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  • It was ridiculous. They forgot I was on the corner so they never sent anyone to get me. I ended up learning the exact timing of the intersection lights so when I visit my parents I still know how far away I can be to make the yellow. I don't think I've ever been called so many names by strangers as that day.
    I know. I've accepted my sad little lot in the forum social scene as being nothing more than a piece of meat.

    Did I ever tell you about the time I worked at a grocery store and we were having our annual meat sale? I had to stand on the busiest corner in town for four hours with a sign that only said "Meat for Sale"

    I am scared to this day.
    Good Morning to my friends here on the forum.

    I have been snowed in for 3 days and running on generator, so I have not been able to make regular contact.

    The sun is out, and it's a new day.

    I hope the electric company can make it to me today to get my power back on so I can do some dishes, and some house cleaning.

    I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy and dry.

    From snow country, I wish you all a wonderful week !

    Headache :)
    And with every tear you shed I cry a river, without you to feed the flowing water with icy chills that make me feel alive as I wander across the earth, I would be but creek trickling into nothingness.
    Out! Out damned spot! the cold sunken abyss that is the spot you left on my heart.
    I didn't want to. You shattered mah heart into a million little pieces til it was all achy breaky. I just couldn't stop myself =(
    For many it is too late, unfortunately. I firmly believe though that those that are left and yet to be born don't have to be left hopeless. I'm definitely an idealist in that sense, but a grudgingly accepted defeat will accomplish nothing. Just another reason I'm going into teaching.
    *Hugs* Thanks, hon'. It is what it is, and I don't know if it's really strength more than acceptance for now, and trying new things to get better.
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