

life is good
Over the last several months, I noticed myself growing more and more tired by outside interaction. I was working full-time and it was tiring me out, but I could still handle it. However, I realized today that I'm at a point of being so tired when around others or in the "outside" world for prolonged periods of time that I wonder whether I would have the energy to work full-time anymore, which worries me. Wtf???

A part of me wants to chalk some of this up to introversion, but I don't know if that's purely it. The level to which I experience this seems extreme. The only other thought I have is that I don't think I feel this way, at least as much, when I am doing something I'm completely enthralled by or in some way enjoy doing - and am I off in thinking that this seems like a lot to ask of life? I hope that makes sense, I'm zoned out tonight.

I'm curious if any of you feel the same way?
Yup, I pretty much feel exactly the same way which you described.
Same here. And for me it's not only introversion, it's also prolonged period of time dealing with details. I can deal with details, but working only with them, and neglecting bigger things tires me to no end. And as for the people part, having emotional vampires in my life also drains my energy levels much faster. It's never just introversion, unfortunately.
Hmm. I think your being is pointing you towards doing more of those things that enthrall you. Is that a possibility at the moment, my friend? You may find energy by doing what comes easily, to help you complete what does not.
I feel exactly the same way!!!!

I also work a fultime job with all my social obligations on top of that, it seems like I never get rested, never can relax.

although I like my job, it drains me. And I have some hobbies that give my energy and fullfilment but it always seems like I'm to drained and tired to do them. All I want when I get home from work is to lay on the bench and watch television.

I have no good advise for you ... I have the same problem :D
Whenever I feel abnormally tired, it tends to be due to daily routines that I've grown weary of. I enjoy change and I am a creative person, so my mind is revitalised when doing more dynamic and creative things.

Related to this, I need a high degree of mental stimulation. Without that I can feel my mind switching to a kind of low-energy / reduced activity mode, that can feel much like tiredness, which may be what you are feeling? While that state of mind is adequate for getting through the day, it's not a particularly rewarding state of mind to be in. :)
Related to this, I need a high degree of mental stimulation. Without that I can feel my mind switching to a kind of low-energy / reduced activity mode, that can feel much like tiredness, which may be what you are feeling? While that state of mind is adequate for getting through the day, it's not a particularly rewarding state of mind to be in. :)

that is quiet interesting! I think you are right, that low-energy / reduced activity mode is the reason I am tired. Because this tiredness is not something that goes over with a good night of sleep. Even the more I rest to more tired I get, probably because my activity mode goes down and down.

what do you do then to get out of this reduced activity mode?
I tend to do more creative things.

For example, try making something you need, rather than buying a ready made solution. :)
Disassociation ("a neurosis having the character of an inner wastage with increasing brain-exhaustion -- a psychoasthenia, in fact.") perhaps?

I experience this from time to time, it leaves me very exhausted especially mentally, its very noticeable in a persons eyes.
I'm figuring out that this tiredness of mine is higher when there is something on my mind, something not in place

Like this weekend. Yesterday was a tiresome day but it was also very rewarding and so I felt pretty good in the end. But then in the evening I had a dispute with someone I know on the internet (and have told of before on the forum) and today I walk up tired. I believe that this dispute, my confusion and my indecision on whether I should or should not ban him from my life completely causes this tired feeling. I'm not living my life to the fullest now, I'm only vegetating. When I thought in my head "I'm going to ban him" I felt much better and refreshed already.

this is something to ponder on!
I do go through the same thing. There are days when I get in from work and I don't even want to have conversation with my husband, it's exhausting mentally to even speak my mind sometimes. I feel like I have so many things running through my mind that sometimes he and others can't fathom all of my thoughts and opinions so why bother.

Helpful Elf had a good point and I may have to do more things I enjoy (not sure what lol) to draw more energy from.
It's funny, but when I'm exhausted from interacting with people, if I can force myself to exercise, which is the last thing I'd feel like doing, it actually makes me feel less tired. Maybe even just a long walk after work would suffice. I guess mental fatigue is different from physical fatigue.
I was wondering if you had ever considered that you are depressed?

I find my interest, touch with reality and energy are reduced when I'm depressed. Just a suggestion.