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  • You are welcome. I got pretty sad reading some of that stuff Don posted, but it was all so well written. I think it will help for his close friends and family to see some of that stuff.
    LOL...I know I am! Only girl with two younger bros. My parents insisted on my having everything pink. And not like fuchsia or striking pinks, of course, but girlie, pastel, imma gonna hurl pink. lol
    That's right. Be careful not to put coma right after that, and be sure to check whether the forum registered that you used a tag. Sometimes, you do everything right, and it doesn't appear in your post as a tag.
    Thx for the rep! I have a feelinf my 4 yo son has it too, but we'll sit back and keep an eye on it for now. Even if he doesn't, the techniques we are learning work great on him too ;-) Wishing good calm days for you and your boys!
    Thanks, it was my first one when I came here. :D If you like that kind of humour, you might enjoy this:

    This one is hilarious in my opinion:

    Your name is an awesome song (by Tool).

    But you probably knew that already.
    Oh I am definitely pale too. I think black hair would wash me out. And it just wouldn't go with my freckles! lol
    I used to want to dye my hair black but I am not sure it would suit me. I think it looks really good on a lot of people though. I imagine it must be quite a process to get rid of the black though.
    I have never been brave enough to do much in the way of dying my hair. I am always afraid that it will turn it some awful colour that I hate lol. And I am afraid that my hair will never be the same afterwards. As for grey hair, I am not quite there yet but I plan on just letting it go as grey as it pleases haha. Unless I go grey tomorrow. T hat might be a bit early for me!
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