What type were you? | INFJ Forum

What type were you?


Community Member
Sep 19, 2010
When you were young, what do you estimate your type was?

I took a short one and answered off my memories (severe amount of guessing here) and got that I used to be an ENFJ. The E makes sense, as up until 6th-7th grade I was much more outgoing and loud.

How 'bout you? :D
I got INTJ often. I wasn't sure whether I was INFJ or INTJ for a long time until I actually learned about MBTI. Of course, it didn't matter because the system meant nothing to me before I took the time to understand it.
I'd say as a child I was very INFJ. I remember clearly scoring as introvert in HS but I can't remember the rest. I'm sure it was probably INFJ or INFP. Cuz I'm such an NF it's not even funny. As a college student I convinced myself I was an ENFP, I really wanted to be, but I was trying too hard. I saw it like, extroverts are socially accepted and perceivers are laid back and flexible. I wanted to be both things.
But, now not so much. I like how I am. But I think I've always been INFJ. And that's fine by me. :)
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Probably ENTP.

NO seriously. IXXX.
I think it goes like, ESFP>>ISFP>>INFP>> now (INFJ)
I have been pretty consitent over my life span thus far. I would have to say that while I was INFJ earlier in life, I simply built on this basic construct.
I was much more introverted as a child. I was extremely shy and nervous, but otherwise that's probably the only thing that has really changed.
I know that I was very much an Ni user when I was a kid.
Overall, I was probably an INTJ.
I fit with this list of traits as a child..
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Well in my younger years, I was much more Introverted (more than I am now)..apart from that, I have kept fluctuating between INFJ and INFP.
Yep, every one of these is how I was as a kid.

Some Characteristics of the INFJ Child-Some Behaviors to Look For

INFJ children are intensely thoughtful, private young ones
Cuddly, happy, cheerful babies…at home; away from home they can be quiet/serious
INFJ children spend much of their time (all their lives!) inside their heads…very rich fantasy, imagination ability
the INFJ child can be extremely tuned in to the emotional reality of their family….don’t argue/fight in front of them
Most INFJ kids are naturally polite, obedient, gentle, patient, considerate kids
INFJ children are so into their heads they may lag behind mastering some outside physical, sports related activity…they will get it however if interested…just don’t rush them
INFJ children are naturally tuned into music, fantasy, literature and like to sit and engage in these things early on
In school INFJ children usually exhibit a love of learning, reading, stories, myths, fairy tales and are very creative
the INFJ child will easily excel in writing, music, painting, other fine artsy expressions
the INFJ can be very stubborn when their mind is made up
the INFJ may hang back from group activities of all kinds unless they know a few of the participants well…don’t push your INFJ into new group things too quickly
the INFJ will need to spend a lot of time alone…you guessed it….in their heads
the INFJ will show a marked tendency toward perfectionism
as they become adolescent their will exhibit more future concerns, future thinking
the INFJ penchant for future and perfectionist thinking can trouble them greatly as they consider operating in the outside world
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I don't know what I was. Apparently I showed a lot of hallmarks of ExFP and a lot in INFJ child traits. But perhaps I was overly sensory like the ESFP child due to the Asperger's.
Based on that description, I'd say I was at least very close to being INFJ, but certain members of my family tried to force me to be normal and other members of my family just emotionally neglected me. The ones who tried to make me be more normal never wanted to accept that I was off in my own fantasy world for most of the time and would criticize me for being too weird.

I remember asking my mom if I was an alien put on Earth, and I got upset when she told me that I wasn't. That was simply because I was so different from my family that I wanted to be an alien. I'd say that because of the way my family tried to make me more like them is part of what forced me to be ENFP, just to try to survive. I was never able to break free of the NF, which is what I think they were really trying to do, so I ended up turning to my friends to the point where I needed their support just to get through the day, and I'm not sure what happened with the shift from J to P.
I was probably an INxJ as a child. I was polite and kind, but I can't remember ever being "bubbly." I was quiet and introverted, but I always remember evaluating people and my surroundings. I was always scared of what was coming rather than what was going on, but all in all I was definitely INxx something, and a little more J than P.
I was probably INFJ as a child also. Really kind of quiet, didn't like to be directly involved in social situations. I much preferred to be on the outside looking in. I also got "feelings" about things that would make me wary. I had a very keen sense of danger. A specific occasion I can remember from when I was kindergarten aged...some of the neighbor kids were getting ready to monkey bar across the garage rafters at my friend Kaylas. They all called me a chicken because I refused to participate. They pushed and pushed to try to get me to do it with them. I felt so strongly that something was not right or safe about that idea and I felt a kind of sickness in the pit of my stomach knowing something awful was going to happen, and I wasn't about to be a part of that. About 5 minutes after they started to cross the rafters, Kayla fell and broke her arm on the cement floor. I learned pretty quickly early on to trust my instincts.

I could be very critical at times and my mother told me if someone was doing something I didn't "get" (most of the time it was her, to be honest) it showed on my face, which she laughed at, because apparently the faces I made were pretty hilarious. I still do that actually...and she still laughs about it... I can't help it though! I can't help but think sometimes "are you even thinking about what you are doing?! or are you just doing and not thinking??" when that goes through my head, that's usually when the face comes out. D:

But in school I COULD be very talkative if I was surrounded by people with the right kind of energy for me to feed off of. People interested me (still do very much) and I really liked to make people smile, that made me feel good. But it sometimes took me a while to build up the courage to go there. Once I did though, I would be all over that, and I would usually ignore the fact that my teachers didn't want us talking in class or being goofy and distracting people. Oops. Despite that I didn't really make friends easily, because I did not let people really get to know me and didn't seek to build relationships outside of class with anyone really. And at recess I much preferred to just play by myself then to interact with anyone. Which of course made me a target for bullies. -_- I had one best friend through junior high and high school, (well, two actually, but Kelsey moved away just before 8th grade, which just left Kim...she's still my best friend).

By the time I got to high school that bubbly part of me was kind of ruined, I had learned how mean people could be. My feelings were hurt very easily and because of that I stopped trusting people and became wary of everyone. I viewed showing my hurt emotions to be a weakness, I thought that I should be better than that. Better than to let those insignificant people know they had such an effect on my moods...so I bottled. And I just ignored pretty much everyone. :\ When I did talk to people, I was usually being a smart ass or sarcastic in some way because most of the people I encountered were clearly not capable of holding what I would consider an interesting conversation.

I still have problems letting even my close friends know exactly what is on my mind sometimes because I don't trust that they won't react to it weirdly. I am afraid they'll raise an eyebrow or give me some other reason to believe that they think I am crazy for thinking whatever it is I am thinking. I'd rather just keep it to myself then to risk having other people invalidate my thoughts and ideas about things. It hurts too much.

I am still very much like this today, looking back, I don't really see that I've changed all that much.
I have always been an INFJ upon reflection of the days of my childhood. However, to any one who knew me they would have thought I was an ENFP in about 10 miliseconds, no question.