Your archetype?


Regular Poster
out of touch

Info about archetypes:

I got:


When the Creator is active within a person, that person is discovering or creating a more adequate sense of Self. At best, this new identity leads to a more fulfilling and effective life. At worst, it is simply an experiment, and the person retreats or goes back to the drawing board to start over.

For me I assume Magician or Sage comes next.

When the Creator is active within a person, that person is discovering or creating a more adequate sense of Self. At best, this new identity leads to a more fulfilling and effective life. At worst, it is simply an experiment, and the person retreats or goes back to the drawing board to start over

Sages find freedom through understanding the big picture (global or cosmic) and a capacity for detachment. At the lowest level, the Sage may have little interest in the ordinary, mundane pleasures of life. At the highest level, however, the Sage combines detachment with love, wisdom, and joy in life.

Seems a bit detached

Sages find freedom through understanding the big picture (global or cosmic) and a capacity for detachment. At the lowest level, the Sage may have little interest in the ordinary, mundane pleasures of life. At the highest level, however, the Sage combines detachment with love, wisdom, and joy in life.

When the Creator is active within a person, that person is discovering or creating a more adequate sense of Self. At best, this new identity leads to a more fulfilling and effective life. At worst, it is simply an experiment, and the person retreats or goes back to the drawing board to start over.

That was very interesting. I've been thinking about almost all those things lately. Good food for thought.
Thanks ssprotege.

Magicians create new realities, transform old ones, serve as catalysts for change, and "name" and thereby create reality. At worst, their efforts can be "evil sorcery." At best, they discover empowering, win/win solutions.

Heh... wow I really do have both a halo and horns!

Magicians create new realities, transform old ones, serve as catalysts for change, and "name" and thereby create reality. At worst, their efforts can be "evil sorcery." At best, they discover empowering, win/win solutions.

The Magician's quest is not to 'do magic' but to transform or change something or someone in some way.
The Magician has significant power and as such may be feared. They may also fear themselves and their potential to do harm.
Perhaps their ultimate goal is to transform themselves, achieving a higher plane of existence.

Sages find freedom through understanding the big picture (global or cosmic) and a capacity for detachment. At the lowest level, the Sage may have little interest in the ordinary, mundane pleasures of life. At the highest level, however, the Sage combines detachment with love, wisdom, and joy in life.

The Seeker explores internal and external realities and is willing to give up security, community, and intimacy for autonomy. Seekers find out who they are by differentiating themselves from others. At worst, they are just outsiders. At best, they find their unique identities and vocations.

Caregivers take care of others even when doing so requires sacrifice. They give to make the world a better place for others. At worst, the Caregiver's sacrifice is maiming or manipulative. At best, the Caregiver's giving is compassionate, genuine, and of great help to others.
The Fool finds freedom through unconventionality and a capacity to enjoy every moment. The Fool lightens us up, finds clever, innovative, and fun ways around obstacles--intellectual or physical. At worst, Fools are irresponsible. At best, Fools live lives of joy because they live fully every moment.

(Hehe.. I guess!)
Hmm, I predicted I would get Sage or Magician, but I actually got Creator.
Surprising, but accurate:
Lovers find out who they are by discovering who and what they love. At a lower level, the Lover may love only a few people, activities, or things. At a higher level, Lovers enjoy and respect all of life's diversity.
Sages find freedom through understanding the big picture (global or cosmic) and a capacity for detachment. At the lowest level, the Sage may have little interest in the ordinary, mundane pleasures of life. At the highest level, however, the Sage combines detachment with love, wisdom, and joy in life.
When the Destroyer is active within a person, what we see are the effects of tragedy and loss. At best, this initiatory loss leads to a greater receptivity to new ideas, empathy and compassion for others, and a deeper knowledge of their own identity and strength. At worst, it simply decimates a personality, and we see before us simply a ruin of what was.
