What US state are you?

You Are Massachusetts

You are smart, serious, and quite traditional. You don't have a lot of time for junk in your life.
It's likely that you're well educated and hard working. You live a very goal oriented life.

You are probably socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. You would never be described as wild.
But you're more diverse than people give you credit for. You're equally comfortable at a business meeting and at a rowdy sports game!
You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.

In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.

You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!

You Are California
You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.
In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.
You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!
You Are Massachusetts

You are smart, serious, and quite traditional. You don't have a lot of time for junk in your life.
It's likely that you're well educated and hard working. You live a very goal oriented life.

You are probably socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. You would never be described as wild.
But you're more diverse than people give you credit for. You're equally comfortable at a business meeting and at a rowdy sports game!

Hm. I guess that's why I vote Republican.
You Are Massachusetts


You are smart, serious, and quite traditional. You don't have a lot of time for junk in your life.
It's likely that you're well educated and hard working. You live a very goal oriented life.

You are probably socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. You would never be described as wild.
But you're more diverse than people give you credit for. You're equally comfortable at a business meeting and at a rowdy sports game!

You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.
In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.
You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!
California, not exactly an easy fit with southern Ontario. I think British Columbia would be the Canadian counterpart.
You Are Massachusetts

You are smart, serious, and quite traditional. You don't have a lot of time for junk in your life.
It's likely that you're well educated and hard working. You live a very goal oriented life.

You are probably socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. You would never be described as wild.
But you're more diverse than people give you credit for. You're equally comfortable at a business meeting and at a rowdy sports game!
You Are Texas
You are fiercely independent and proud of your individuality. You don't fit under any label.
You never forget where you came from. Your history and traditions are very important to you.

You do things your own way, and you are like your own separate country at times. You are very distinct.
You are polite when the occasion calls for it, but you also know how to stand up for yourself.
You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.
In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.
You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!
You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.
In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.
You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances matter!

Aww, dang it. Why I gotta be lumped in with all those hippies? As long as I'm not 'Bama.