Who do you lock horns with?


What personality types do you tend to lock horns with the most?

From what I have seen within myself I lock horns with the following;

From what I have observed in New Zealand these are the two most common personalities. Men - ISTP/ISTJ, Women - ESFJ/ESTJ.

ISTP - I tend to argue allot with these guys. I find ISTP's too rigid in thought. So its hard to discuss theories with them. Everything has to be fact with these guys. My boss is an ISTP.

My younger brother is a ISTP and he drives me up the wall with his "drumming facts" and "car facts" :m072: I find them very insensitive and when It comes to cleaning... don't even bother.

ESTJ - Loud and bossy. :m080:
I work along side with these guys on a regular basis. They don't understand the concept of being quiet. I find them very disruptive and impolite. Terrible when trying to serve customers.

I get told I'm stupid or lazy all the time from these guys.
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ESTJ's- They do not understand me at all. I have trouble conforming for them. Not because I dont want to. More because I just cant do it well.
Ti/Fe-primary. They are very different than Ti/Fe-secondary though.
Ne/Ti regardless of order bugs the hell out of me. I smell it from a mile away in most cases.

aka. INTP/ENTP. Well developed people of this type I can deal with.
ESTJ and ESTP give me the biggest problem, I have a hard time relating to most of them and our core values seem to be very different almost all the time.
I don't know how everyone knows what everyone else's type is... I find it difficult to work it out, so I can't really say what types piss me off... because I don't know!
I don't know how everyone knows what everyone else's type is... I find it difficult to work it out, so I can't really say what types piss me off... because I don't know!

I don't even try to type people, because I don't want to type them wrong! I just happened to know my mom's type because she told me.
I don't even try to type people, because I don't want to type them wrong! I just happened to know my mom's type because she told me.

Yeah wrongly typing people is a funny thing... I really wanna learn to do it right though, a lot of people seem to be so sure with it. Obviously, you can never really know. I mean, I don't even know WHO would be an ESTJ or INTJ or whatever if they walked into a room.
Yeah wrongly typing people is a funny thing... I really wanna learn to do it right though, a lot of people seem to be so sure with it. Obviously, you can never really know. I mean, I don't even know WHO would be an ESTJ or INTJ or whatever if they walked into a room.

They've probably had alot of practice. I can only do it (somewhat) with people I know really well. I'm relatively new to the whole MBTI thing- I don't really know much about typing anyone.
ESFJs - the ones i've dealt with can be sooo boring and talk about the "great sale they got at the store" for 9 minutes. i'll listen politely but inside my soul is dying.

ESTJ - refer to hotkebab's explanation :m106:

ISTP - i've only dealt with one istp but she showed herself to be brusque, and extremely insensitive to people's feelings and needs, even when expressed out loud
People who call others stupid or lazy - those are the people I lock horns with. They really are like dust under my feet and I talk to them as little as humanly possible.
ESFJ/ENFJ - too intrusive, overly emotional, prone to trying to run/and/or fix other people's lives, place too much importance on social norms.

ESTJ/ESTP - loud, arrogant, bossy, forceful, usually immature and not so bright, annoying.