Who's your forum dream date ;D . . . | INFJ Forum

Who's your forum dream date ;D . . .


Sep 5, 2009
inspired by the dream date thread.

So, if you could have a dream date with someone on the forum, who would it be? why?

Doesn't have to be someone you're attracted to. It could simply be someone you'd like to talk to you because you like the way they look at things, their interests, or you share similar or opposing views. Maybe you want to have a dream date with them because they are just so totally different from you. Or you think they're just a awesomely cool person and you think it would be fun to hang out with them for an evening.

All in good fun . . . play nice ! :m155:
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Corndogman. He's hot.
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[MENTION=2308]DimensionX[/MENTION] I know he's not around much these days, but I love talking to him. He's a fun chap. I can only imagine that our conversations would be better in person.

[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] Also not around much, but... I want to discuss comic books with a cute girl. It's a fantasy of mine. :p
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[MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION] because I'd like to see if she's as awesome in person as she is on the forums. and because I have a forum crush on her, lol. :p

And not exactly a date but I think It'd be really cool and fun to hangout with [MENTION=3454]DrShephard[/MENTION] and also [MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION].

But honestly I think I'd have an awesome time hanging out or going on a date with (In the case of the women on this forum) most of the people here. lol.
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hmmm, I would love to talk about music and linguistics with @bamf and possibly even have a jam session

Have a picnic and go people watching with @Oranguh

Spend the day doing something fun with @DrShephard...he's sure to keep me laughing, and he's always challenging my perspective.

And I would totally want to go sight-seeing and shopping with @Sandra b , @Elowen, @christmas, @TheDaringHatTrick, and [MENTION=2096]DevilDoll[/MENTION]
I'd love to have brunch date at a coffee shop with @K-gal, and talk about psychology, relationships, how our lives have progressed until now, what we've learned about ourselves and others, etc.

It would be fun to hang out with @kiu, grab a soda, and catch up on school days.

I'd love to have a conversation date with @Reon MBTI and psychology, and just chat, get his opinion on people and situations.
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I'm my own forum dream date, tyvm.
Let's play a game.

I'm going to list eight people on the forum and five activities I can imagine doing. See if you can correctly match the activity with the person. There may be trick questions involved aside from the three folk who have no activity associated with them - not that I don't like them or can't imagine a date, just that I can't make this too easy. And they'll be good sports.

@Phoenix Down

1) Have an extensive discussion on bioethics, abiogenesis and the social implications of genetic modification over diner and wine. Then have desert and talk about faith and the limits of human knowledge.

2) Find a moog modular and map ADSR envelopes to sample and hold circuits being fed with slightly detuned square waves. Record the output, sequence it and make a hit single.

3) Scour the internet for pictures of badass women, talk about MBTI and Jungian psychology, probably get into an argument and refuse to back down, make up and then sit there in comfortable silence observing other people, dissecting them methodically in our respective brains and then watching a David Lynch movie at the end of the night.

4) I envision this person in high heels, a sheer black thong, a choker that has my name on it and a tiara with cat's ears. She'll crawl over to me on her hands and knees and I'll put my hand around her throat so I can feel her purr. Maybe have her lick milk out the palm of my hand before I lick the sweat off her spine.

5) Trip to eastern europe with the follow stops on our itinerary: Sofia, Bucharest, Kiev, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Zagreb. Eat lots of cuisine, listen to polka, make love in the snow, soak in the overcast, cold weather.

Let's play a game.

I'm going to list eight people on the forum and five activities I can imagine doing. See if you can correctly match the activity with the person. There may be trick questions involved aside from the three folk who have no activity associated with them - not that I don't like them or can't imagine a date, just that I can't make this too easy. And they'll be good sports.

@Phoenix Down

1) Have an extensive discussion on bioethics, abiogenesis and the social implications of genetic modification over diner and wine. Then have desert and talk about faith and the limits of human knowledge.


2) Find a moog modular and map ADSR envelopes to sample and hold circuits being fed with slightly detuned square waves. Record the output, sequence it and make a hit single.

[MENTION=2827]Phoenix Down[/MENTION]

3) Scour the internet for pictures of badass women, talk about MBTI and Jungian psychology, probably get into an argument and refuse to back down, make up and then sit there in comfortable silence observing other people, dissecting them methodically in our respective brains and then watching a David Lynch movie at the end of the night.


5) Trip to eastern europe with the follow stops on our itinerary: Sofia, Bucharest, Kiev, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Zagreb. Eat lots of cuisine, listen to polka, make love in the snow, soak in the overcast, cold weather.

I'd guess DevilDoll for #4 but perhaps you were trying to make it seem too easy and it's not her.
[MENTION=2300]Siamese cat[/MENTION] - there's a string of restaurants and shopping district by the sea near me, and I think it would be cool to just sit outside one of those restaurants one after and chit chat about any and everything.
I'm definitely dragging @invisible to a ton of art galleries so we can critique the heck out of all the art in them, and then we can go hangout out at a tres bohemian restaurant :D
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[MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION]. I think we'd get on well irl. I'd happily watch a sunrise with him :)
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[MENTION=1069]Jana[/MENTION] - I'd love to have dinner with you and talk about relationships, and teaching, etc.

[MENTION=1591]Morgain[/MENTION] - we have so much in common in how we think, it would be interesting to compare notes using the MBTI, to talk about what it means to be INFPs in this crazy world which is not very INFPish :D
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I would love for [MENTION=630]Blind Bandit[/MENTION] to show me around Seattle sometime

and also for [MENTION=3615]aerosol[/MENTION] to give me a tour of Chicago
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