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  • Oh I know I know. And everyone around me is telling me to go to a doctor. Sure, I have insurance for it, but c'mon. It's a cough and a hoarse voice. I'd probably catch something worse just from sitting in the clinic... no offense to clinics or anything. My treatment? Lots of water and some spicy food to keep my nose and throat somewhat clear :D probably not the doctor's choice, but it's never failed me...
    Oh I've been trying to flush whatever is in me out of me for the last 4 days... If I could physically pound the shit out of it, trust me, I would :p
    Oh yeah. Kids aren't always bad little hellspawn ;D I'm going to be pissed if my voice isn't somewhat back by the time I go to work tomorrow... otherwise I'm calling BS on this >_<
    Yeah... apparently it's illegal to duct tape a small child to the roof of your car and drive a few miles down the highway... kidding of course :) although it really is illegal... I'm pissed because my voice is more hoarse than a freaking Clydesdale horse... and I can't talk at all... or yell at people when they annoy me... ugh! lol!
    Oh then we have a lot to share :D My mind can be quite twisted at times and I really enjoy it. I agree that most people don't appreciate it... Whenever I make an oddball comment (or a twisted one at that), I only get strange looks... and I have a feeling that's not because I'm streaking through the halls... in E flat... Major...
    ....and that's the best you could come up with? *shakes head* Oh dear dear dear.... You need more focus if that's all you can imagine with your bitchiness :D of course! Why didn't I see it before?
    Yargh! That be the spirit! :D I know how you feel about others yelling at you at work... ugh I really really bite my tongue at my new job... MY TONGUE'S COVERED IN BLISTERS

    okay not really...
    Those sound like difficult decisions indeed... although I'm sure someone like you could easily charge people to get yelled at by you LOL so maybe you could use real meat then.
    Yeah, something tells me that I have about 10 years of hard drinking and smoking ahead of me before my voice will sound like this naturally... although I don't smoke or drink, but that's an after thought XD

    And, uh, EXCUSE ME, THIS IS AMERICA! I have every right to stand on the street corner yelling at people like a senile old man ;D

    have you been enjoying your week in the land of corn? Did you get wind of that tornado system? We had tornado warnings for a few hours here... I don't think anything touched down, though....
    Orgasms... wait that's DE's thing... shit, don't tell her; I don't want to pay the royalty fee...

    Just hanging around, trying to get my voice back (I've been losing it over the last 3 days; long story), and enjoying the rest of my night.
    i quit for 4 years. then last year, i had an offer i couldnt refuse. now i partake maybe 3 times a year. it makes it ALOT better that way.

    ewwww @ responsibilities, lol.
    look at all the villians talking on here, lol.

    wow, thats CRAZY. i'm glad everything turned out ok, shit.

    i usually just press the 3rd button on the right, i think thats a icon of earth on there. hit that button and just copy and paste the youtube URL. seems to work. i had a couple times it didnt, but its technology, that's expected.

    the brownies are...coming along. i need to get some pot 1st, lol. one step at a time. you smoke trees??
    Awesome :) I used to live in Winterset for a few months, which isn't too far from Des Moines. John Wayne, is this me? HAHA! That town had a lot of internal problems *sigh* glad to be in my comfort zone again.
    I'm in the bustling land of Iowa City. I used to live in Eldridge, which is just outside of the Quad Cities. Small world, huh?
    Well, hopefully, they'll remember this and be very careful from now on.
    My bff irl had her house burn down when she was 7 cuz her brother was playing with fire in a closet. They all made it out unhurt...but they lost everything.
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