wind types because the two share interdependency in nature. Air moves and fuels the fire and the fire heats and moves the air – and so the cycle continues.
Your Results

  • Leader - Follower
  • Loner - Team-Player
  • Demanding - Accepting
  • Motivated - Unmotivated
  • Charismatic - Bland
  • Dishonest - Honest
  • Humorous - Serious
  • Secretive - Open
  • Self-Focused - Caring
  • Precise - Imprecise
  • Extrovert - Introvert
  • Sensing - Intuition
  • Thinking - Feeling
  • Judging - Perceiving


  • Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Theorist You are probably closest to …
  • Keirsey Temperament: The Rationals
  • Keirsey Personality Type: The Architect
  • Myers-Briggs Classification: INTP
  • Myers-Briggs Group: The Intellectuals
  • Myers-Briggs Type: The Engineer
  • You’re Classical Element is: Fire


You quite often find yourself in a leadership role are sometimes surprised by this as you believe there may be others more qualified. Still, you will follow a stronger lead if there is one but they should watch out if they’re not very competent because you’re right behind them. The characteristics that best describe you are strong, proud, sometimes disobedient, plucky, steadfast, sure and decisive. However, you need to be careful of following other less qualified leaders who simply believe in their goal more than you do in yours.

You know that you are different from most other people. This is because your skills and talents as well as your strongly developed personal beliefs separate you from other people. You have learnt to hide this and understand the importance of making an effort to interact with the rest of humanity. When you do you quite enjoy the experience. You understand that the world is a complex place but because you are slightly apart from it you can see people for what they are. You often find yourself observing people and assessing their behavior. You occasionally wish that other people appreciate the intelligence and abilities inside each human being. There have been a few times in your life when you have felt very alone.

As an individual you are genuinely accepting – of yourself and of others. You believe that life should be taken as it comes and that asking too much of yourself or others can be unhealthy and lead to frustration and unhappiness. Still, please be aware that others may seek to take advantage of your tolerant, compliant, patient and peaceful nature. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics. You may need to show more enthusiasm and be somewhat more prepared to promote your own abilities and beliefs.

Clearly there are goals and objectives in your life that you strongly desire to achieve. You probably believe in the expression – “no pain – no gain”. These are not just things that you want they are passions for which you will spare no effort. It’s not just a matter of if you succeed but when. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as fervent, determined, energetic and totally committed. On the downside you can also be hard work for other people who have to live and or work with you. You may even be seen as stubborn, compulsive and prepared to use others to get what you want. Take a moment to appreciate that not everyone shares your desires.

A normal and everyday person would be the best way to describe you. There have been some times in your life when you were completely at the center of everyone’s attention and felt the glow of charisma but these instances are rare. You rarely depend on charisma to achieve what you want as you prefer more practical methods. Some characteristics associated with your personality would include being down-to-earth, a regular guy, ordinary and normal. People with your kind of personality tend to become successful doctors, dentists, journalists and military personnel.

You definitely believe in being honest. This doesn’t mean you won’t be dishonest if you absolutely had to be but it would have to a desperate situation for you to choose this option. Your conscience is a significant part of your psychology and because it so powerful you like and need to keep it clear. You despise corruption and people that use the state of the world to justify or forgive their actions. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be sincerity, faithfulness, reliability, truthfulness and trustworthiness. For you it is really black and white. You are honest or you are not!

Humor is quite important to you in your life. You like to laugh and to see other people laughing. You sometimes use humor as a tool to put people at their ease and occasionally use it as a weapon to ridicule others. People sometimes see you as funny, amusing, entertaining and witty and you genuinely take pleasure from their reactions. You like laughing with people not at them. For you humor can be a way of asserting your superiority both over the people in the jokes. As people get to know you they will increasingly appreciate your take on the world. Develop this skill.

You are somewhat more secretive than most people and you can find it difficult to trust others. This is because you do have a few things to hide that are either the occasional illegal activity or something you would find embarrassing. You are at risk of being found out because you might not take your secrets as seriously as should. When this happens you are often devastated as you don’t have the thick skin and preparedness of the true covert personality. You’re quite good at keeping other people’s secrets unless you get irritated or annoyed with them.

Your relationships with other people are more focused on their needs rather than yours. You are often deeply concerned about the state of this world and are driven to set right what you see as wrong. You really enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get from helping or caring for others but also sometimes feel guilty that you experience this emotion. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion which are an instinctive part of your nature. The risk you face is that you feel compelled to act on your beliefs and will sometimes involve yourself where you are not needed or wanted. You may also put others ahead of yourself so often that you find yourself being used by unscrupulous individuals. You need to learn to focus your efforts and also remember to care for yourself.

You recognize the relevancy of precision and self-discipline but struggle to achieve it. Work done by you can often be creative and insightful but you can have difficulty finishing it. You value communication that explores the diversity of the subject matter. Characteristics that are sometimes associated with you include carelessness, long-windedness and lateness. For you the journey is more important than reaching the destination. At times you can be frustrating to people that must work with you. Still, your flexibility in thinking and behavior means that you occasionally develop concepts that are either incredibly positive or negative if you have the opportunity to implement them. Many great philosophers have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.
Motivated (should have been unmotivated)
Charismatic (should have been bland)
Humorous (should have been serious)



Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Advisor
You are probably closest to
Interesting...a lot of this does fit. Even certain bits I wish didn't, I can't really deny.

Your Results
















You rarely find yourself in a leadership role but will do it if you have to although you don’t really enjoy the responsibility or the challenge. The truth is you would prefer to follow other peoples lead and help them get it right. The characteristics that best describe you are generally conflict avoiding, humble, obedient and sometimes doubting of our own abilities and beliefs. You need to be careful of following other less qualified leaders who simply believe in their goal more than you do in yours.
You believe that the most relevant individual on this planet is you. This is because your skills and talents as well as your strongly developed personal beliefs separate you from other people. There are times when you wish that you were more like everyone else or that they could see the world the way that you do. You truly understand that the world is a complex place and sometimes feel scorn for the trivial interests of the masses. There are times you feel terribly lonely.
As an individual you are genuinely accepting – of yourself and of others. You believe that life should be taken as it comes and that asking too much of yourself or others can be unhealthy and lead to frustration and unhappiness. Still, please be aware that others may seek to take advantage of your tolerant, compliant, patient and peaceful nature. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics. You may need to show more enthusiasm and be somewhat more prepared to promote your own abilities and beliefs.
Goals and objectives are for other people. You either do not desire much or are already content with what you have. You may be unfortunate enough that certain life factors mean you have no space for your own needs and have put these aside until your circumstances change. As a result of this personality trait you are sometimes seen as apathetic, sluggish and unmotivated – even lazy. On the upside you don’t really care too much what other people think about you. Beware of letting this characteristic over dominate your life.
A normal and everyday person would be the best way to describe you. There have been some times in your life when you were completely at the centre of everyone’s attention and felt the glow of charisma but these instances are rare. You rarely depend on charisma to achieve what you want as you prefer more practical methods. Some characteristics associated with your personality would include being down-to-earth, a regular guy, ordinary and normal. People with your kind of personality tend to become successful doctors, dentists, journalists and military personnel.
You are probably more honest than dishonest. For you there is a distinction between small dishonesties and large ones. A white lie to avoid hurting a person’s feelings is acceptable but cheating on an exam would be out of the question. When you are dishonest it is your conscience that worries you more than your fear of the consequences. You regret that it is difficult in this modern world to be completely honest wish that more people were more honest so you could be too. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be reasonableness, mostly faithful, reliable, truthful and broadly dependable. For you it is all about doing the right thing when you can – and if it’s not too hard.
Humour is not very important to you in your life. You believe that fun and laughter is for the immature and that life should be taken seriously. There is little place in this world for frivolity. People quite often perceive you as solemn, somber, grave and severe and they are usually right. This isn’t to say that you have no sense of humour – everyone does but yours tends to focus on the ironic. You tend to use humour when you are sad rather than happy. You often feel uncomfortable that jokes and humour are usually focused on mocking foolish people. As people get to know you they will eventually tire of your constant earnestness. Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone.
You have the odd secret but are generally an open person and you’d tend to trust others unless there is something about them. Sure you have the odd secret that you’d prefer that other people didn’t know but is unlikely that you’d go to any great lengths to keep it that way. Your secrets are embarrassing rather than dangerous. However, on occasions people like you have a dark secret that would shock the neighbours. You quite like gossip and rumour as long as you’re not involved. You’re so open that you can make others nervous.
Your relationships with other people tend to be more focused on their needs rather than yours. You appreciate that not everyone is able to deal with the issues or problems that they may experience. The sense of satisfaction that you get from occasionally helping others is a rewarding experience. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion but don’t always practice them. Your caring side is well developed and you worry about many things from your family to climate change. The risk that you face is that some people may see you as anxious and over protective. Also, you can be inclined to make people aware of care related issues without actually doing much about them yourself. You need to learn that actions often speak louder than words.
Flexibility is important to you and you simply do not appreciate the need for self-discipline. Work done by you can occasionally have moments of pure magnificent brilliance but you rarely complete it. You value communication that may stimulate thoughts and insights new to you even if the main point is overlooked. Characteristics that are often associated with you include laziness, unpredictability, lateness and messiness. For you the journey is far more important than reaching the destination. To be truthful, you probably had no idea where you were going in the first place. On the whole most people hate working with you. Still, on those extremely rare occasions when you complete something it can change the world. Many great poets and artists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.
Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.
You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is
: The Advisor
Keirsey Temperament
: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type
: The Counsellor
Myers-Briggs Classification:
Myers-Briggs Group
: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type
: The Confidant

You are generally intelligent, insightful and intuitive - particularly about people. These three characteristic usually make you a caring and empathetic individual. Above all else you try to see meaning, connections and patterns in your life and those of other people. To others your considerable ability to perceive things that they cannot may appear almost magical at times. You continue to strive to understand what motivates others whether as individuals or as a society. Most people with your personality type have strong and well developed values that focus on the well being of humanity as a whole. You are appreciated for doing the right thing. This is just as well because without these values you would find it easy to be manipulative and hurtful as you understand how peoples’ minds work. (When your personality type goes bad it goes really bad!) On the whole you don’t like to lead or to follow although you can be decisive and even forceful when you need to be. Since a young age you have been more interested in observing life than necessarily participating. You rarely follow fashion but understand why others do. Equally, you do not feel any great need to be different or set your own trend. In reality you are the true individualist. You also have a determination to see matters to a conclusion even if the conclusion itself is not always as successful as it could be. Your life is about seeking understanding about everything but particularly people. To you the most fascinating thing in the universe is the human mind. (You are the most likely personality type to take a quiz like this but you will also be the most skeptical and doubting with regard to the results. You will want to know how it works and is it based on solid research and science. We could go on ...

Your Classical Element is:

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Water” personality is usually associated powerful intuition, imagination, emotional behavior and passion. Water types are the fluid, changing and nurturing life-force of a society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.
Last edited:

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Advisor
You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The IdealistsKeirsey Personality Type: The Counsellor
Myers-Briggs Classification: INFJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type: The Confidant

Leader Follower

Loner Team-Player

Demanding Accepting

Motivated Unmotivated

Charismatic Bland

Dishonest Honest

Humerous Serious

Secretive Open

Self-Focused Caring

Precise Imprecise

Extrovert Introvert

Sensing Intuition

Thinking Feeling

Judging Perceiving
Veeeery interestink...and I went ahead and changed a few things after spell-checking this bad boy. Red bits are not me. The rest...yeah, I'd agree with it.

Your Results



You rarely find yourself in a leadership role but will do it if you have to although you don’t really enjoy the responsibility or the challenge. The truth is you would prefer to follow other peoples lead and help them get it right. The characteristics that best describe you are generally conflict avoiding, humble, obedient and sometimes doubting of our own abilities and beliefs. You need to be careful of following other less qualified leaders who simply believe in their goal more than you do in yours.

Being with other people is important to you and you understand that being a part of a society is an import role. You usually share the same values of other people and enjoy knowing that you are part of a greater team. You genuinely enjoy being with people although there are times when you wish you had a little more time to yourself. You appreciate the world is complex but feel that you understand the part that you live in. On the whole people enjoy being around you. You don’t “try” to understand people because most of the time you just do. There are very few times in your life that you have felt alone.

As an individual you are genuinely accepting – of yourself and of others. You believe that life should be taken as it comes and that asking too much of yourself or others can be unhealthy and lead to frustration and unhappiness. Still, please be aware that others may seek to take advantage of your tolerant, compliant, patient and peaceful nature. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics. You may need to show more enthusiasm and be somewhat more prepared to promote your own abilities and beliefs.

There is a broad range of goals and objectives that you would like to achieve - if they are not too hard. However, people will often be surprised by your energy and enthusiasm for those one or two important goals that are at the centre of your existence. As a result of this personality trait you are often seen as enthusiastic, determined, upbeat, vigorous, lively and interested. On the downside you can also be unpredictable and occasionally even unreliable. Beware of letting your one or two personal passions become obsessions.

A normal and everyday person would be the best way to describe you. There have been some times in your life when you were completely at the centre of everyone’s attention and felt the glow of charisma but these instances are rare. You rarely depend on charisma to achieve what you want as you prefer more practical methods. Some characteristics associated with your personality would include being down-to-earth, a regular guy, ordinary and normal. People with your kind of personality tend to become successful doctors, dentists, journalists and military personnel.

You are probably more honest than dishonest. For you there is a distinction between [a] small dishonesty and [a] large one. A white lie to avoid hurting a person’s feelings is acceptable but cheating on an exam would be out of the question. When you are dishonest it is your conscience that worries you more than your fear of the consequences. You regret that it is difficult in this modern world to be completely honest wish that more people were more honest so you could be too. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be reasonableness, mostly faithful, reliable, truthful and broadly dependable. For you it is all about doing the right thing when you can – and if it’s not too hard.

Humor is very important to you in your life. You like to laugh and to make other people laugh too. You often use humor as a tool to put people at their ease but you can just as easily use it as a weapon to ridicule others. People often see you as funny, amusing, entertaining and witty but what they don’t realise is that you’re often secretly laughing at them not with them. For you humor can be a way of asserting your superiority both over the people in the jokes and those that laugh at them. As people get to know you they will eventually tire of this gift of yours. Learn to use it sparingly.

You’re so open you could be the sky and your levels of trust can be dangerous to you. You often disclose things about yourself that others would try and hide. Sometimes you wish that you had secrets because they sound exciting but you know that you couldn’t really keep them hidden even if you tried. Perhaps, because you are so open, you get pleasure from listening to gossip and enjoy it when other peoples’ secrets are revealed because you are safe and secure in the knowledge it can’t happen to you. In fact, you quite enjoy revealing other people’s secrets as it makes you more interesting. You are likely to enjoy soap operas and TV dramas. You’re so open that you can’t be trusted!

Your relationships with other people are more focused on their needs rather than yours. You are often deeply concerned about the state of this world and are driven to set right what you see as wrong. You really enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get from helping or caring for others but also sometimes feel guilty that you experience this emotion. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion which are an instinctive part of your nature. The risk you face is that you feel compelled to act on your beliefs and will sometimes involve yourself where you are not needed or wanted. You may also put others ahead of yourself so often that you find yourself being used by unscrupulous individuals. You need to learn to focus your efforts and also remember to care for yourself.

You are generally quite precise and self-disciplined but not to the point where it’s an obsession. Work that you do is clear and done dutifully. You value communication that gets-to-the point with the minimum amount of fuss. Characteristics that are sometimes associated with you include punctuality, efficiency, persistence and determination. For you it is more important to reach the destination than enjoying the journey. At times you can seem over focused to other people. Still, your attention to detail is professionally a positive attribute because you still have insights that you are prepared to explore. Some of the greatest scientists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Advisor
You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type: The Counselor
Myers-Briggs Classification: INFJ
Myers-Briggs Group: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type: The Confidant
You are generally intelligent, insightful and intuitive - particularly about people. These three characteristic usually make you a caring and empathetic individual. Above all else you try to see meaning, connections and patterns in your life and those of other people. To others your considerable ability to perceive things that they cannot may appear almost magical at times. You continue to strive to understand what motivates others whether as individuals or as a society. Most people with your personality type have strong and well developed values that focus on the well being of humanity as a whole. You are appreciated for doing the right thing. This is just as well because without these values you would find it easy to be manipulative and hurtful as you understand how peoples’ minds work. (When your personality type goes bad it goes really bad!) On the whole you don’t like to lead or to follow although you can be decisive and even forceful when you need to be. Since a young age you have been more interested in observing life than necessarily participating. You rarely follow fashion but understand why others do. Equally, you do not feel any great need to be different or set your own trend. In reality you are the true individualist. You also have a determination to see matters to a conclusion even if the conclusion itself is not always as successful as it could be. Your life is about seeking understanding about everything but particularly people. To you the most fascinating thing in the universe is the human mind. (You are the most likely personality type to take a quiz like this but you will also be the most skeptical and doubting with regard to the results. You will want to know how it works and is it based on solid research and science. We could go on ... )

You’re Classical Element is: Water

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Water” personality is usually associated powerful intuition, imagination, emotional behavior and passion. Water types are the fluid, changing and nurturing life-force of a society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.
Loner-Team Player
Demanding- Accepting
Self-Focused- Caring
Judging- Percieving

Bolded is accurate....

You quite often find yourself in a leadership role are sometimes surprised by this as you believe there may be others more qualified. Still, you will follow a stronger lead if there is one but they should watch out if they



























You believe that Leadership is for other people and are quite happy to let them have the stress that goes with it. You know you’re a follower and are comfortable with this fact because you know there is much more to life than just being in charge. The characteristics that best describe you are loyal, reactive, trusting, humble, respectful, dutiful although sometimes fearful and uncertain. You need to choose your leaders carefully and learn to trust in your own abilities and beliefs.

You know that you are different from most other people. This is because your skills and talents as well as your strongly developed personal beliefs separate you from other people. You have learnt to hide this and understand the importance of making an effort to interact with the rest of humanity. When you do you quite enjoy the experience. You understand that the world is a complex place but because you are slightly apart from it you can see people for what they are. You often find yourself observing people and assessing their behavior. You occasionally wish that other people appreciate the intelligence and abilities inside each human being. There have been a few times in your life when you have felt very alone.

As an individual you are accepting – of yourself and of others. You are aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and believe that others should be as understanding too. Still, please be aware that you can sometimes be seen as too tolerant, compliant, laid back and easy-going. If you wish to get the best out of most people then try and modify these characteristics a little – many human beings can’t understand your placid nature and may be unsettled by your calm and accepting approach to the world.

On the whole you have few, if any, goals. Those that you do tend be broad and unfocused without a significant plan to achieve them. Your philosophy is probably that you have enough to be content and why make the effort. As a result of this personality trait you are sometimes seen as irresolute, lethargic, and uninterested. On the upside people do not see you as a threat and once you’ve found your niche you are usually quite content. You should try and experience more and find what will excite you.

A normal and everyday person would be the best way to describe you. There have been some times in your life when you were completely at the centre of everyone’s attention and felt the glow of charisma but these instances are rare. You rarely depend on charisma to achieve what you want as you prefer more practical methods. Some characteristics associated with your personality would include being down-to-earth, a regular guy, ordinary and normal. People with your kind of personality tend to become successful doctors, dentists, journalists and military personnel.

You are probably more honest than dishonest. For you there is a distinction between small dishonesties and large ones. A white lie to avoid hurting a person’s feelings is acceptable but cheating on an exam would be out of the question. When you are dishonest it is your conscience that worries you more than your fear of the consequences. You regret that it is difficult in this modern world to be completely honest wish that more people were more honest so you could be too. Characteristics associated with your level of honesty tend to be reasonableness, mostly faithful, reliable, truthful and broadly dependable. For you it is all about doing the right thing when you can – and if it’s not too hard.

Humour is very important to you in your life. You like to laugh and to make other people laugh too. You often use humour as a tool to put people at their ease but you can just as easily use it as a weapon to ridicule others. People often see you as funny, amusing, entertaining and witty but what they don’t realise is that you’re often secretly laughing at them not with them. For you humour can be a way of asserting your superiority both over the people in the jokes and those that laugh at them. As people get to know you they will eventually tire of this gift of yours. Learn to use it sparingly.

You have the odd secret but are generally an open person and you’d tend to trust others unless there is something about them. Sure you have the odd secret that you’d prefer that other people didn’t know but is unlikely that you’d go to any great lengths to keep it that way. Your secrets are embarrassing rather than dangerous. However, on occasions people like you have a dark secret that would shock the neighbours. You quite like gossip and rumour as long as you’re not involved. You’re so open that you can make others nervous.

Your relationships with other people are more focused on their needs rather than yours. You are often deeply concerned about the state of this world and are driven to set right what you see as wrong. You really enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get from helping or caring for others but also sometimes feel guilty that you experience this emotion. You fully understand the need for empathy and compassion which are an instinctive part of your nature. The risk you face is that you feel compelled to act on your beliefs and will sometimes involve yourself where you are not needed or wanted. You may also put others ahead of yourself so often that you find yourself being used by unscrupulous individuals. You need to learn to focus your efforts and also remember to care for yourself.

Flexibility is important to you and you simply do not appreciate the need for self-discipline. Work done by you can occasionally have moments of pure magnificent brilliance but you rarely complete it. You value communication that may stimulate thoughts and insights new to you even if the main point is overlooked. Characteristics that are often associated with you include laziness, unpredictability, lateness and messiness. For you the journey is far more important than reaching the destination. To be truthful, you probably had no idea where you were going in the first place. On the whole most people hate working with you. Still, on those extremely rare occasions when you complete something it can change the world. Many great poets and artists have shared your personality balance as it relates to precision.

Your primary source of information and experience is internal, where you take-in and process data via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. You are usually reserved, quiet, staid, inward-looking, sensitive and reflective. You seek true understanding and are stimulated by rational explanations and self-evident concepts.

You center your efforts on understanding the intellectual world and reviewing ideas and theories. You are insightful, intuitive and believe strongly in your instincts. You are a natural specialist.

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Believer
Keirsey Temperament: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type: The Healer
Myers-Briggs Classification: INFP
Myers-Briggs Group: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type: The Dreamer

You are generally intelligent, philosophical and idealistic and as such can sometimes be seen as disinterested in day-to-day matters. Above all else you treasure your beliefs and values which usually have a utopian aspect to them. You desire and seek to create harmony and understanding and are prepared to acknowledge that other people’s beliefs and values are as important to them as yours are to you – even if you disagree with them. However, you strongly object to any attempt to change the way you feel about life and the world. You can become ferocious if one of your values is threatened. Rarely a leader or a follower of people you are a strong follower of “select beliefs”. You think that is critical to have a balance between the body, mind and spirit and sometimes feel despondent that so few people create stability in their lives this way. Sometimes you may wonder if people see you as weak but the truth is you have tremendous courage particularly when it comes to fighting for good. Although you are not a natural leader you will be the first onto the battlefield and the last to leave. You care deeply about causes that interest you and often pursue these with selfless commitment. Yours is a rare personality and a definite minority when compared to other types so it is not uncommon for you to feel alone. The intensity of your interest and devotion to your causes can cause you to be overwhelming in social situations. This is a great pity as you are actually mentally agile, well informed about many things and you like and want to help people. You need to remember that not everyone wants or needs your help. Worse still, those who don’t share your deep, deep commitment and interest in a subject may find your fervor somewhat startling. You may need to learn to “switch-off” and stop broadcasting your idealism and ethics and appreciate that not everyone is as focused as you are. Practise your social skills whenever you have the chance.

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Water” personality is usually associated powerful intuition, imagination, emotional behavior and passion. Water types are the fluid, changing and nurturing life-force of a society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.
nice long result.For the most part it's got the right idea.
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Personality Quiz

Your Results















Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Explorer You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament: The Idealists
Keirsey Personality Type
: The Champion
Myers-Briggs Classification:
Myers-Briggs Group
: The Visionaries
Myers-Briggs Type
: The Advocate

You are generally enthusiastic, idealistic, warm, creative and capable of doing almost anything that stimulates and excites your intellect which is active and inquisitive. Above all else you believe in being an open-mind explorer and need to live your life in tune with your personal values. This means that you usually see life and the world with optimism and are attracted to new ideas, concepts and theories. The ability to make mental connections between data and ideas as well seeing the patterns created by information and events often allows you to act or speak with confidence. In your excitement you can sometimes overlook details or become quickly bored or briefly despondent if the venture fails to live up to its promise. Still, one of your great strengths is flexibility and with your broad range of abilities and interests you will quickly find another endeavor because, for you, life is about possibilities. A good and fluent speaker you can use this gift to lead others and easily vocalize your thoughts but on occasions you can say things you wish you hadn’t. You like to give and receive praise as it reinforces and strengthens you. You are a natural explorer and for you “discovery” is everything.
You’re Classical Element is: Water
One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Water” personality is usually associated powerful intuition, imagination, emotional behavior and passion. Water types are the fluid, changing and nurturing life-force of a society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.

Hmmmm, I got ENFP agian.