Hello. I am an INTP, and as such, my cognitive orientation to nearly everything about my world is dominated by the Ti perspective, and all that entails. When faced with situations that are, shall we say, better navigated with Fe [even this is difficult for me to say], I experience a tremendous amount of mental tension at their incompatibility, and my mind simply refuses to "play along" with what I perceive to be largely unnecessary steps in interaction and general behavior.
I've asked some ENFJs if they experience similar dissonance when faced with the incompatibility of the dominant with the inferior, but their admissions surprised me: they do not. I began to wonder at the nature of this difference, and think it comes to down to this: Ti, being rather exclusionary, reductive, and deconstructive in terms of taking things apart, cannot sacrifice its principles of truth and its picture of reality, it can't take a backseat. Fe, being rather inclusive, harmonious, and perhaps...synthetic[?] naturally seeks to incorporate and bring together: it is quite figuratively trying to expand its arms as wide as possible to give the biggest group hug it can manage. So I thought the very nature of the two functions, and their contrast, lead to the Ti user who cannot reconcile easily vs. the Fe user who can.
Now, INFJs have these functions less opposed to each other, and are both moreso at the bidding of Ni, so I am curious as to how these opposing judging functions coexist within your minds.
TLDR version:
How do you experience Fe and Ti together? Do you find them mutually exclusive, and is there some dissonance felt in experiencing them, or perhaps since they are not dominant, they operate in conjunction a bit more easily?
Thank you.
I've asked some ENFJs if they experience similar dissonance when faced with the incompatibility of the dominant with the inferior, but their admissions surprised me: they do not. I began to wonder at the nature of this difference, and think it comes to down to this: Ti, being rather exclusionary, reductive, and deconstructive in terms of taking things apart, cannot sacrifice its principles of truth and its picture of reality, it can't take a backseat. Fe, being rather inclusive, harmonious, and perhaps...synthetic[?] naturally seeks to incorporate and bring together: it is quite figuratively trying to expand its arms as wide as possible to give the biggest group hug it can manage. So I thought the very nature of the two functions, and their contrast, lead to the Ti user who cannot reconcile easily vs. the Fe user who can.
Now, INFJs have these functions less opposed to each other, and are both moreso at the bidding of Ni, so I am curious as to how these opposing judging functions coexist within your minds.
TLDR version:
How do you experience Fe and Ti together? Do you find them mutually exclusive, and is there some dissonance felt in experiencing them, or perhaps since they are not dominant, they operate in conjunction a bit more easily?
Thank you.