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  • Oh yeah. I know they're described as a sextile, each of which forms a separate quincunx to the same planet (such as 20 gem, 24 leo and 23 cap)...but my question is more interpretive-based. Any pointers on how it actually works? only planets count, or might other points of interest such as nodes be relevant? Any ideas?
    Got a question for you if you don't mind. On an astrological note, you had mentioned somewhere previously that you had a yod. I've heard a bit about them, but most explanations are vague at best. Could you explain them to me a little? Or do you have a source I can check out? I'd much appreciate it.
    Thanks Indi, and no I don't mind, Ive got heaps of gay friends and i'm never offended when it comes to such things
    Hey! Is it possible to change a blog name and remove a poll? I've looked all over my blog and couldn't find any places to edit titles or remove polls. Is it too late?
    Hi, remember me? I'm the noob who got her first rep by a cool admin and didn't even realize it! I hope you didn't think I was being intentionally inconsiderate. I'm not really great with technology, and I haven't learned the ins and outs of computers in general, much less this forum posting thing. I'm just excited to have all this information available to me, and I'm tending right now to learn widely rather than deeply. I didn't mean to appear rude. Anyway...I have a few other apologies to make (LOL), but just wanted to give you a big THANKS!
    Thanks for the rep! And, anytime. Astrology is one thing I can't seem to get myself to shut up about. And I'm also glad that you noticed the grand trine. Not many do :D
    Yeah. I am interested in the theory because it's always good to have different perspectives, but their website puts me off. Something about it is just so wrong.
    I know what you mean. I bet your last day cannot come fast enough. I hope your relief comes in soon so you can finally get some sleep!
    Congratulations!!! That is great, am very stoked for you. I'm doing ok, just taking a stroll around here and seeing what's been happening.
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