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  • Yea. About 90% of the stuff I say I make up on the spot. I was honestly just guessing. and I ran out of room on the rep sheet for furthuer elucidation.
    I have a few years on you, but it takes me forever to grow a full beard, but finally, it happened to me, as the song goes. I don't tend to keep it for long, but people like it then I get tired of it and shave it. I'm always surprised at its redness
    weird thing is, I enjoy the weather where its typical to wear a jacket and maybe a scarf. I;m still in shorts and sandals.... still hate snow though
    Thanks. :) We may have a few options; they're going to try working with us on a hardship basis. It'll take a few weeks, least it's something.
    And I just discovered is the WORST "just kidding" tease of all time. It really is $4000. :(
    ROFL!! Now that's just funny. Oh, man, too bad you *weren't* there. Email and Facebook though aren't proper places to ask folks for dates. :p
    So why are the generics so much cheaper--? Wouldn't they have to undergo the same catalytic process? Or are they less effective or use cheaper materials?
    It just makes it so difficult, though. Plus, really only two types can afford it: Those who have no insurance (because they will be taken care of) and those who are rich enough to afford it.

    Really does hit the middle class right in the ol' pocket book. But seriously: $4000 a MONTH? For THIRTY PILLS? I do not understand that. I just don't.

    But I can get behind a generic that costs $889 for 50 days, or $530 for 20 days' worth. That's still...about 30% of my take home paycheck. But it's not impossible - especially if relatives can help chip in.
    It's creepy that I stumbled across that last night, because that was precisely my thinking not an hour or so earlier when I got blitzed with my neighbor.
    That was beyond EPIC. I'm not gonna lie, I completely LOLed when Urea kicked everyone else off the target
    Yeah, we just found our two hookahs the other day and they've been sitting in our kitchen making a stink. Tuesdays are my days off so I decided to clean (because I'm a neat freak) and while desperately trying to get ride of the smell I cut my thumb pretty badly. I thought I might need stitches because it bled for three hours before I taped up my thumb to completely cut off any circulation. It has since turned into an unsightly gash that should heal just fine.

    My roommate never cleans out his either, and holy hell let me tell you, his room lets you know that as soon as you walk in. I refuse to touch it until he cleans it.
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