Your preferred type for a "buddy".


Who do you most enjoy just hanging out with as a friend, why?
I love most all NT's, simply because the conversation is almost always great.

I've met some insanely fucking cool ISTPs, too.
I can't say exactly what it is I find I like in a person. If they're fun to be around and non-judgmental that's about all I ask for. Trust is incredibly important. If I can't trust someone then my line is drawn and they won't get any further than that.

Most of my friends aren't very spontaneous, though, and the one(s) that were aren't really around anymore. It's something I appreciate since I'm usually not that spontaneous myself, although I do have my moments.
ExFP's (and to a lesser extent the introverted FP's)

There fun, spontanious, caring, and great people to talk to and do things with. With the exception of one person (an ESFJ), all of my close friends are FP's.

The type's I don't become friends with are TP's. I just don't mesh with them.
INTJs are very interesting and I have a really good time with them and ENFJs are pretty fun and have a nice sense of humour :)
I dunno, it's hard to say because I really am a huge introvert. My best friend is an NF (not sure what still) and I love her, but she can bug me to death when she gets upset. My ex was an INTJ, and I did love him - I loved our conversations about mechanical things and logical things. We sort of rubbed off on each other.

But other than online, it's been a long, long while since I've had people just to hang out with. I usually enjoy the company but I'm never that deep with most my friends because most think I'm a weirdo anyway. Heh. I'm the sci-fi space alien among a group of professionals.

I need more friends my age who share my interests.
I say ENFJs too!

I agree with Laurie. My loving and fun wife is an ENFJ and she also is my best friend. I'm an INFJ, so she opened a warm world to me I never was able to reach before.
Intuitive perceivers in general I can get along with very well. INTJs I get along with well too. Never met an ENTJ so I don't know about that. In real life INFJs tend to love me but I've known so many they don't have the same intrigue as they once did. You're all just a bunch of cooky weirdos to me now. :p

ENFJs I'm not usually fond of, but I can get along fine. STJs I usually find intolerable after prolonged exposure (with some notable exceptions). ISFPs are just weird to me. ISTPs speak an oddly similar language (I speak a very very intuitive language, but sharing Ti without sharing intuition is a strange experience) so I get along there. ESTPs can be sometimes intolerable. ESFPs I get along with fine. SFJs I get along with too, but I find them to be extraordinarily boring.

Overall: ENTPs/ENFPs/INFPs that are well along in personal development are all great. I can mesh with most types however.
ESFP - fun but overwhelming. Fun if you hang out on occasion, but not constantly.
ESFJ - overwhelming and a bit melodramatic. They're loyal though.
ISFP - great long-term casual friends, although don't expect a close relationship.
ISTP - good at keeping people from taking themselves too seriously.
INFP - good inspiration.
All NF's I guess. My best friend is an ESFJ so that as well. But our friendship is so rare I think. One that will last a lifetime hopefully because of that. Or not. If it doesn't I'll be down to a grand total of... 0 good friends!
I'd say far they've proved to be most loyal and most reliable...and they can have pretty damn fun when they want to

I enjoy my time with them=)
I know...but I have a living proof!
plus, they said "buddy", not "lover" or "boyfriend" or what not
"buddy" and "Friend"
ENTPS are fine for friendship. Not much else though unless you like penicillin a lot. WHORES. Just kidding. I don't know how loyal or reliable they are, but they good for a laugh. And good for getting into trouble and absurd adventures with. And when they start talking all crazy-like, its a thing of beauty actually. I like ENTPS, but only for play. But then again, I like most people on an individual basis.

I think I like infps the best, though. I tend to get along with them.
ENTPS are fine for friendship. Not much else though unless you like penicillin a lot. WHORES. Just kidding. I don't know how loyal or reliable they are, but they good for a laugh. And good for getting into trouble and absurd adventures with. And when they start talking all crazy-like, its a thing of beauty actually. I like ENTPS, but only for play. But then again, I like most people on an individual basis.

I think I like infps the best, though. I tend to get along with them.

yes! haha agreed.

they may not give the impression of it but when you're friends for a loong time(and when they want to) they can be pretty damn reliable...I guess I was just lucky with this one? dunno
Your preferred type for a "buddy"

For the longest time, I was close friends with an ENFJ.