What If There Were No Apocalypse?


Community Member
Many of us were raised with the belief that the world will end in a great cataclysm. Some believe we will live to see it. Have you ever imagined yourself witnessing the end of the world? What would you see? If you knew there would be no apocalypse, what would you think - nonplussed, relief, or rip-off?
ripped off. I want to lead an army of angels against the forces of humanity, heaven and hell come catnarok
I expect it not to happen.
Now that George Bush is gone.
I really want to be alive during the apocalypse. I'd hate to go without one.
If I lived to see it, part of me would be saying, "Awesome!" Another part would be saying, "But now I'll never get a chance to..."

If I somehow found out that there would be no apocalypse, I would probably have no dominant feeling about it; there are pros and cons, I guess.
I'd be pissed, all those stolen nuclear warheads I've been stockpiling and my custom bombshelter, would all go to waste.
I'd be pissed, all those stolen nuclear warheads I've been stockpiling and my custom bombshelter, would all go to waste.

When I finish my plan for world domination may I "borrow" some of those warheads?
My only concern: If there is an apocalypse, will I be able to get tickets?

You won't need tickets but you will get a front row seat.
When I finish my plan for world domination may I "borrow" some of those warheads?
You have no idea what I went through to get those.
But weren't you planning to use those to kick off the apocalypse anyway?
Yes! Which is why I'd be pissed, if the apocalypse never came it means something happened to the warheads, hence me being pissed!
Apocawhat? *peers out from bubble*
^That, Lurker, is about the cutest thing I've seen all day *hug*

Hehe, now if only I could get my staff to see the cuteness in my obliviousness bubble when they’ve been trying to talk to me for a few minutes and I haven't heard a word they've said :D
It's coming! Obama is president elect D:

Alright kidding, I think I wouldn't feel a thing.
Maybe it's not APOCalypse, but it's certainly Metalocalypse...

I find it so facenting that I am not the olny one who seceretly wants an apycolpys to happen. Besides the fact that this world needs one (and will get one, just... not that badly), part of me craves adventure, and I think this would be a great one.