Questingpoet | Page 36 | INFJ Forum
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  • hello. thank you for the message and for the friend request. i do feel like the new kid on the block here just finding my way around. i am comforted by the words of other infj folk, especially those closer to my age. i'll look forward to getting to know your words better. do you write poetry? i write some poetry. and i have a long-time word and photo blog of day to day musings. (link attached). Best to you! teresa
    Thanks for the rep! As for ELO, yea! I love classic rock, everything from The Doors and Rolling Stones to Guns N' Roses and Motley Crue.
    ok got it...going over it now!

    Cool, the prologue has been an ever changing nightmare lol. I would expect lots of punctuation problems...Im horrible. Thanks for this!
    Hearts are meant to be broken, especially by good poetry. I'm thinking of posting a scene from a manuscript, not on competition, but contrast. Hope youi don't mind.
    I posted that because the general sentiment I get of the people is that they feel like outcasts.
    Nothing wrong with that of course, because I have felt (feel?) like that too.
    I think people come to this place to restore their energy.
    Perhaps I worded this wrong, but I just believe that the infjs forum is a net, which catches us when we're falling. And perhaps even help us getting back up.
    Stuffed cabbages as in minced meat rolled into a soured cabbage leaf? That's classic here. :)

    Slavic kitchen is very tasty and not too healthy by nowadays standards.
    Feckovic sounds like it can be Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian possibly. I think that all last names that end with "ic" that is really "ić" are of some of these three decent. Were you born in the States, or you came there at some point?
    I guess it's not a big surprise. I think we are alike in many ways; this is just one of them. One of the few things I dislike about using a wheelchair for mobility is that it makes hugging harder. It took my younger son almost a year to question why I wasn't getting better. "When is the stroke going to go away/' he asked. When I told him it wasn't, he burst into tears and later, when I asked him what he missed most about the "old mommy," he said "Piggyback rides" without hesitation. So we made a deal and everywhere we went until he was 11 and got too big to carry, he rode on my lap.
    I posted about my new job over at TypeC because I was still blogging after quitting the forum and I still have friends there and people were asking me, so I thought I would write an update.

    I quit the forum mostly because - in my opinion - there was a large influx of young INTPs who seemed to take a hostile stance in the threads I was in... turning friendly conversations into back-biting debates. I just wasn't in the mood. Then I found INFJ Forums... and it's MUCH more pleasant here... for ME anyway... But as you may have noticed lately, I don't have the time or energy for forums these days anyway.

    But whenever I get lonely, I log onto the Ventrilo server and chat with my "friends" from TypeC. It's really been a lifesaver in these past few months.
    I deleted it, can't really say why.
    Why delete the message?
    I'm all for making love.
    Word's on the street you're making an alliance.
    Hey man, can I join your alliance?
    You mean Typology Central - INTJMom? Yes. :)
    I'm not "there" anymore though.
    However I do get on the Ventrilo server to chat.
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