Whose type are you?


Thought it would be interesting to ask "whose type are you" instead "who's your type" for a change. :)

I was thinking today that it's maybe easier to say what we want or don't like in someone or what we think fits us but would the answer be the same in reverse?

Sometimes, people have different impressions of us than we have of ourselves.

So, to take the opposite view for a moment, "whose type are you?" This could be who is usually attracted to you or who seems drawn to you, or who seems to think you're the best fit for them.
Almost no one's, I'd say. I find that people run very hot and cold with me and while the flame rises high it can be doused just as quickly. I don't tend to be a type that men settle on exclusively, though that has more to do with them, I suppose. I suspect I am insontis' type and presumably for good.
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I attracted men who were looking for a stable individual. Metaphorically, I am a very organized tidy kitchen ... until you open the cabinet with the Tupperware. LOL

In my long-term relationships, the men all talked about marriage ... not me. So really, I don't know what was up with that. I didn't even treat them that well. I remember being at a bar and this guy was talking to me. He said: "You aren't a girl men fool with, you are a girl a man takes home to mom." O.o Perhaps it was the chase of wanting what they couldn't have. IDK.

I think my husband was actually attracted to my avoidant nature. He knew that in order for him to have a successful family life with his career he would need to marry someone who enjoys being alone and is very independent. He also comments that he was attracted to my materialistically simple nature.
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The type who want a tortured artist and practical stability.

Usually the ones who've dated sensitive or passive creative types and watched them fall apart.
I seem to attract a wide range of men. Whether they're the ladie's man, to the insecure type, the narcissist, to the persistant ones, to the funny guys, to the reserved ones, the man's man, or even the ambitious ones. A lot of past lovers have told me that they were attracted to me due to my "exotic looks", sense of humor, confidence, and directness.

I remember in high school, this kid Spano, who was the "ladie's man" would always ask me out but I'd politely turn him down. So we would work on his car together. He said to me once, "You attract people like flies because you're genuine, hilarious, and grounded. You're honest at times when you don't have to be, that's why I enjoy your company." I teased him a bit for it and then he said, "See, you even take a compliment with humility - Not many people can do that. That's a special kind of confidence."

So hell if I know anymore...
More often than anything, really extroverted and charismatic men.
Which is strange because I am the opposite of that. I suppose I like them, too.
But I do not receive the attentions of men too often..so that is based on a handful of people.
This is an interesting topic, Cedar!

My track record has me typically attracting the extroverted and easy-going funny men. I don't know what it is about my person, but I seem to attract the men who like to take center stage. They will always end up picking on me and then later chatting me up.

Still, I noticed that it largely depends on the way I dress too. Lately, I've been wearing more skirts and business dresses and that tends to attract a completely different breed of male; slightly older, more serious, and usually quite athletic.
I "think" that I attract guys who are very confident or arrogant, or guys who like to joke around, or tease since I'm easy to tease. :D I attract people who like to joke around maybe because they think I was too serious so they try to make me smile or laugh. Or I attract the guys who are a little creepy, :m031:or guys who see me as someone to unload their troubles, or something. I guess they find me easy to talk to so that they see me as someone who will hear them out. So, I attract talkative, arrogant, dominant or cavalier types.
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INFJs with a lot of Fe and less Se. If they exceptionally have a lot of Si then it's even better.

Hell, I appreciate anyone with Fe and Si. Oh and they need to have Ti.
I don't really know (at least not very well) and I wish I did. I very, very rarely get hit on. I would get hit on more if I dressed in such a way that more of my skin and body form would show. I don't. I dress quite demurely. This feels more "me", and it also means that I will not get hit on (probably). All there is to say about that is **mega-watt introvert**. I especially can't stand it when I'm out with my camera trying to have quiet alone time, and some guy starts chatting me up. I find myself literally praying that some guy who's looking at me with a slight smile will not come up to me and start hitting on me. It's fucking hell.

On topic: I think older men like me, and lesbians. WHATEVER. I like older men, but most of them have personalities that don't particularly interest me, or they're married/inarelationship. I'm not looking to be "the other woman", thanks. I'm not even bi-curious, so lesbians will have to look elsewhere.
It's been a mixed bag, but the ones that came up the most often were the following: ENTPs, INTPs, and INTJs. So basically the NTs except ENTJs.
Great topic @Cedar! :)

Hmmmm, I guess guys who have liked me do have some similar characteristics, although it makes me laugh a little because their personalities were soooooo different X3. Lol.

Like @Sriracha, that's the one thing I can think of as well - maybe not exactly marriage but all the guys noted that they saw me as someone to start a "serious" relationship with, a "good girl" as one of them put it lol (whaaa? I'm vicious! Rawr!). So they all had the same intent in mind, I suppose, reflecting back on it...

Also, I remember "protective" vibes - or that could be because I'm super tiny and small. X3

The most pronounced factor? Extreme intelligence. That is definitely the most marked similarity.
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I "think" that I attract guys who are very confident or arrogant, or guys who like to joke around, or tease since I'm easy to tease. :D I attract people who like to joke around maybe because they thought I was a bit too serious so they wanted to make me smile or laugh. Or I attract the guys who are a little creepy, :m031:or guys who see me as someone to unload their troubles, or something. I guess they find me easy to talk to so that they see me as someone who will hear them out. So, I attract talkative, arrogant, dominant or cavalier types.

Oh my! ;3 The humorous guys sound fun :D That is so true though - I like to tease serious people too hehe. >:3

Few guys show interest in me. Until I was 20, the only few guys who ever did were exceptionally weird/creepy (guy that stalked me in high school, guy named Scarecrow who tried to impress me by saying he'd been possessed by demons...)
:m095: Oh yes, the proverbial creepy guy, I know what you mean. Oh dear oh dear, lol.
Always Extroverted women. I am too boring for Introverts, they seem to have me all figured out.
I always attract the wrong people. By wrong, I mean wrong for me. I attract the shy compassionate introverts, the quiet anti-social Einsteins, or (control) freaks who either enjoy the chase for the sake of it only or have some really weird fetishes that creep the hell out of me.

I think this is due to the difference in what I am like with most people in comparison to what I am like when in a relationship.
I attract authentic individuals.

Those who are ready to question everything and continue living life to the hilt;
those who can look past the pains and pleasures of this world to see the
beauty humming beneath; those unafraid of experiencing the darkness
hovering all around without getting lost in its folds; those committed
to a cause and a vision without letting it define their entire
existence (personal drive without obsession) -
those who inherently Go. And, of course,
those that know to give and take.

These are the major similarities between everyone
I've bonded with, from friends to lover.

(Typologically, I tend to synergize easily with INTPs, INTJs, ENFJs, and ENTJs.)
Hm, I haven't attracted enough people to notice a pattern in them. This is a great question though!

I've attracted an extroverted, goofy girl and an INFJ with fiery/sassy qualities. Both of them came to terms with their bisexuality while dating me.

So... I guess I attract bi-curious women who have only had relationships with men in the past but were interested in me because I'm nonthreatening and kind? :m075: