What internet slang are you?


You Are WTF?

As far as you're concerned, the internet is getting weirder and weirder.
And you're the type of person who can never look away, no matter how bizarre or gross something is.

No doubt about it, there are some pretty deeply disturbing people out there. And they are totally shameless!
You can't help but say, "What the f*?" There really is no other appropriate reaction.
You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.

You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.
You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.

Wooo go Raccoon!!!
You Are WTF?:m077:

As far as you're concerned, the internet is getting weirder and weirder.
And you're the type of person who can never look away, no matter how bizarre or gross something is.

No doubt about it, there are some pretty deeply disturbing people out there. And they are totally shameless!
You can't help but say, "What the f*?" There really is no other appropriate reaction.
You Are FAQ


For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.

i do like learning but i wouldn't call myself a know it all...
You Are WTF?

As far as you're concerned, the internet is getting weirder and weirder.
And you're the type of person who can never look away, no matter how bizarre or gross something is.

No doubt about it, there are some pretty deeply disturbing people out there. And they are totally shameless!
You can't help but say, "What the f*?" There really is no other appropriate reaction.
You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.
You Are OMG

You're the type of person who's always shocked by the internet.
Whether it's crazy news or a wild picture, you're always saying "Oh my god"!

The only thing better than being shocked is shocking your friends. You're quite good at that too.
And while you still allow yourself to be shocked, you secretly love it. You enjoy drama and gossip.
You Are FAIL
You love the internet, but it sometimes gets on your nerves.
How can so much of humanity be so stupid? Wait, you don't even want to know.

While there are some good aspects to being online, you can't help but notice there's so much fail.
You liked the internet so much more in the good old days... before all the idiots found out about it!

*snicker* This is dead on.

You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.

You're the type of person who's always shocked by the internet.
Whether it's crazy news or a wild picture, you're always saying "Oh my god"!

The only thing better than being shocked is shocking your friends. You're quite good at that too.
And while you still allow yourself to be shocked, you secretly love it. You enjoy drama and gossip.

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically like a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.

You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.
You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.