What are your turn offs?

oh, lack of passion... there has to be a passion and a deep bonding for me to be turned on... or lust...
Extreme drunkardness. Never pretty, that's sleeping on the couch material for me!

I'd also prefer my man to be hygenic. Sweaty 'manly' smell also never pretty!

I guess anyone who can't take care of themselves and some pride in their appearance is never going to turn me on.
Taking from my experiences . . .

"Hey, baby, come sit on my lap". I believe I zapped him with some kinda sexist remark that left him stinging (something I don't often do unless I'm PO'd)
Anything inferring that I'm a "good old quiet traditional girl" (even if it is true, it's a little condescending!)
Asking my friends if I would be interested in dating them . . . (a real man wouldn't act like we're still in high school)
Asking me out to a game by pretending someone dropped out at the last minute when we've just met . . . and emphasizing that it "isn't a date" when it would just be the two of us . . .
Calling me at two in the morning, especially on an exam day
Insisting on being the driver
Bad manners, socially inept, arrogant, cruel, narrow-minded, freely grabs ass,
NO JOB (I have no desire to be a sugar mama)

There are MANY more. Mostly, insensitivity towards myself and others.
Lurker ... I don't like the smell of a man who hasn't showered, but I love the smell/look of him when he's been working on his truck and comes in sweaty and greasy and looking full of himself becuase he was able to get the darned thing running ....

umm-ummm! I need a moment alone now ...

anyway, we were talking about turn offs, Jeez CN stay on topic here ... concentrate!

bad breath
tight jeans
facial hair
t-shirts with the sleeves cut off
pot heads
bad body odor
bad kisser

Oh and here are my biggest turn offs, mostly becuase at this point I am ready to go, or well into it and the idiot just had to go and mess it up ...

ripped underwear ... are you serious? I don't care how clean it is, if you can't be bothered to wear decent underwear, there is NO WAY you get to see my Fredericks/Victorias and that's that.

talking while making love ... wtf? Don't get me wrong, a word or two here or there is acceptable, but really the time for talking is over! Don't ask me who's my daddy, you may not want to hear the answer, and oh yeah, if it wasn't good for me, I would be dressed and on my way home ... so just shut the hell up and DO what you are supposed to be doing!

Thankyou Cokenut that made me laugh... Who's ya daddy! :mrgreen:
Preachiness, misogyny, excessively bad table manners, and willful ignorance.
In my perspective - stupidity, bad listening skills, or denial. Most everything else is forgivable.
heehee cokenut

I agree with the turn-off's above.
And yeah - talking during sex?? Please don't! I'm busy fantasizing about Johnny Depp and another voice just ruins it :oops:
not showing me respect
wilfully ignorant
unable to express an immature side
doesn't like singing or hearing sung disney themesongs
not like nom nom noms

"Who's your daddy? huh? huh? huh? Tha's right koopa you bitch, I'm yo daddy, isn' I! Oh I so totally is"
"Take that! Yeah you better take it, take it all you damn bitch Bowser! How you like the Mushroom Prince now? Oh Tha's right! I Pwn j00r arse on the track biyatch, now I pwn you in bed. Yeah, You like gettin freaky like this don'cha? You one freaky girl Bowsa, and I'm Your PRINCE, oh yeah say it, say it! Who's your prince? Mushy is."

Yeah... uhmmm, I like to talk dirty in bed...
consistently displayed lack of intelligence
inabilty to display a silly or immature side
gross intolerance
lack of desire for education and/or self improvement
Loud and stinky . . . (it sucks when you meet a great guy who has no sense of hygeine whatsoever . . .)
Meanness (how some people practically get off on being nasty to others is beyond me)
Promiscuity (how many inkwells have you dipped your nib in? Don't answer that...)
Drunkenness (no offense, but why? I need to have a reason to sell my dignity so cheaply...)
Lying!!!!! :evil:
These are just for starters off the top of my head...probably the biggest offenses in my book.
gokartride said:
Negativity is a turn off.....so is arrogance. No shockers there.
What about a person who is positive, idealistic and arrogant?
ensign_m said:
Meanness (how some people practically get off on being nasty to others is beyond me)
Promiscuity (how many inkwells have you dipped your nib in? Don't answer that...)
Drunkenness (no offense, but why? I need to have a reason to sell my dignity so cheaply...)
Lying!!!!! :evil:
These are just for starters off the top of my head...probably the biggest offenses in my book.
Meanness isn't really a turnoff for me, but it's something that causes me to lose respect for a person, which in turn means I'll not sleep with them.
Promiscuity is certainly a turn off for me, as I mentioned earlier.
I like drunkenness, it causes people to lose their inhibitions and act as they'd truly like to. It's the easiest way to find out what a person is REALLY like. There are some funny and cute drunks out there, and there are people who just get sleepy and go to bed. I like these drunks a hell of a lot better than I like violent or pathetically outspoken or slutty drunks.
Lying can be amusing, or done to protect a persons secrets without showing that they have secrets. Gossiping and backstabbing are far worse, I believe.
gokartride said:
ShaiGar said:
What about a person who is positive, idealistic and arrogant?
Arrogance = deal breaker. Reminds me of intellectual discrimination!! :D

The line between Self Confident and Arrogant is very thin. Perhaps you could specify what you mean by "arrogant"?