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  • Just checked out your link to view your gallery. You have an adorable daughter. I love them at that age...discovering the world and learning without preconceived notions. What a gift to be able to share that.
    How could I not notice a grand trine?! They're like, the best thing ever! Lucky duck! :tongue1:. I just got stuck with 2 yods. Could be a good thing depending on how you look at it, but still. At least I don't have any t-squares or grand crosses!
    Oh no, no worries! lol I didn't even take offense at it, it's totally cool lol.

    And thank you (:
    Wat's your sign? ;)
    cool that I'm not the only one. I felt a bit stupid about it :-)
    Problem is when I do this the other person blames me for being rigid and pins me down on that opinion like that is my opinion and I will never change it. That is not the case but I will go very far to defend that position when I'm attacked on it :-)
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