What's Wrong With S Types?


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Okay so yes, I'm doing it. Now I really have no idea why there could be so much S hate. I'm usually surrounded by N types so I have no idea what you guys could particularly have against them.

So yes, this is your chance to bash us with no prejudice held by me at least.

Whats wrong ? Everything. S types are so awesome its annoying.
You're not an N.

Actually, I have no idea. I don't get in to typing people much, and generally I have no problems with S people. We're two different walks of life, we approach things differently, and I see value in that. Sorry that I can't be of help.
Okay so yes, I'm doing it. Now I really have no idea why there could be so much S hate. I'm usually surrounded by N types so I have no idea what you guys could particularly have against them.

So yes, this is your chance to bash us with no prejudice held by me at least.


Intuitive types typically spend so much time being misunderstood by society that they seek out the majority and complain about how they are misunderstood by them. Typically, from my experiences on various type forums, this disconnect is a lack of communication on both parts and the aggrandizement on the intuitive's part.
I <3 S types. I used to think I disliked them, but it was before I understood what sensors were like. I rather like them. Some of my close friends are S types, and by boyfriend is an S type.

I am an odd one out here on the forums, but I actually like SJ's quite a lot.
Nothing. It comes down to the compatibility and development of both individuals, which is a cop-out answer, but it is true. There are vast differences between SFJs, STJs, SFPs, STPs as well.
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Of the 4 S's that came to my mind right away I only don't get along with 1 of them, but I don't hate him. And the only problem is that we're both stubborn as hell and think we know the best way to do something.
Practicality has its place.

A lot of people that seem to be dogmatic about the N vs S controversy seems to have just as much, if not more, wrong with themselves as their insulted counterpart. Both sides of the coin have much to offer and I think most forget that the healthy path is to move towards a balance, come together and lean from one another, not away.

To address a massive generalization with another massive generalization, I think a lot of times the stereotypical N is hurt that a society so based around pragmatism gives the impression that the dreamy/absent-minded intuitive has nothing of value and discourages their involvement in many aspects, seen as eccentric, 'out there', etc or just generally tries to move them into a more pragmatic stance against their own will. The lack of common ground in theoretical/fantastical pursuits and perhaps even criticism doesn't help either.

This also comes to the point of maturity, growing up, and becoming independent. At some point we all have to get a job and support ourselves, or find someone that will. The intuitive often has metrics that differ quite greatly from the typical societal measures of success and so this can lead to conflict as well.

My INTJ co-worker refers to his wife as strictly 'in the box' but he greatly values her opinion and they work well together. Then again, sometimes I have a hard time determining whether he would truly be classified by Ni vs Si.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sensors. I grew up in an SJ environment and sometimes I wonder if I'm deluding myself and I'm actually an ISFJ but I've always gotten along with people who prefer Sensing. I love them to bits and I wouldn't change a thing in them. I appreciate them very much.

I agree with Reon that lack of communication is probably the biggest point where misunderstandings arise from and I always try to be on the lookout for that.
Intuitive types typically spend so much time being misunderstood by society that they seek out the majority and complain about how they are misunderstood by them. Typically, from my experiences on various type forums, this disconnect is a lack of communication on both parts and the aggrandizement on the intuitive's part.

And then you also have the descriptions on web that glorify the iNutitive intelligence and make Sensors out as incapable of anything more complex than manual labor. Then comes a bunch of insecure, misunderstood teenagers who (ab)use a non-scientific personality indicator (speaking strictly of the MBTI as a testing instrument) as a way to find themselves and inflate their rl-butthurt egos.

Tis ignorance in nutshell.
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Well for my input, I love N's, up to the point where I can get jealous of your imagination. Of course I enjoy being an S type too, it certainly means that I worry less and thinking in the box isn't always such a bad thing.

Actually when typing this my girlfriend came up with a good point via msn:

Dove says:
if anything, it is the thing mentioned that this is a very practicallity-only type world we live in, and much that an N brings to the table is either treated with extreme disrepect or outright loathing
like for example, "art is worthless"
but I dont think thats an S thing
so much as a J thing
Chaz says:
but SP's are creators
artists too
Dove says:
mmhm ^^
hense the wrongness of the stereotype

I believe that any conflict between types in particular stems from misunderstanding. Including the dreaded P vs J.

I now have some more musings in my head, but are unable to express them being an S. So I'll wait and read up on this thread some more.
I also find its an issue stemming from those told that expression is "womanly" (as polite as I'm putting it), and since the job world was mostly made up of men up until the last half-decade, its no wonder that expressing emotion, making art for art's sake or even being less strict in the workplace is seen as overall "bad". Now adays the only world seems to be the world of work, and if you're not "good and proper" in the world of work, then you are useless to society. Many people I know have no reservations about saying so.
I believe that any conflict between types in particular stems from misunderstanding. Including the dreaded P vs J.

The difference between P and J can often cause the most conflict for me. However, which P and which J often has a lot of driving force behind this. It's interesting that this letter is the most diffucult to sort out for most, but tends to cause the most issues when there is a big difference. Personally, I tend to have the most "issues" with TP's. Like everything though, there are exceptions to this.

The dichotomy between P and J is really the largest, because it completely changes how information is taken in and processed. I mean you can look at the difference between INFP and INFJ. There are superficial similarites, but at their core they are very different. For one, those two types do not share any common cognitive functions. The way information is processed is very different. Just from a seemingly trivial change of P and J.
I also find its an issue stemming from those told that expression is "womanly" (as polite as I'm putting it), and since the job world was mostly made up of men up until the last half-decade, its no wonder that expressing emotion, making art for art's sake or even being less strict in the workplace is seen as overall "bad". Now adays the only world seems to be the world of work, and if you're not "good and proper" in the world of work, then you are useless to society. Many people I know have no reservations about saying so.

You know, just before I saw your post I was thinking "maybe it's more of a masculine vs feminine thing". I think this may contribute to it, at least for NF's anyway.

The difference between P and J can often cause the most conflict for me. However, which P and which J often has a lot of driving force behind this. It's interesting that this letter is the most diffucult to sort out for most, but tends to cause the most issues when there is a big difference. Personally, I tend to have the most "issues" with TP's. Like everything though, there are exceptions to this.

The dichotomy between P and J is really the largest, because it completely changes how information is taken in and processed. I mean you can look at the difference between INFP and INFJ. There are superficial similarites, but at their core they are very different. For one, those two types do not share any common cognitive functions. The way information is processed is very different. Just from a seemingly trivial change of P and J.

Oh P and J can easily create most conflict. I don't know why.

Of course like all types if both sides understand each other they can compliment each other. Dove is able to better plan, yet I'm better at not panicking for instance.
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I also like to add that the N, F and P types are being more valued now than ever. Since we now realize that tending to one's environment, like making a park to make someone happier, is NOT frivolous at all. It improves your mood and thus actions, and mental well-being.

There was a study done on infant monkeys where they had to choose between a soft warm surrogate mother who gave no food, or a wire cage with a bottle, the monkey would choose the soft one. These babies were also not shown any love or affection, but given ever physical and developmental learning need it required. Even then, it was observed that these babies were is distress. Lo and behold, love IS important after all, as is kindness, beauty and empathy.

So if you feel like the world doesn't appreciate you now, don't worry, things are changing.
Many of my friends in RL are S types. I don't have anything in particular against them. Its just- if you want a deep conversation or a philosophical conversation, most S types and even a good amount of N types aren't the people to go to. Okay, I don't know any S types that like philosophy off the top of my head, though ISFP is probably the best bet for it (I don't know any IRL though). My ISTP and ISTJ friends hate it, along with all the ESXX types. ENFPs seem to like it while ENTPs are split.

I just tend to speak in metaphors and get strong feelings of loathing for society and all that fun stuff, and most S types can't relate to this, especially ISTJ, who think I am werid/crazy probably.
The majority of conflict i have with people comes from a lack of understanding, and Ns seem to have a more implicit understanding of what I'm talking about. Or at least, when an N doesn't understand me I don't have an easily accessible scapegoat. If an S doesn't understand me or appreciate an idea I have, I can just blame it on their S-ness.
I've never been able to connect at all with S types (I've tried, but it either doesn't work or they blow me off in spite of my efforts, or even ignore me.), and I tend to have very little in common with them. That only goes for ones I've known irl though.
What's wrong with sensors...everything they say and everything they do.

I've never met a sensor in real life I haven't wanted to choke at some point. That doesn't mean I don't admire them. I actually wish I could be a little more like them at times, and sometimes I do act like one.