Your most disliked American President and why

Most dislikes presidents and why, you can select a few but explain why.

  • John Adams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Madison

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Monroe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harry S. Truman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John F. Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lynden B. Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gerald Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oops, I ment to vote for andrew jackson, not thomas jefferson.
Huh Andrew Jackson..for reasons stated before..also I did not know we could vote for more..if so I would have also included Bush.

edit: and Andrew Johnson and a few more I probably can't think of the top of my head right now.
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What Nixon did was a direct u-turn on what got him elected, don't bring Barack into this, just because more than one president has done uturns doesn't excuse any of them.

I actually wasn't talking about U-turns, nor was I taking a potshot at Obama. They ran a similar campaign methodology thats all I was infering to.

Perhaps crucially he gave the finger to the US system by bombing Cambodia without running is past congress - nothing short of shitting on democracy which America was supposedly trying to inject into that part of the world at the time. Congress wouldn't have given him the answer he wanted.

This was the era or right after if I can remember of the Tonkin resolution(which was unanimously passed throught HOR) which gave the president more military power then ever in history, and even so we did not declare war against cambodia which is what congress would have been needed for, we hit military targets that strected into Cambodia with no commital of troops for more then two days.

The arrest of Pinochet in London in the late 80's was what caused the US govt to release classified files on how Nixon and Kissinger duped everyone by issuing fake targets for US bombers in south Vietnam but then having them re-routed midflight to Cambodia - a neutral country..

It's not possible to be neutral in a war. By not removing those using the Ho Chi Min trail in Cambodia, they allied with those using the trail. It's not rediculous for Nixon to want to have the Vietcongs biggest supply line taken out of the picture.

He pledged to withdraw the US from Vietnam honourably, but there was no question of honour in it - it was all about image. They did not want to appear to simply 'withdraw', lest Russia and emerging China take it as a sign of weakness, so they resolved to bomb the fuck out the entire region and cause a final few months of bloodshed and chaos so they could pull out with the Russians and Chinese looking on thinking 'wow, those Yanks are still a force to be reckoned with'.

That's politics, he did what he said he would do. What is honor in the cold war but image?

Opening up relations with China lol. China was on the rise and Nixon knew it; what other reason would a US president decide to open up 'relations' with a communist state other than because they saw them as a future threat. Political or social ideology plays NO role in the motives of heads of state. America would crush one communist state and back another. Nixons (and Kissingers) actions of that period embodied all that was rotten and corrupt with what the US system had become. But of course the layman simply can't fathom the ideological or moral treason being committed and simply thinks 'bombing Cambodia made sense cause there were north Vietnamese commies in it'.

Seems to much of a genralization to me, what of Carter who made almost all of his decisions based on his beliefs.
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Regan is my most disliked. I know I really don't have much information to back it up and I am going by a frosted glass memory, but I have a huge level of discontent for him. He was very very two faced and had deplorable morals that he was slowly trying to morph out into the norm. The man had no compassion to speak of what so ever for anyone who he deemed unworthy. He had a strong militant drive which is one of the largest put-offs for me. In particular when we did not need to get involved with things.
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I don't dislike any of them. None of them have ever refused to make me a cup of tea.
It is not possible to be neutral in a war?

Sorry Switzerland, you've lucked out. Barnabas said so.
Barack Obama, completely unqualified to rule, more so then Bush. His policies have been disastrous the amount of wealth the US has lost under his watch directly attributed to his policies is unbelievable.

Google the stock market averages for the last year. Dow up 30% - Sp average +30% - Nasdaq over 40%! See what they did in 2008.

by what definition? We've been in a deficit sense or before FDR.

Also why Nixion? What makes him worse then Clinton, ENFP Can be Shy.

what have we spent in iraq? and what did those tax cuts cost? how did the gutting of the sec regulatory arm lead to the most staggering loss of personal equity in a generation. Why do we elect morons?
And all you folks who have decided Obama is the worst ever ( after one year and 2 months in office) where do you think we should be moving as a nation? Can we really endure health care cost spiraling out of control as the largest chunk of our population retires?
GW makes Nixon look good
For me Ronald Regan, started a worthless war on drugs and was praised fair to highly for his presidency. I still hear people say he is the best president in recent times. There are many more issues I have with him. But they are also intertwined with the party and other issues.

Also why Nixion? What makes him worse then Clinton, ENFP Can be Shy.

Richard Nixon was proven to have unleashed the national security apparatus on his political foes. Clinton was proven to have gotten a blow job from a buxom 20 year old in the oval office. I realize that sexual infidelity is punishable by stoning in biblical law but as far as modern American jurisprudence is concerned Nixon's crimes were far more impeachable. ( tellingly it was Clinton who was impeached. )
Brother Barnabas, are you really suggesting that Clinton's indescretion's rivaled Nixon's?
another edgit

Barack Obama, completely unqualified to rule, more so then Bush. His policies have been disastrous the amount of wealth the US has lost under his watch directly attributed to his policies is unbelievable.

I do not know how to reach folks who hold your views, The economy runs on much longer cycles then the time period the Obama administration has been in power. As a nation we saw the greatest increase in prosperity during the last Democratic Administration. But you are incapable of admitting to that.
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Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt goes down still but less sharply

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt starts to go up

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt goes up sharply

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power=debt goes up

Democrats in power=debt starts to go down?

'A measure of a country's federal debt in relation to its gross domestic product (GDP). By comparing what a country owes and what it produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio indicates the country's ability to pay back its debt. The ratio is a coverage ratio on a national level.
This measure gives an idea of the ability of a country to make future payments on its debt. If a country were unable to pay its debt, it would default, which could cause a panic in the domestic and international markets. The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio, the less likely the country will pay its debt back, and the higher its risk of default.'

Why do people in the US keep voting Republican? Are they trying to bring down their own country?
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Andrew Jackson+Trail of Tears=Nuff said.
I agree that those of you who voted for Obama have little to base it on yet. I can't help but love the irony that the middle name of the President of the USA is Hussein :D

And Barnabas, forgive me if I don't spare you my time to reply to you, but it's utterly futile, I've made the points I wanted and that's that.

Can those voted jackson state why please? Be interesting to see.
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Richard Nixon was proven to have unleashed the national security apparatus on his political foes. Clinton was proven to have gotten a blow job from a buxom 20 year old in the oval office. I realize that sexual infidelity is punishable by stoning in biblical law but as far as modern American jurisprudence is concerned Nixon's crimes were far more impeachable. ( tellingly it was Clinton who was impeached. )
Brother Barnabas, are you really suggesting that Clinton's indescretion's rivaled Nixon's?

Nixion Lied about water gater, Clinton lied about Lewinsky.

Through my eyes there both liars, that was the real crime they committed. If either of them fesses up and said sorry I'm not perfect. They would be fine in my eyes, goes to show it takes hell of lot for a proud men to say sorry.

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt goes down still but less sharply

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt starts to go up

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power= debt goes up sharply

Democrats in power= debt goes down

Republicans in power=debt goes up

Democrats in power=debt starts to go down?

'A measure of a country's federal debt in relation to its gross domestic product (GDP). By comparing what a country owes and what it produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio indicates the country's ability to pay back its debt. The ratio is a coverage ratio on a national level.
This measure gives an idea of the ability of a country to make future payments on its debt. If a country were unable to pay its debt, it would default, which could cause a panic in the domestic and international markets. The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio, the less likely the country will pay its debt back, and the higher its risk of default.'

Why do people in the US keep voting Republican? Are they trying to bring down their own country?

don't overlook whats going on in history during those times. First we have the post war boom after Dearing and after truman and the boost from the Cold war up untill Reagan. During Reagan-Bush era we had Desert Storm. Followed by another boom, that was helped by Clintons policy. Then we went to war again.

The presidents didn't really contribute that much to the economy, except Clinton whom was not your ordinary Democrat.
I think its also important to point that republicans often refuse to do anything with the economy. And they tend to let it go to huge lows without intervention.
Obama along with Bush has pretty much fucked Americas economy over. Surely though, Bush has done more damage than Obama, but Obama is playing catchup.

Just recently he proposed a new law, Preventive Detention. What an awesome idea, arrest people for crimes they may commit. I don't see it happening, unless some kind of suprise terrorist attack happens, which calls for emergency actions, like the patriot act. I've read some rumors about a potential attack in Vancouver, we'll see though...

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin
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Obama along with Bush has pretty much fucked Americas economy over. Surely though, Bush has done more damage than Obama, but Obama is playing catchup.

Just recently he proposed a new law, Preventive Detention. What an awesome idea, arrest people for crimes they may commit. I don't see it happening, unless some kind of suprise terrorist attack happens, which calls for emergency actions, like the patriot act.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin
Excellent quote there. Preventative detention? Damn, that is a fucking totalitarian step.