Without Words, We have and are nothing

I watched it, and I liked it.
Now I want hugs.

This really moved me actually, because I'd hate seeing a good friend commit suicide.
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That was actually a really great short film.

Talk to people. Indeed.
Really good little film. And yes talking does improve everything!!!
That was really touching. The point of it is very powerful
I had to take note of the credits at the end. Ireland has had a very serious problem with young suicides for years, especially amongst the male population; I should know, I nearly became one of those statistics about a decade ago.

It's not something I even consider anymore, but Ireland has some serious issues when it comes to this; people in this country tend to be raised with very little emphasis on emotional empathy or compassion in the family unit. I think that's one of the root causes.

Irish people in general just don't... like to talk about their feelings. It's almost frowned upon, and considered a weakness. I guess it comes from the whole obsession our country has had with independence over the last few hundred years. It's just been taken to an extreme.
I had to take note of the credits at the end. Ireland has had a very serious problem with young suicides for years, especially amongst the male population; I should know, I nearly became one of those statistics about a decade ago.

It's not something I even consider anymore, but Ireland has some serious issues when it comes to this; people in this country tend to be raised with very little emphasis on emotional empathy or compassion in the family unit. I think that's one of the root causes.

Irish people in general just don't... like to talk about their feelings. It's almost frowned upon, and considered a weakness. I guess it comes from the whole obsession our country has had with independence over the last few hundred years. It's just been taken to an extreme.

I noticed the statistics as well and it is so sad. I'm glad you made it through the rain though! Things may remain unspoken but FROWNED UPON?!?!? It is mad that it is considered a weakness but the horrible truth is that in todays society - many think it is.
It's similar with Asians, we bottle up our emotions for too long. Showing emotion is showing weakness.

About 3 minutes in I knew what was going to happen =(
Pfft, Emotions aren't weakness. Heh.

Thinking negatively about something is showing emotion.