Under Stress


On Holiday
Someone just said to me that under stress you become your opposite.

What do you think of this statement.
Someone just said to me that under stress you become your opposite.

What do you think of this statement.

I agree. but it really takes a lot of stress before that happens for me. but when that happens, stay outta my way or your in trouble
One of the theories of the MBTI is that under extreme stress people become their opposite type.

For example, when faced with a problem a person will try to tackle it in their preferred way by using their primary and auxiliary functions (which in an INFJ would obviously be Ni and Fe).

If that doesn't work then, if the person become stressed enough, they will try to use their tertiary and their inferior/shadow functions instead (in INFJs: Ti and Se). So they will approach the problem (and therefore appear to be) like their opposite type (in this example: an ESTP).

Unfortunately, because most people haven't really developed the proper use of their other functions and because in this situation they are under such stress, they tend to behave like a very negative version of their opposite.

I have to admit, this has definitely been true for me in the past.
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I'm not sure it's that cut and dried though. I feel that as stress increases, your functions change BUT it depends on the stress.

For instance, if it's a fight with my SO, I can't even remember what's said afterward, only feelings (I always lose fights) UNLESS I'm angry - then I seem to become a lawyer with insane debate capabilities.
I'm not sure it's that cut and dried though. I feel that as stress increases, your functions change BUT it depends on the stress.

For instance, if it's a fight with my SO, I can't even remember what's said afterward, only feelings (I always lose fights) UNLESS I'm angry - then I seem to become a lawyer with insane debate capabilities.[/QUOTE]

I get brain freeze. My brain stops working. It stinks and is not useful at all.
I'm not sure it's that cut and dried though. I feel that as stress increases, your functions change BUT it depends on the stress.

For instance, if it's a fight with my SO, I can't even remember what's said afterward, only feelings (I always lose fights) UNLESS I'm angry - then I seem to become a lawyer with insane debate capabilities.[/QUOTE]

I get brain freeze. My brain stops working. It stinks and is not useful at all.
Pretty much me, as I said - unless someone actually manages to get me angry. Somehow that makes it different.
Why do you think anger makes a difference. Does the adreniline jump start everything?
Do you teach classes on this? I would sign up!
One of the theories of the MBTI is that under extreme stress people become their opposite type.

For example, when faced with a problem a person will try to tackle it in their preferred way by using their primary and auxiliary functions (which in an INFJ would obviously be Ni and Fe).

If that doesn't work then, if the person become stressed enough, they will try to use their tertiary and their inferior/shadow functions instead (in INFJs: Ti and Se). So they will approach the problem (and therefore appear to be) like their opposite type (in this example: an ESTP).

Unfortunately, because most people haven't really developed the proper use of their other functions and because in this situation they are under such stress, they tend to behave like a very negative version of their opposite.

^ This.

You wouldn't like to meet me on a really bad day.
Yeah, i do i think. I pretty much dissociate myself from feeling and go strictly thinking/logical, not caring much for the why or wherefores. I'm not very empathetic or understanding. It's pure ego.
Like Solar Empath said, different stresses and situations cause different reactions for me.

I have become cold and analytical, like Restraint said, I have become completely antisocial, I have fought to hold back tears in intense confrontation (usually in large social settings), I have surrendered to life and simply asked for the comfort of those I love. I have never snapped, however, I have played passive aggressive games with people that last much longer, which I believe is quite unhealthy.

As I get older, I find surrender easier. Sometimes it is easier for me to simply give up for the moment, put my head on someone's shoulder, and ask for help. I pray to god for strength.

I find healthy ways of venting my aggression (witty humor, passionate talks, exercise) help to keep me from building it up.

I really don't feel like I become my opposite under stress. Unless you count fantasies of fighting in an MMA tournament my opposite, but that isn't induced by stress. :P
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I have found this to be absolutely true for me. I go opposite, but it rarely happens, the stress has to be tremendous. However, I feel I can use Ti and Se decently, even when not stressed. The problem I see is that when you get to the point of using your opposite functions, you are so stressed that things are going to come out negatively no matter what functions you are using.
Someone just said to me that under stress you become your opposite.

What do you think of this statement.

I have certainly found this to be true. Under great stress for a prolonged period, I tested ESTJ for the longest time, and so thought I was.

Under more "normalized" or peaceful conditions where I am feeling more myself, I am testing as INFJ, INFP etc.
what would a negative ESTP act like though?

Overly sensitive, moody, impulsive, indulgent, lack of responsibility, little regard for other's feelings, focused on task, and sharp, biting wit.

More or less.
Someone just said to me that under stress you become your opposite.

What do you think of this statement.
I find there's quite a lot of truth to it.
I experience it myself.
The sad part is that you become a bad, immature version of your opposite.
It's very unbecoming. :Cry:

The most useful - although heady - book I've found on the subject is by Naomi Quenk called "Was That Really Me?"

But for a quick run-down here's an online source that's pretty useful...
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

INFJs and INTJs alike become victims of their inferior Se (Extraverted Sensing) when they are stressed in some way.

I just spent about 6 months as an ESFP; it was quite unpleasant and uncomfortable!
You would not like to see me when I'm stressed lol, I go insane, don't think anymore and just simply complain, get irritated about anything, really when my shadow comes out..I just don't know what to do.
Honestly, if you catch me on an off day- I'm a huge bitch. Then I start crying. The reason I may start crying is because I know how I'm being, and I feel terrible, but I can't help it. It's really bad.