We're Not Psychic, We're Meteorologist


The Romantic Scientist
We're Not Psychic, We're Meteorologist (Ni Ramblings)

Ok, I wanted to write this thread before going to class and forgetting to write about it later but I need some input about (Ni) because I've made these observations of why I think people would suppose that an INFJ or a person with Ni dominant may come off as psychic.

One of the reasons that I've noticed I do alot is predict outcomes. My mind is always predicting what will happen. In a situation that requires how things might come to pass I start to write a list of possible outcomes, sometimes I generate about 12 guesses about the same scenerio. For example this morning I asked my roomate if he had checked the mail and he said "I did, but nothig for you" in a mean way. He knew I was expecting something important so my mind immediately started doing this:

  • He said that because he's still mad at me for getting a beer.
  • He doesn't want me to be happy today because his girlfriend dumped him
  • He knows that giving me the documents would mean that he did a favor to me and he doesn't want me to thank him for it.
and the list goes on and on.

It turns out that he didn't give me the mail because he was pissed at the fact that his girlfriend dumped him and he didn't want anyone to be happy either.

You see! I was right!

Was I psychic? No, but I knew it had to be one of those options.

What else do you know about this function? I know there are lots and lots of things to do research about but I thought this might help to clarify me about somethings. I may be wrong, maybe this is not Ni and that's why I want someone elses input in the matter.
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Is it just me, or does Ni always assume the negative?
It does. And it's usually right, sadly enough.

Not true. Ni makes it hell for us when we don't have definite answers. But it doesn't mean that everything will turn out bad. It's that process of thinking that gets us in bad situations in the first place, not what is actually happening.
Not true. Ni makes it hell for us when we don't have definite answers. But it doesn't mean that everything will turn out bad. It's that process of thinking that gets us in bad situations in the first place, not what is actually happening.

I'd probably agree with you tomorrow. I don't like Ni very much right now.

But I think you have an interesting point there Last Dawn. It's probably because we can imagine all these possible meanings and scenario's that we're more likely to say "Hey, I knew it!" because you considered almost all of the possibilities in advance. Makes sense to me.
Ni can seem like it is psychic quite often simply because it fills holes out of nowhere. In addition, because I believe in psychic abillities and other metaphysical phenomona, I believe that it is common for primary Ni users to be psychic to a certain degree, which I believe is the case for you.

This also made me laugh because I have moments very much like the one that you described all the time! haha :)
We're Not Psychic, We're Meteorologist (Ni ramblings)

Is it just me, or does Ni always assume the negative?

In my case it's not that I assume the negative, but I want to be prepared for those situations. For example, last week I was expecting a payment from somebody and for some strange reason I had a hunch that he was not going to pay me( There has been no reasons in the past for me to have mistrust him) but I couldn't do anything to prove that this was going to happen. So in my mind I made two scenerious: 1.) He's going to pay me. If that's the case I already know what I had to do with that money(bills, trip and other neccesities.2.) He's not going to pay me. If this happens I need to be prepared for it, so first thing I would do is to limit my spending so I have enough for the weekend until I can get a hold of him on monday. I need to tell my friends that I can't go to the trip because I don't have money to do so and also I need to call my creditors and tell them I'll be a little late paying them.

Luckily for me he did pay me, so I didn't have to worry about the latter.Basically this function(Ni) makes me very suspicious of everyone,which I think is one of the main drawbacks of using it alot.
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Continuing on my research about the Ni(Introverted Intuition)function I've learned that this is a very slow information processing function. Unlike Ne that constantly and quite rapidly process information from the external world into their psyche, Ni takes a while to adapt to the new information that is being presented, for this reason some Ni dominant individuals suffer from mental exhaustion when being taught material that requires extensive analyzing observation. I think this is why I hate any kind of science where the teacher is explaining detail to detail about some of the subjects presented in lecture. I feel like my head is getting ready to explode by all the information that they're giving to me. However, once I relax, and get into the material at a more comfortable pace I can understand the information more clearly.

To Be Continued...
Ni + Gambling = $$$

Continuing on my research about the Ni(Introverted Intuition)function I've learned that this is a very slow information processing function. Unlike Ne that constantly and quite rapidly process information from the external world into their psyche, Ni takes a while to adapt to the new information that is being presented, for this reason some Ni dominant individuals suffer from mental exhaustion when being taught material that requires extensive analyzing observation. I think this is why I hate any kind of science where the teacher is explaining detail to detail about some of the subjects presented in lecture. I feel like my head is getting ready to explode by all the information that they're giving to me. However, once I relax, and get into the material at a more comfortable pace I can understand the information more clearly.

To Be Continued...

Not me! I love it when (math / science) classes move quickly. I can look at the lesson on the board before the teacher even speaks and know what we're going to do and how we're going to do it. I usually don't listen to the teacher at all, and spend my class time programming my calculator to do the math for me. That has a double benefit - I really have to understand it in order to program it, and I can finish my quizzes lightning fast.

But yeah, my Ni comes through often when I'm programming. I often come up with new and bizarre ways of solving problems with maximum efficiency. I actually discovered the power rule of calculus when trying to program the difference quotient. :m159:
Ni + Gambling = $$$


You would think so, but Ni doesn't really apply to gambling. It doesn't reliably work. Also, most Ni dominate people would find gambling too risky to begin with and wouldn't try it. Honestly, I would attribute gambling to Ne, and mabye Se.
You would think so, but Ni doesn't really apply to gambling. It doesn't reliably work. Also, most Ni dominate people would find gambling too risky to begin with and wouldn't try it. Honestly, I would attribute gambling to Ne, and mabye Se.

Gambling requires:

Quickly calculating odds
Concentration on the game
Analyzing conditionals (if he does this, then he most likely has this)

Seems Ti to me. :p
I'm not sure, but I've always thought that "psychic" quality is too easily used to describe intuition. The belief is that if you can sense things without proof or evidence, then that makes you psychic. But there is a flaw in this reasoning. Your body and mind can unconsciously select and process large amounts of data without your awareness, so when we "know" things, it may be because we are picking up on information detected by the body, intuition, sensitivity, intelligence, ability, etc. within an environment over a period of time. So, it's not good to label heightened intuition "psychic."
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Is it just me, or does Ni always assume the negative?

This is precisely why I did not make my Odyssey of the Mind team.

"You ended on a negative note..."


I predict everything, as well.
See when I analyse people I usually stick to one option and assume I am right.

i ACTUALLY AM pretty good at reading people though.

You don't suppose that that is the difference between INFJs and the rest of the population when it comes to things like this?

Like they are able to see the same action from many directions.
Ni makes it hell for us when we don't have definite answers. But it doesn't mean that everything will turn out bad. It's that process of thinking that gets us in bad situations in the first place, not what is actually happening.

I found this information quite useful towards understanding more about Ni:

"In terms of introverted dominant functions, the flip side of pair 1 (dominant introverted sensing) is pair 6, the introverted INFJ and INTJ, which share hidden introverted intuition (yellow) as a dominant function and may be the most frequently misunderstood of all the personality types: a kind of mastermind odd-man-out. These people do rely on 'inner certainties' reached through a process of inner intuition. People with this dominant preference process concepts globally and intuitively, but internally (unlike the extraverted pair 7, developing an inner certainty they may not be able to explain, so there can be an unfathomable quality that puzzles those for whom intuition is a lesser function (particularly if it is the fourth, inferior, function). Thus the preferences of pair 1 (ISTJ and ISFJ) and pair 3 (ESTP and ESFP) for facts and concrete detail can lead those types to be suspicious of the introverted intuitor's certainty and goals for the future, because that certainty is reached in a puzzling, unorthodox, intuitive way (where pair 3 have their inferior function).

The person with INFJ or INTJ preferences can become very sure of the rightness of their inner realisations: the introverted intuition gives a clear, planful certainty about the future, unclouded by detail, and being decisive Js, once decided they will stick to their plans. In John Beebe's Jungian archetypal terms, dominant introverted iNtuition is on a Hero's journey: a person with this preference is quite sure how things should be, and how to make them that way, with a sense of 'knowing' that gives priority to this journey over everything else (it is often said that that they 'know what they know'). This makes them system-builders and constructors of future reality. In a high-ability person in a position of authority, with reliable people on tap to whom detail can be delegated, this can have momentous impact -- although the degree of inner certainty bears no necessary relation to the quality of the revelation; Hannibal (of the Alps) is cast as INTJ, but so is Hannibal Lecter. The same kind of introverted intuition contrived the elephant scenario and the Clarice manipulation. The skill in both cases, positive or scary, is calculated 'knowing how to get there' -- just knowing. The burden of the introverted intuitor is making others see what one cannot easily explain in their concrete terms: the vision has to be translated into a foreign language ('Do you speak concrete?'). The introverted intuitor focuses on the plan, all the time drawing energy and ideas from elsewhere to move towards the larger goal, checking reality against the inner ideal to judge progress and make constant adjustments and improvements in order to reach the planned destination. This makes them quite happy to be flexible and to delegate.

However, the fourth function is the tricky area as usual, and in this case the devil is truly in the detail: the fourth function is inferior extraverted sensing (small green dot). Whereas in pair 3, where it is a dominant function, extraverted sensing makes detail king, showing up in good taste in the material world, enjoyment of material things, and appreciation of fine points, as a fourth, inferior function that can behave emotionally or in an unformed, childish way, in pair 6 it can cause trouble in those same areas. Thus people with these preferences may not 'get' the social rituals and material display that are enjoyed by dominant extraverted sensing types, instead having to 'work at' things in these areas to get by socially; taste and style are perhaps not noticeably developed. Where in pair 7 (ENFP and ENTP) inferior introverted sensing can lead to a childish refusal to plan financially or obey orders, inferior extraverted sensing in pair 6 (INFJ and INTJ) can manifest in a childish sense of entitlement to recognition or reward, even if their performance does not justify it. As the fourth, inferior function, if allowed to be in charge (for example, under stress), it can behave badly over anything that appears to be thwarting personal goals the person feels entitled to achieve.

The feeling function (not discussed in detail in this explanation) also comes into play. In pair 6, the INFJ has extraverted feeling as an auxiliary strength -- making this person warm, supportive and caring. In the INTJ the feeling function is introverted, and is also the third function, not an auxiliary function. So emotions are not felt as expertly; they are internal and remain unexpressed externally, so the person may seem outwardly calm or cold when actually feeling anger, or sadness, for example. By way of contrast, in this third position, in the opposite type (the ENTP), the feeling function is no more expert, but it is extraverted. Thus the opposite problem arises: the emotions may be too open and easily read by the outside world, and may be hard to control under pressure -- as may occur in an ENTP who is very tired and becomes tearful 'inappropriately' (and infuriatingly, for them, as they try to control it; this is quite different from someone who can intentionally 'turn on the waterworks' to get what they want).

In pair 6 the 'rightness' of the plan developed by the positive dominant function, introverted intuition, is fixed by the certainty of the J (the deciding, judging function), so while the introverted intuitive person sees everything in service of their larger goals, their inferior extraverted sensing can fail to see the importance to others of consistency of detail, or even the depth underpinning the detail; bowerbird-like, they may just capture conveniently blue bits and pieces to decorate their bowers. As long as the changes and additions are judged to be improvements and the structure of the bower remains undisturbed, it truly does not matter where the supporting detail comes from; once incorporated, what went before, including sources, may be forgotten. This is a long-range vision. Thus, particularly when stressed, or forced to operate out of their inferior sensing function, people with this personality configuration may constantly 'change the story' or appear erratic because they have literally not noticed discrepancy in the details, or have not attended to what others (particularly the dominant extraverted sensing people of pair 1) see as truths and responsibility, as they are so firmly fixed on serving larger plans. This fixity of plan is what enables them to persist, and get things done, but its details may remain hidden from others, or just not be explainable in concrete terms. This weeding out of the irrelevant in the absence of a deep sense of social responsibility (inferior S), may lead the INTJ to claim credit for more than they have in fact achieved (perhaps because they know what they want to achieve, and it's as good as done, or because in order to get it done thay have to makes claims). Or they may appear rude when they fail to deal with 'unimportant' matters (unimportant to them), such as returning phonecalls -- so fixed are they on the things that are relevant to the planned future. In the INFJ the interpersonal strength of the F preference moderates this effect of the inferior S, so the INFJ will put themselves out for others (but for F reasons, not S reasons)."

This makes perfect sense to me. Ni's know exactly how things should be(at least to them)but they usually don't know how to explain them in concrete terms. I'm terrible at describing the details of my future of how such future should look like but I just know that that it's how it supposed to be. I may change the details in order for my statements to make sense but at the same time it's usually what I mean to say all along.
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I think the seemingly psychic phenomona in INFJs also has a lot to do with our feeling function as well. I do the same thing in terms of predicting outcomes but I'd say all those outcomes are heavily based on the feelings of those involved. By knowing how someone feels I'm then able to predict the outcome of how they'll react and how other's will react to them and then generate my thoughts on what I think will happen accordingly. A lot of people tend to disreguard the importance of the relation between a person's feelings and their actions or just don't pay attention to it, whereas an INFJ tends to live in a world where all those things are relevant and so they usually have practice in knowing the patterns between feeling, thought and action.