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  • ROFL!! I'm guessing ten times the nausea...see what I put up dere. Might be the solution.
    Haha! I knew that Making Fiends went to Nick but I never actually watched any of the show, just the flash videos on years ago. She seems way crazier in the TV show.
    Charlotte is my favorite! If only everyone could turn negativity to positivity with such adorable finesse.
    hoping to knock out my biochem and a large chunk of the phys org hw out as I have 9 days to finish prepping for the GRE...

    also why no aim this is very inconvenient
    I may have to. This started on Friday, though, and I didn't think it would get this bad. :( Maybe I can go to CareNow on Sunday. It's more expensive than I'd like but at least I'd sleep.
    Oh I was trying to. Honestly I was. But my coughing kept me up. It's a vicious cycle, and I'm trying to get to that point where my throat is calmed down enough so I can sleep. Every few hours or so, with some medication I juuust about get 2 hours in. So. Funsies. :p
    Damn, but that's pretty cool. At least it lasts and you get your money's worth. I know a lot of people that would pay good money for something that worked that well for them.
    Haha, I wouldn't doubt it. So what are you doing still up? Just enjoying a saturday night?
    I'll have to give it a shot in the morning (or afternoon when my roommate gets some of that) but I'm a wee bit too tipsy right now.
    Boyo, there are so many things to truly be upset about, and that isn't one of 'em. I think I would've laughed even if you didn't send me the disclaimer, and honestly I need the laughs. :D

    Well, I'm going to attempt sleep. You take care, eh? Stay steady. ;)
    Ah : P I should have researched that before I picked this user name.
    Tungsten just seems like a very INTJ material - its just a silly gesture.

    How are you finding chemistry? Do you find that the people in the course a nice crowd to be with?
    I tried some Chem at uni but never followed through all the way : )
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