What would you like to tell the child you once were? | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

What would you like to tell the child you once were?

*Just because people have the ability to "act" nice, it doesn't necessarily mean they actually are.

*However, give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, they don't mean it when they do bad things.

*Don't take what people say at face value. Actions have to follow and agree with what was said otherwise, they don't mean a thing.

*Don't compromise your values for anyone. Don't worry, those who truly love you won't ask you to. :smile:

*There is something called Drama in the world and people seem to love it. I advise you to avoid it. The way to do that is to mind your own business and ask others to mind theirs.

*As to what to do when you grow up...I heard engineering is kind of a fun thing to do. ;P
I'd tell him, "you'll be stronger than you know....all the hurt, pain, confusion, anger, and self-consciousness will fade, and you'll be stronger if you develop your talents and abilities, and believe in yourself". Things I should've been told coming up.
I would tell her that nothing is worth to be worried about, that everything should be taken easy.
I would tell myself that it's okay I don't fit in. It will all be worth it one day. It will get better; not easier, but better. Stay strong and don't close everyone out.
Stop trying so hard to please others and do what you want.
for clarification, my name is not slant-chan. wtf??
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"don't listen to them. you ARE smart, you CAN be pretty, you CAN have friends who love you just the way you are, and you WILL have control over your life. eventually"
People are not smarter than you.

You are wasting your good efforts on the wrong people.

You will be successful but you need to be less sensitive to your own and other's emotions.
You're parents lie to you a lot. They have good intentions but try to see outside of your bubble. Life is going to be hard. Every time you ask god for a blessing he is going to give you a test. It might sound confusing, but the tests are the blessings.
Just keep going and don't look back.
My Goshod, what I'd say... I'd blow my younger selves mind with what I'd say.

"The answers to who you are all within, recognise them for what they are and learn to be brave enough to be your true self. Research the term gender dysphoria now and you can save yourself half a lifetime of pain". No matter what age that information came to me the only guarantee is that the world would be turned upside down and the pain would get harder before it got better.
It's social anxiety, retard. No, seriously. Also, everything is kind of absurd.
Grow balls, don't be such a fggt
Nothing matters
Stop thinking
Everyone has their own agenda
No such thing as friends, but u still need to have fun
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You're a hell of a lot smarter than you thought you were,

let the vampires suck someone else's lifeblood,
you're worth more than a husk;

be happy with who you are,
you have to live with yourself -
not them. Rejoice in your gifts
and use them to bring light to
a beleaguered world.

Remember to breathe every now
and again - it's important to
know the world does keep going
when you fall, just get back up
and dust off. Try again after a
good shower.

True friends will find you later,
don't worry so much about 'em
now - focus on yourself, you
have much more to learn.

Learn to forgive yourself and others
so the numbness will leave; the world
really isn't that cold...just turn on
the heater!

All said and done: good job, kid.
You did well, hold your head high.
Let people know when someone is mistreating you. Don't expect them to figure it our for themselves based on observance, because they will not.
"It's alright. You can really trust people, just give them some moral credit. And you still have chances to be better, in every moment you have left in your life."
The coming days will nearly destroy you. But you will survive, living on through me. You'll find joy in life and it will bring light to my dark. You'll reach out for love to warm my heart. And when this world burns around us, I'll hold you close, protecting you from its flames. You will survive. I will see you through. The hollow shell that will embrace you always.
up up down down left right left right b a start
Eat less.
See more.
Go out more.

You're not, as you had expected, worthless. But neither are you, as you had expected, extraordinary.

You -can- be extraordinary, though.

Don't stop the courses.

Learn to draw earlier.
Get out of your head and into the rest of the world. Do your homework, it doesn't matter if it is boring. Do it, and don't lose it either.

Also, for fucks sake, don't stop drawing/arting after high school. Whyyyy? If you keep it up now it won't be such a pain to get back into later on. And you will not regret this.