Who's your dream guy: Jacob or Edward? :D :D

That's it, you've gone TOO FAR!
Nice joke.
Oh. That's why the questions felt a little weird.
Team Edward: sooooooooo hot! :m015:
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Most of my female friends agree Jacob in the movies but Edward in the books.
Most of my female friends agree Jacob in the movies but Edward in the books.

What's the diff between Edward in film vs. Edward in books?
What's the diff between Edward in film vs. Edward in books?

They say Edward in the books is more like someone they could love but in the movies he's too emo and that, for them, is a deal breaker. So that leaves Jacob in the movies - they say he's got the qualities that Edward lacks in the movies.
What is this I don't even
Bella from the books is nice though.

The other characters are kinda redundant.
They say Edward in the books is more like someone they could love but in the movies he's too emo and that, for them, is a deal breaker. So that leaves Jacob in the movies - they say he's got the qualities that Edward lacks in the movies.

Ahh. makes sense. thx
//projectile vomits all over the thread
Edward of course :)
Most of my female friends agree Jacob in the movies but Edward in the books.
yep lol, I almost switched over to team jacob 3/4 through Eclipse
Can someone explain to me the entire reason of why it is important who you prefer?

I would enjoy some enlightenment from this thread.
I've been curious for quite some time now.