Type HP

Type HP. The 2018 Edition

  • ISTJ

  • ISFJ

  • INFJ

  • INTJ

  • ISTJ

  • ISFP

  • INFP

  • INTP

  • ESTP

  • ESFP

  • ENFP

  • ENTP

  • ESTJ

  • ESFJ

  • ENFJ

  • ENTJ

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Your girlfriend, The fallon of the forum, a super sketchy member, and a super insecure member are all on that list. The other two are just extremely nice and patient

I will say this, the members that get what I’m saying most of the time are @infinite dreams @Wyote @Lurk @ruji @Sandie33 and @acd.

Make of that what you will.

As a friend I will tell you this: if you start a thread asking people about your type, I think you should stay open to the possibility that some other members get you better than you think. Otherwise you have already settled on your answers and don't really need further input, which would be a pity. Your complex self needs analysis from a lot of different angles. ;)
As a friend I will tell you this: if you start a thread asking people about your type, I think you should stay open to the possibility that some other members get you better than you think. Otherwise you have already settled on your answers and don't really need further input, which would be a pity. Your complex self needs analysis from a lot of different angles. ;)
We were twenty minutes early. lol

Also if I were an INFP my posts would be walls of text instead of a few sentences. I’m blunt and usually get my points across quickly. No time for blah blah blah and I’m extremely career focused and anyone who gets in my way is mowed over and disregarded so @Pin is probably correct. On the other hand I’m very housewifey, love belonging to women’s business organizations and the PTA so @Icedream could also be correct with ESFJ! The possibilities are endless!
Indeed they are!
Obvious questions are, what do mbti tests suggest you are AND which type do you feel you most align with?
My EQ works very well so I cut a certain member whose EQ is disabled / dysfunctional / broken / some slack. I’m not ignoring you, I’m sparing your feelings, which can be explosive.
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Okay so HP asked me to paraphrase my text reply to her last night regarding this thread and my opinions on her MBTI type. I will structure this as a function analysis:

- Ni: HP is exceptionally future-focused. I daresay she is the most future-focused person I've ever met. She has a few clearly defined long term goals, and she consistently gathers information and produces ideas that are congruent with refining and attaining those goals. In a simpler context, she speaks in future tense, like, A LOT. "I'm going to do ___" "I need to ___" "This weekend I'm ___" "Later this year I want to ___" "We should ___." Obviously everyone does this occasionally. With HP, it is a constant, and much more frequent than any mention of past (she hardly ever reminisces, except in context of a past event reflecting on a future goal, and never in great detail). She also sees symbolism in things I would never consider symbolic and is constantly searching for the meaning behind everything.

- Fe: HP is highly aware of the emotions of others, and much prefers discussing others' emotional states vs. her own. When her loved ones are troubled, she is troubled until she's done everything she can to right the situation. She strives to provide a harmonious environment as much as possible. She can be very persuasive, even with people she doesn't know. She consistently seeks impartial outside opinions on emotional matters (I call it "canvassing the neighborhood").

- Ti: HP has a very personal thought process, with little use for rules or hierarchy unless they makes sense to her. She is very independent and needs quiet time when she has things on her mind. She has no aspirations to be anyone's boss, other than her own.

- Se: HP has an interest in artistic media like photography, and is quite skilled in aesthetic arts like makeup and hairstyling. She will occasionally act on impulse and will frequently get distracted when out in the world. Sometimes I'll be talking to her, realize she's not there, and look back to see that she's gotten hopelessly distracted by...something. Idk, a squirrel or whatever.

So there you have it. I don't know much, but I do know @Happy Phantom is an INFJ.

Remember, these are ONLY my opinions based on what I've observed and perceived. Never mind that they also happen to be facts. :wink:
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