True or False [Part 2] | Page 5 | INFJ Forum

True or False [Part 2]

True Rotten to the core, her Indian name is Princess of Darkness...given name is Pookie

The next poster has seen the movie Grease and knows the songs
A mischevious one is she? Mine too.

I have and I do

The next poster's favorite holiday is Halloween
True! Christmas gets a bit meh when you get older but Halloween becomes more fun and naughty...err....nevermind

The next poster hates apple sauce
False, but only when it's made from real apples.

The next poster loves to run naked through the rain. my dreams

The next person has never been to a cheese factory
True No cheese factory

False, no naked rain running....not naked dancing in the rain though

The next poster has failed to spit properly at least once and gotten a noogie on themselves.
True. Older brothers and noogies go together like stuff and other stuff.

The next poster hates clowns. Or at least pities them.
Not really, but SK's "it" bothered me when I was younger.

The next poster loves art; making, viewing, appreciating, - etc.
True, I hope to one day visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art..and a whole bunch of other places

The next poster has seen the northern lights
Nope .. but I really want to see them

The next poster can not find Bulgaria on the map.
False. I love maps and my phone wall paper is a world map. Id like to go to Bulgaria

The next poster wears glasses
Absolutely 100 % true. There is no chance for any falsedome in this Universe regarding this fact.

The nest poster had an Imaginary Friend as a kid.
Nope, but I talked to myself a lot!

The next poster is a keen karaoke singer.
True. I am able to play a little bit of jazz piano, but I still have a lot to learn about improvising the scales and such. It is so, so, so much fun, by the way. :D

The next poster enjoys sitting under a palm tree and sipping on a pina colada and watching the world go by.
Tried it, love it

The next poster questions his MBIT results.

The next poster thinks he/she is INFJ but is actually ENFP if he/she actually took the time to get tested by a professional! :smile:
Nope, false.

The next poster enjoys the grooves of the pure Tech House sound, which I think is most probably false.